Do the Mexicans have a seperate shitter?
Man, some of the restrooms I have to use in certain parts of town during my endless voyages to all the sordid ghettos of Toronto are pretty fucking decrepit and filthy. Kind of places you imagine every junkie and hooker in the city has probably frequented at some point. I bet they could give these wetbacks a run for their money in terms of general hygeine.
some stuff
yes it's april in norrland and snow everywhere
that was just a quick snapshot i took while heading to the bus so i didn't really fiddle around with the aperture too much but you're probably rightspaffe said:I really like this one. It gives the impression of a strange and massive tree having pierced the clouds and then seen from above
The last one with the little red berry-thingie could have used some greater focal depth as to keep the branch sharp too -- still nice though
no problems, and thanks. the above were taken in umeå, sweden, but the earlier two you requested are from arvika, in the mid/southwest of swedenEinride: thanks for the pics! Hey, I like the bottom one too... the one with the red berry hanging from it...
(Can I have it too? it fits perfectly to the ones you sent me already?)
Your pictures rule.
Where did you take these? (i.e city/ country?)
Holy shit, he's so cute!