The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

yep, she lives in VA. hasn't been driving long either.
looks to me like she backed up onto the Civic or something.
none of the 3 cars in that picture are properly parked...and if she backed up into that honda how did the back bumper and rear of the car get up and over up to the tires without causing more than a scuff... :confused:
Welcome to Virginia, home of Dead Lioness and the worst, most arrogant drivers on the planet (except for DL of course).

At least our ignorant Mexicans mean no harm, for the most part.
its no way fake ... she said she was trying to park, mashed the accelerator somehow and jumped some curb before ending up on top of this car.
I know this chica ... she is very capable of doing this :loco:
I know what the words mean but is there something else to it?

it's not funny when you have to explain it

it's a reflection in glass of a billboard with an ad for a company that makes pastries and cakes and whatnot and it makes fun of dieting by saying "have you tried the cake method" with a picture of a bunch of tarts and cakes etc and then right behind the glass is a sign for a "weight center" i.e. a company that does something that has to do with dieting and exercise or whatever

so it's "ironic" see
Guess what. Yes, another portion of my shit for ones who haven't seen yet:


Astaroth of Raventale (all 3)

Nice work! The hot girl made up for the scary ears above her :zombie:

I went outside yesterday and became one with nature.


Still haven't stumbled upon the dead Mexican whose wallet I found a while back.

Oh and uh,