The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Cool as ever, which is to say, not at all! But things are good. My band released an album last year. JayKeeley loves it, so it was all worthwhile.

Sweet, where can I hear. Glad JayKeeley has given it the official seal of approval. Had he not I wouldn't check it out.

Other than being consumed by that, the only albums from 2015 that I still give a crap about are the new Iron Maiden and Obsequiae. I am due to revisit other things though, and shall soon enough. The latest Ulver has underwhelmed me! But I thought Messe I.X-VI.X was fantastic.

I actually prefer the new one to Messe I.X-VI.X - thinks it's all the Kraftwerk vibes. Definitely has its moments anyway. 2015 was been a year of Ghost, Anaal Nathrakh and retrowave like Kavinsky for me. Good mix!

How goes the land of the starry attic?! You finished the Ph.D awhile back, yes? Without Facebutt, I've lost track of all people unless they 1) see me, 2) text me, or 3) post here.

Yeah, PhD done, thankfully, and a few post-doc (i.e. temporary positions) - recently landed a job at a university. Hence trying to claw back time to do stuff like post here.

Congrats on getting married :)
Woooo heterosexual cohabitation! Hey you had just done that as well when I left Facebutt. Huzzah!

Band poop can be found here: Slanderus - Sanctuary of Life

I actually prefer the new one to Messe I.X-VI.X - thinks it's all the Kraftwerk vibes. Definitely has its moments anyway.
It's growing on me, and it's not bad, I'm just not loving it... yet. I still haven't picked up any Ghost albums, but anytime I hear them it is quite an enjoyable thing. King Diamond meets ABBA, or Portal meets Barnum n' Bailey, or something.
have you bastards learnt what hole to feggin put it in yet eh?
Kept trying for years, it didn't ever work! Well, it worked just great (and still does), but not for procreation apparently. So it goes. Instead, we're now in the process of adopting, which is..........interesting. I'm hoping the stork brings us a black baby so he'll have my hair.
Good thing the trying is lots of fun too then. Wish you all the best my dear friend, kid life rox. Get an asian kid and everyone will say he/she/it looks just like mommy and it'll be hilarious
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Day 1 of my cayenne pepper ingestion regimen to meet Katherine Winnick at the gates of Valhalla. Snorting this shit like Mormagil on nutmeg to reach the 7th plain of Agnatheid, where ghouls become veiled virgins to suckle your soul like a bee pollinating an orchid. Roses on your piano, and tulips on my organ weeeeeeee.
As I was on the camode at the gym, having a Profanity lite posting session, my cankles met a tide of Ahab esque doom. The fucking future 15usd an hr janitor was hosing down the entire filthy ass bathroom. Twas bad enough I had to move crappers once since the lock on the first didnt secure. Here I was getting long ranged bidet'd from Jose, leaving me contemplating a quick cottonelle upright and flight from the Tsunami of old man ball leavins battering my extremities like Dr. Whiskey to a blonde an hour after last call. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Now I can't get rid of her. I don't have it in me to be a douche but I just have very little interest in paying attention to her. I thought that would do the trick but instead she writes me novel-size texts in response to my silence.
Amusing update: I found out chick started dating someone. While still seeing me. Oh the irony. She didn't tell me until after the fact ha!
Chick finally "dumped" me this weekend ha! Im actually still pretty confused because I'm a 10 and she's maybe a 5. And by confused I mean literally as in: "wwhhaaaat?" The only response I could come up with to her final text was "ok sounds good" hahaha
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