The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Where's that thread that we confess to stupid, idiosyncratic shit that we do IRL? Not the thread that Jerry made a few months back about shit we did when younger, but the one from approx 8 years ago. Go!
I got 5 computer viruses via UM last night. Sucks.

are you not a mac user?

i got the malware warning too but ignored it out of habit

then i remembered i dont use linux anymore and am not immune to this shit

so i hope nothin bad happened
are you not a mac user?

i got the malware warning too but ignored it out of habit

then i remembered i dont use linux anymore and am not immune to this shit

so i hope nothin bad happened
I was on the wife's PC the night of The Big UM Attack. AVG went bonkers and found 5 files that were dangerously dangerous, but I don't think anything happened. I did a scan and things seem to be fine.

Normally on ye olde Mac I just ignore all that stupid nanny bullshit and click away! PORN PORN PORN PORN METAL PORN PORN.
The new HBO series True Detective is pretty ace. Quite dark and a little different way of telling a story compared to most detective shows.
This is... the creepiest thing i've ever seen

Post-Mortem Photography

I would buy this album based on the cover art alone, and I don't even really like gothic romance symphonic black metal.