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So what's the deal with your hair? Is your stylist club-footed?
On the other hand, Eskimos, who are very physically active, consume a very high protein diet (250-400 grams, mostly from fish) and have a calcium intake of over 2,000mg daily. Yet they have the highest rate of osteoperosis in the world! So the high protein content of milk----even skim milk---could well undermine its high calcium content."

I'm missing the connection here. How is milk considered to be "high" in protein? "High" is a little subjective. I would be more swayed by this argument if the research talked about grams of protein consumed per kilogram of bodyweight versus (and controlling for all 6 billion other variables) CalciumXPhosphorous (which is the compound the body finds useful in building bones and shit like that) "leaching".

Further, equating the diet of fish-eating Eskimos to their high incidence of osteoporosis isn't very conclusive. Maybe they have a high incidence of kidney failure leading to secondary hyperparathyroidism which causes excess secretion of parathyroid hormone. This in turn causes calcium to be leached from the bones to restore (falsely decreased) circulating volumes.