The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2


I would buy this album based on the cover art alone, and I don't even really like gothic romance symphonic black metal.

NAMM is here again. I am with my people. They are all insane. Probably myself as well, I just don't realize it.
Haha. When I was a kid I had Scooby Doo mysteries on tape. One of the villians was named Bad McFad and the only line I remember him saying was: "There's none so bad as Bad McFad!" The theme music was some stoney bass thing. Early influence of mine? Who knows.
Hell yeah! I'm pretty sure I'm entirely influenced by the shows of late 70s and early 80s
I composed some riffs in my head the other day while running and by the time I got back to the trailhead I realized that I was just ripping off CHiPs :lol:
Jesus Fuck. I apparently didn't have my state withholdings nearly high enough for my higher income this year. I owe AZ $1100 :erk:
i just want to say that in like 9 days i'm moving to the HOUSE we BOUGHT and i'm starting a NEW JOB in a NEW PLACE

and it's gonna be really great and also a little bit scary because almost every single element of my life will change totally