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James Randi has always been really short; if you watch his online videos you can tell that. He's one fucking brilliant man though.
Shay Laren!!!

Anyhow sir, this bloke debunks paranormal activity eh?!? Last week I was watching t.v in the break room and the latch to a locker started jiggling as a chair was kicked to the side. This has happened to pretty much everyone who works in my department. This phenomena being a footnote in a textbook of crazy shit that goes down at my place of employment. The only logical conclusion is that pipes are causing the lockers to stir, but I doubt that hypothesis seeing that the room is made of concrete. One co-worker in particular heard 8 lockers jiggling in unison over the sound a full blast television that was televising a playoff game. I may have a contender for the $1,000,000 challenge. Weirdzzzzzzzzzzz
James Randi doesn't like the term debunk, because he investigates what is claimed to be paranormal or whatever. It's be fucking awesome if someone could prove something paranormal, but as of right now, it's all a bunch of shit.
The best possible way, I think, would be to film it (make sure it's unedited, etc), have skeptics come in and do a full evaluation to rule out any other possibility, and make changes that would rule out the other possibilities to see if they still happen.

"A man with a beard like that can't be half bad" - James Randi

Oh look, Phil Plait in the background!

I like the fact you have this online before I even make it back from the pub, and you left half an hour after me :loco:
Quick story, I don't want to go in to much detail as you may consider me daft.

Four years ago my buddy comes over saying that he believes his car is possessed. This is a friend who has experienced "paranormal" occurrences since he was a wee lad. Well on this particular God forsaken afternoon he's literally scared shitless and refuses to drive his automobile. Hours pass, and we all decide to go grab some grub. Before we depart in my vehicle he asks me to lock up his "haunted" Mitsubishi Eclipse. To ensure that it was indeed locked I uncharacteristically double clutched the handle, all was secured. We grab some Yoshinoya and run in to a transient that gives us some chilling information, "You're riding with the devil." :lol: At this point, I'm finding this quite comical, especially considering that the first car we ended up behind on the road had a license plate that ended with 666. (Sounds like a cheap horror flick aye?) Well we drive back to my plantation and are sent back in our seats by the visualization of his car door being ajar. Did negars capitalize on the car being unattended to get their colorless paws on his unmentionables? Or was this something from another dimension?!?! (Ohhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh booogawooga, a noise came from the bushes*) At this point I was beside myself. I grabbed the door with Odin as my guide and to my disbelief it opened. WTF?!?! My friend nearly pissed himself and begged me to drive his car home. I ended up parking the car two blocks away as he didn't want it in his sight. 2 days pass and his Aunt asks me if I can park it in front of the house. No biggy, sure. I grab the keys, walk to the vehicle, and sit down. "Hmmm this is odd, why is the seat pushed all the way forward?!?!" Do note that I was the last one in the vehicle and need plenty of leg room (for my cawk). I shrugged it off and start up the baby. [Vroom vroom] I put the pedal to the metal and drive up the hill, turn the son of a bitch around, and drive back towards his residence. Well about half way down the block the fucking brakes give out and now I'm the one who is shitting himself, even moreso since I'm approaching an intersection with traffic coming to the east of me. Now the next line is something straight out of the pages of Michael Landin. As I'm approaching the intersection with no way out of my twisted metal conundrum a bright light illuminates the vehicle and the brakes are restored to order. I wipe the sweat from my brow, pull up to his residence, throw the keys on his table, and implore him to get rid of that death wagon. The End...or is it?!?!

That very same week his Aunt is praying quietly for him at a local church when a strange man appears out of nowhere and puts his hand on her shoulder. She looks up and he tells her, "Don't worry, just don't let him drive for awhile."

Talk about weirdzzzzzzzz. Eh could be all bullshit haha. But that is what I experienced.

*Line in paranthesis added for effect.
Hahaha I remember you telling me that story a long time ago. Very weird indeed. Whatever became of the car?

Cara, he decided to vote for Obama and ceased making payments on the vehicle. The car was eventually repo'd by Doomcifer's cousin Doomdarakles. One year after repossession he receives a notice in the mail stating that this vehicle has been cited for being abandoned alongside HWY 1. I guess the ghoul scared off another unexpected motorist. :lol:

Eric, the 666 or the UJH?!?! Cobalt's fucking blow. That's the car we rolling around in Portland in. :erk:
Eric, the 666 or the UJH?!?! Cobalt's fucking blow. That's the car we rolling around in Portland in. :erk:

The 666... heh. I remember his extremely Christian mom screaming at me one day because she was asking him to remove it and I kept saying shit like: "Don't listen to her... if you wanna get anywhere in this metal world you have to keep that motherfucker on. You'll get fans and groupies in no time... like making a deal with the devil. "Hey baby, My license plate has a 666, assume the position."

We were riding in a cobalt in portland? Didn't even notice.
UJH is actually far more evil than the numbers 666. A vocal line originated by the LLN band Haskiloveiledar that begins with a guttural vowel that segues in to chaotic pharyngeal consonants. A sonance that all committed Satanists should employ.