The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

I'll work on it. Not sure how much longer this chick is going to "let" me see her. :rolls eyes:
well, it is always fun in these videos when the bully/aggressor gets immediately fucked up, like when they're fuckin with some skinny kid for taking karate or whatever and he throws a head kick and they just fall like a tree.
Now I can't get rid of her. I don't have it in me to be a douche but I just have very little interest in paying attention to her. I thought that would do the trick but instead she writes me novel-size texts in response to my silence.
What is this Twitter shit? I randomly ended up on Hayley Williams's Twitter feed and clicked on a post. It was followed by several thousand posts of random nobodies saying things like "love you!", "you're the best!". Is this all there is to Twitter? If so, it's surely worse than YouTube and I thought nothing could be worse than that.
Russell! Hi.

YouTube is okay if you disable all the comments and ads. I tried it without those filters a few times, and it was a god damn nightmare of stupid. Twitter is the same thing, but with any possible content removed, right?

I don't know who Hayley Williams is, but after 3 seconds of Google searching I'm assuming she works for a porn studio called Paramore?
Cool as ever, which is to say, not at all! But things are good. My band released an album last year. JayKeeley loves it, so it was all worthwhile. Other than being consumed by that, the only albums from 2015 that I still give a crap about are the new Iron Maiden and Obsequiae. I am due to revisit other things though, and shall soon enough. The latest Ulver has underwhelmed me! But I thought Messe I.X-VI.X was fantastic.

How goes the land of the starry attic?! You finished the Ph.D awhile back, yes? Without Facebutt, I've lost track of all people unless they 1) see me, 2) text me, or 3) post here.