The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


I DON'T WANNA PLAY GAMES,PLEASE MAKE ME PENIS WORK AGAIN. Anyways, drinking coffee, going to bring my mothers/boyfriends dog over to the park and shoot some hoops.

It's fucking raining. FUCK
Took a pain pill last night and stretched a TON!
Back is so much better. Can actually move, pick shit up now.
Back pain sucks dick!
Need to get back on that bike!

What kind of pain do you have? I have sciatica in my left leg that basically prevents me from lifting anything over 60-70 pounds off the ground or squatting. Fucking stupid.

Congrats crimsonfloyd! And BlackOrifice mega respect but I definitely don't find atonal appealing whatsoever, can't blame the gawkers!
Does farming count? I've witnessed her kill a goat. Fucking brutal.

Edit: Found this gem lying around a few weeks ago, so naturally am rereading it... love the illustrations in it, creepy shit! Use to love this book.


i remember reading this book back when it was a brand new book
don't really remember what's happens in any of the stories
but i remember reading it
Alternating between laying in bed and rushing to the washroom to puke up stomach acid. I dunno why but I got like... flash sick today. Fucking sucks.
had a wisdom tooth extraction done today and the gas they gave me was giving me a bit of a freakout during the entire thing despite keeping my body relaxed

now my face fucking hurts and so far these tylenol 3s are doing fuck all
They didn't give you any pain killers after your surgery?

Yeah, just Tylenol 3s. The funny part is the area where my wisdom tooth was taken out is perfectly fine, but my bottom left teeth are fucking killing me and they did no work on them. I wonder if its just general jaw soreness or something.
I had I think wisdom teeth pulled years ago and the doctor gave me Tylenol 3's, which I think are Tylenol plus codeine. I felt fucking great except the area wear my teeth were pulled still fucking killed. After about 3 days I was out. Doctor gave me one more prescription and that was it. Tylenol 3's are not really strong especially for a pain that severe, but whatever. It's better than nothing. I had a decent time on the second script.
Whoa, crazy. I was going to post in here that I was just prescribed Klonopin and about to take it for the first time, but figured I'd just go with the flow and talk about whatever everyone else was.

Guess not only are all metalheads alcoholics, we're pill poppers too. YAY! :D
Trying to figure out how to fucking use my student loan money to pay my tuition. This shit is fucking confusing. I have a goddamn degree and I don't understand how to use my student loan. What the fuck is wrong with me?
So you got the refund, basically? I think once you receive your loan, it goes automatically to your account, and the refund is supposed to go to your living expenses (housing, books, etc). At least that's how it was at my school.

Or you could be like me and your shitbag father uses said money to pay off his own bills since he hadn't worked in 4 1/2 years and was too lazy to get a job. But hopefully not.