The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Don't you think that I would know if it's right or wrong better than anyone else here?

Fuck this.

I was just being silly----Why is this so fucking melodramatic now, over me being silly??

Again, fuck this. I can't do anything here without being reamed in the ass.
You might know him better than anyone here, but it doesn't mean that your acts according to him are umm... adequate. It's just my opinion, anyway.

It's being discussed because you brought it up...
I can see a fucking difference between those two colors on the pic. Even with my absolutely terrible monitor. I'm sure, pretty much of you can see it as well. The right one darker and the right one is a bit close to orange.
Not sure if it's that obvious when it's about lipstick though...
Delta-E is a mathematical description of the distance
between two colors. It provides a measurement of both hue
and density changes. To calculate the delta-E of two colors,
their L*a*b* values are required. Delta-E is the distance
between the two points in the L*a*b* color space.
It is important to note that an average viewer will only
notice differences above 5-6 delta-E. Only a trained eye
would notice differences from 3-4 delta-E. The human eye,
however, is much more sensitive to changes in gray levels
and mid-tones; a difference of 0.5 delta-E may then
be noticeable.

Even if the image is wrong, his assertion stands in most cases involving color. I doubt you have trained eyes.

I had to...
This thread hits so close to home that my nose ring is beginning to rust.

And how fucking dare anyone out there make fun of Cara! She loves her aunt, she has a job, she paints! She had two fucking cats, I turned out to be a cheater, a user, a self maladjust! And all you care about is having laughs at her expense! She's a FUCKING HUman!! All you guys want is more more more! Leave her aloneeeeeeeee! Leave CARA aloneeeeeeeeeeee!

Woman see more colors than men.
i dunno man, at my work the corporate lab is all chicks that match the colors and they have some pretty horrendous matches, also adding extra colors that dont need to be in there instead of simplifying as much as possible, not following Pantone suggestions etc. its like they just wanna play in the pretty colors omg so fun!
hahaha, you could make this say anything you want, really. could be good for some humor...
Coincidentally enough neal, that subject is the reason why our relationship hit the wall harder than a Lamb of God fan on red bull. It was a fateful evening one brisk summer. I was on Cara's front porch admiring the horizon, the reflected beams of light adding a twinkle to my periwinkle eyes. I stood there mulling, bare upper torso exposed, with my libido at full tilt. Would the love of my life, whose whisper was the only one my 22 time pierced ear knew, take the big lebowski in her San Angeles rain forest?!?! Was this the picasso painting that I, I, I was meant to pen!?!? Upon the conclusion of her Cara DeAngelis original, I made my move. I began spider crawling my DuPont ladened fingers up her vintage sweater until I came to a bra strap. God knows she wasn't blessed with the ripest plums, but today in the heat of August, her areolas were like two cherries in a shot glass. I passionfully spun around her, lifted up her sock hop skirt and slipped the macaw in the jaws of her pubescent patio of adulation. One thrust, two, a tri-fecta of affection. She was bleating like a ewe in an Appalachian back road, when I made my move. 9 ounces of Sean-essence squirmed through a vanilla vent in to the chocolate gulch waiting above. A sanguine stream of solitary shame spackled the porch-side as her cheeks became symmetrically rosy on both spheres. In and Out animal style, I continued, as dusk draped our lustful inhibitions like a murderous calling to the innocent devotion we once held.

All was lost...