The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page


One of my best pals.


After the booze wore off!
I've been considering trying to change jobs to Zookeeper for a while now... seems to be full of metal-heads and the truly hardened "girlies that like animals"... and older people.
tbh, its the kind of job I'd find rewarding. Hard physical work for the benefit of something else...

edit: which sounds totally wrong.

Its the concept of doing hardwork outside and seeing rewards, seeing something actually come of it. Rather than random in-office work where you rarely see any change. Its also one of the "better paying" "standard" manual labour style of jobs (meaning you can almost live from it).

That said, if I manage to get away from my slave-work in the office and get some projects, then I'll have a similar "see some benefit" stuff in a way.