The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So I've noticed. Where did you get the chart from anyway? I can't seem to find it anywhere on their site unless I am just being blind/retarded and looking in the wrong place. HELP ME KEVIN.

There are a number of different places that make these - They're usually just fetching data from your account.
Got home from court about an hour ago. So, I basically got a slap on the wrist. No points on my license and I had to pay $86.00 for the fine and court fees. I cannot tell you all how relieved I am that THIS portion of my ordeal is over and done with.
No, car accident. My car was totaled. I had a charge of Careless Driving which is a 2 point offense here. I wound up talking to the prosecutor, who was cool as hell and he dropped the charge. Only had to pay $86.00 in fines and court fees and no points on my record.

And, I did get another car yesterday. A 2001 Hyundai Elantra. Kind of a beater but it's going to get me where I need to go, which is more important than appearance at this time.
Wow, very lucky. What were you driving before?

I had a 2002 Honda Accord. It had issues with the transmission slipping so in a way I guess I'm lucky to be done with that car.

Eek. Guessing you're ok?

Yeah, I'm good. Doing physical therapy twice a week because of muscle strain in my right shoulder blade. However, now THAT'S on hold because my insurance company needs to give clearance before I can attend more sessions. :rolleyes:
Finally bought a car! It's a 91 Tercel. Nothing sexy, but the mechanics are all in good condition. Just a releif to no longer be stuck in LA without a car.

So instead of being stuck in LA without a car now you can be stuck in LA in a car :D

About to enjoy a chai latte and cinnamon roll from Starbucks (metal as fuck) and blasting Sepultura.

And a Toyota from 91? Damn, we've always had Toyotas, but they only lasted 10-12 years at the longest (as opposed to American cars, which you have to replace every 3-4 years... probably why Detroit is going bankrupt now...)
Dude, the people you see on the buses in LA...Man...

I told my friend to write a blog about it because holy fuck, some of the stories I heard from her were so fucking hilarious lol

EDIT: And for the record Toyotas are the shit. I have a Scion which is an off shoot of Toyota and it is the best car. The key is regular routine maintenance. Keep that shit up, the car will easily tack on the mileage.
I always make sure I have a good book and my iPod is fully charged before I get onto any sort of public transportation, because it's confounding how ignorant some commuters are, and how little respect they have for others.

The second time I heard a man recount his most recent rape conquest was the last straw for me.
Dude, the people you see on the buses in LA...Man...

I told my friend to write a blog about it because holy fuck, some of the stories I heard from her were so fucking hilarious lol

EDIT: And for the record Toyotas are the shit. I have a Scion which is an off shoot of Toyota and it is the best car. The key is regular routine maintenance. Keep that shit up, the car will easily tack on the mileage.

Yeah I'm thinking of writing a short story or novella about someone going cross country. It'd be based on the people I've met on Greyhoud (back in the day when I was insane enough to take that thing) and the people I've met on buses. There's more then enough weird and memorable experiences.
:D Yes! But for as terrible as sitting in traffic can be, it's that much worse when you're surrounded by bums and stopping every five blocks.

Or you could just leave that shitty part of the United States

But seriously, 'twice as much' 2 grand is too much to get newer?! The mileage is ok, but jesus that thing is got to be on its last limbs.