The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Does this mean you're going to start deleting your posts again? :loco: Working in an industry that is 99% male dominated means my marriage is pretty god damn safe.

The only time chicks hit on me is at shows, health food stores, or when I visit Injun reservations (not casinos, just the Rez). I'm typecast by women, most avoid me.
Who was it that had a work-related stalker this past summer? Wasn't it J.? Did he ever post the pic like we asked? I have one going on right now, too. It's like the millionth time. I'm almost tempted to post her pic here. She's ridiculously cute. And 12 years younger HA. At first she came off as really interesting and sexy but it only took a day or so of me not constantly texting her to get weird on me. I truly don't know what these chicks want. Constant affirmation that I think they're hot?

It's the age of social media and endless validation. If you're a complete bastard it is very easy to exploit the need for attention. However, that also ups the crazy behavior factor by an order of magnitude (or more) so tread carefully.
And post her pic.
:lol: so this chick has been sending me the most explicit messages I've ever read. I mean I've actually had to really concentrate just to be competitive in my responses. She wants me to come over to her place sometime. So I called her bluff on it today and she had "already made plans for coffee" Hahahaha so much for that. This topic suddenly grows incredibly stale. Moving on.
:lol: ok I will. Probably won't happen though. Her pics so far have been tastefully PG. I can't imagine her sending a video.
A friend of mine uses Snapchat. One night he took a picture of us, and I flipped off the camera. So then he sent it to some girl he knows, and I felt bad because I didn't even know that I was saying "fuck off" to an unknown person. She responded with a picture of her not wearing pants. Snatch-chat. Damn we're smooth.
:lol: no pants!
So this chick has since said, "would you really have been able to come??" to which I replied, "I pretty much have the entire afternoon and evening to do whatever I want". She said, "I'm so bummed you actually could have come!" :lol: x 50 So.....what you're saying is that you're having coffee all afternoon and evening? haha I'm really tempted to fuck with this chick now. Like maybe I actually will somehow get to her place but then do something really weird like poop on her floor
So far it seems like she just wants to get off a little via some "exciting" texting. Maybe that's what 27 year olds do? I don't even know. All I know is I got turned down for some coffee. So, I suppose that's the end for me.
Has she shown your any tits yet? Seriously I could get more nudity out of my waitress in that time

In other news today, 27 years ago Bathory released Blood Fire Death, arguably the most important black metal of all time