The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

When 50% of the new married couples start getting divorced, maybe? :loco:

I'm happy about the ruling, but come on people, that rainbow profile picture filter on Facebook sucks.
Living in the favela of my dismay has desensitized me to the point where I truly don't give a shit. Hate definitely lost, chipped away over time, by saw blades hidden in man beef.
:lol: at the divorce comment
The problem i have with this in-your-face shït is it just isn't necessary. I don't feel a need to explain to my children the ins and outs of heterosexual behavior but apparently I fücking HAVE to explain homosexuality. Daddy, what's gay mean? I don't know son, but you'll probably end up in some war somewhere defending their freedoms.
exactly. whether or not it's race, gender, sexual preference, im tired of the "ive been oppressed for so long now im free to _______ whenever i want" like they didnt do it before.

but since im a hetero white male i dont know about oppression

i wanted to start a white-only club in high school. would that have gone over well?
i dont care if butt pirates and carpet munchers can marry or not. i do enjoy seeing the old white conservatives squirm though, and cling to the bible. all the while clinging to their guns, even though their lord and savior was a pacifist and told his followers to turn the other cheek
Im pretty liberal in my beliefs - probably ridiculously so - but I think it's probably appropriate for those of us who push the boundaries of personal freedom (and good taste) recognize that someone else most likely died in order to enjoy them. There weren't any gay pride parades in Germany in the '30s.
i dont care if butt pirates and carpet munchers can marry or not. i do enjoy seeing the old white conservatives squirm though, and cling to the bible. all the while clinging to their guns, even though their lord and savior was a pacifist and told his followers to turn the other cheek

Haha yeah the only thing funnier than parades is the Christian Right pulling their hair out
All I can think about is this means I'll likely be invited to at least 50% more weddings now and I fucking hate weddings
Adhering to a new life philosophy for the remainder of my years. For any and all meals, the proper condiments shall be slathered upon my table offerings to ensure a salivating experience. Too often do I find myself foregoing proper supplementation in order to simply wolf it down. An extra minute of my time can turn a mediocre meal into a feast worthy of a Baratheon. I had a very hearty breakfast burrito this morn, and adventurously spackled some thousand islands onto the protruding swine grind. #ObesityWins, as my gastro-intestinal lair held a parade for the flavor entering my bowels. Fast forward two meals later, added some relish to a well known dry and bland tuna melt offering. Voila, the chicken of the sea hit it's mark. FanFuckingTastic!
Who was it that had a work-related stalker this past summer? Wasn't it J.? Did he ever post the pic like we asked? I have one going on right now, too. It's like the millionth time. I'm almost tempted to post her pic here. She's ridiculously cute. And 12 years younger HA. At first she came off as really interesting and sexy but it only took a day or so of me not constantly texting her to get weird on me. I truly don't know what these chicks want. Constant affirmation that I think they're hot?