The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

because bears are fucking awesome


Do bands not make shirts that aren't fucking box shaped? I've still got all of my old tees, but looking to buy new ones and they're all boxy.
Chain-smoking mother-in-law vs. air purifier. Decided to take a look at how our new air purifier was doing, and...put alongside a new cartridge for reference, this is just a couple of months' worth of what seeps into our room through the air conditioning vent (times 2 actually, as the air purifier takes two of those). Ack!!:ill:

And in their houses, no less. It's really f'ed up. I think our room is the only one where the white walls are actually white.
I went to get some orange juice for a screwdriver and Goddamit we are out of orange fuckin juice

Straight Grey Goose it is then