The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

the helmet looks like a dog's head I'm afraid

Haha, I suppose I am just so used to seeing helmets that my brain can't picture it as anything else. What part makes it look like a dogs head? Maybe I can see it if you tell me and change it around or something, for all I know everyone sees a dogs head, hah.
Haha, I can see it in the Hell Mike picture, but still in the main one I just see Googles + NVG mount. THINGS I CANNOT UN-SEE, AHHHHHHH!
a crazy storm came through here, and afterwards there have been some of the most incredible things going on the sky. some of the most beautiful natural stuff i've ever seen... the pics do no justice (iphone camera). the rainbow was totally visible and radiant from beginning to end.




and the best one of the evening...
the third picture is just crazy. totally grey sky with this gash in the middle leading to what looks like heaven, or some kind of nebulae. it was just that tiny little spot too, the whole entire sky was dark. i mean you really had to be there... wish i had better pics