The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

My lucky magazine:


Trying To Swim Without Arms Doesn't Work, acrylic on matte board, approximately 3x5 inches

Painted this at work yesterday..

that's a cool painting. i can't swim even with arms though :(

and just for lolz:
Trying To Wipe One's Arse While Standing Up Without Arms Doesn't Work


yes, she's missing a boob :lol:
hahahaha rad. I love how she's not perplexed at the recent loss of limbs, but rather the confusion brought upon, after the dump was taken, concerning how exactly one is to wipe.




30 minutes from my place. Cool.
Where's the mixer?


Away, as the new full-lenght is finally mixed and sent to Necromorbus for mastering.
If Doomcifer ever becomes a serial killer, he should wear that shirt and leave Hallmark cards on the bodies of the victims.