The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

it's indeed a great painting. you've got a lot of talent and obviously a lot of patience to paint pieces so large. i saw the big nekkid man painting on your myspace profile :loco:
The larger image of the face reveals a lot of detail that can't really be made out in the smaller-scale pic. I'd like to see the actual physical painting but that isn't likely to happen now is it?

edit: but it is very good just like most of your work that i've seen
From 07 near a gaming tourney in Austin. A homeless man who played banjo (aka the banjobo) agreed to take a picture for $1

So for the past month and a half it's been so cold out my chickens haven't been laying eggs so I stopped even checking for them. I thought it was good they were saving up for the warmer weather. And I don't really "clean" their henhouse in the winter. I just keep putting new hay over the old hay and the shit and stuff ferments and then gives off heat and it's an all natural heater....I know it's gross but it's a good way of doing it.
So anyway I decided to check yesterday since it's been warm out the past week and I found in the box nearest to the door FULL of eggs.....there were half a dozen. No eggs in any of the other boxes but that one, it's like they collectively decided that would be their egg box. What smart ladies. And the box nearest the door so I could easily access them.

So now I have eggs! :blush:

Ima looking at her collection of lovely eggs.
Taking a walk yesterday morning, over looking the town I reside in, trying to light a cigarette in the wind (finally got it lit like 3 minutes later):

Tully and my pictures are always the complete opposite.

It really does look like you guys are in dorms though. =P

Yeah, it does look like a dorm.... but after he said it's not,
I actually realized I didn't see all the small details in the picture...
like the army boots, jackets, type of beds, etc....
(got blinded by the shitty beer... )

BTW: chickens? you live in a farm?