The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Once in a while i somehow end up on the first page of this thread, and i reminisce about the op for no purpose.
Is she an active trapper/hunter?

Does farming count? I've witnessed her kill a goat. Fucking brutal.

Edit: Found this gem lying around a few weeks ago, so naturally am rereading it... love the illustrations in it, creepy shit! Use to love this book.

SentinelSlain and HamburgerBoy are FUCKING WITH US MAN

Back to work after vacation for over a week - Chattanooga, Atlanta, Cape Cod. My boss is out this whole week. I like this arrangement.
Got my TA position for my teaching credential and I'm gonna be teaching in Compton. Ready to get my Michelle Pfeiffer on!

I'm dreading having to commute from Hollywood to Compton and then to UCLA every day. Realizing just how much time I'm gonna spend in my car now. A good chance to refamiliarize myself with all my old metal CDs I guess.
Got my TA position for my teaching credential and I'm gonna be teaching in Compton. Ready to get my Michelle Pfeiffer on!

I'm dreading having to commute from Hollywood to Compton and then to UCLA every day. Realizing just how much time I'm gonna spend in my car now. A good chance to refamiliarize myself with all my old metal CDs I guess.

What are you teaching?
Congrats! Commuting isn't too bad, though it does have its days. I use the time to explore new music. Probably my most accurate observation from commuting is that people really, really don't like atonal classical music. I can blast Slayer, or whatever else, but Schoenberg and Ives rolls up windows faster than you can blink.
For some reason I'm drunk already and it's 13:09.

EDIT: Should I go to the pub without money.
I think I should do just that. Have some more amazing alcohol. But maybe not..? Maybe more beer at home? Who knows really.