The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Krig, hit that shit up. Indian Buffets are where its at. I could eat Naan, rice, and dahl all day every day. Dont even get me started on their sweets like Lassis and Keer. Shit never fucks up my stomach. Not even when I was living in India for almost a year it didnt affect me.

However, I know some people that eat one bite and shit their brains out for a week. Sucks for them.
That's obvious. I meant to ask what do you do in your free time at the half way house. I should have been clearer.

most halfway houses let you go outside durring daylight hours

also, they usually have telivision sets with telivision addicts sitting infront of them all day
Krig, hit that shit up. Indian Buffets are where its at. I could eat Naan, rice, and dahl all day every day. Dont even get me started on their sweets like Lassis and Keer. Shit never fucks up my stomach. Not even when I was living in India for almost a year it didnt affect me.

However, I know some people that eat one bite and shit their brains out for a week. Sucks for them.

hey KafkaX is here
this is totally normal for a heroin addict

Believe me I know, I've had way too many experiences with people addicted to this drug. He says I'm his best friend but stopped talking to me a while back. Last I heard he was homeless and I told him he was welcome at my house, cause all his stuff is here... god only knows where the hell he is right now...
Believe me I know, I've had way too many experiences with people addicted to this drug. He says I'm his best friend but stopped talking to me a while back. Last I heard he was homeless and I told him he was welcome at my house, cause all his stuff is here... god only knows where the hell he is right now...

are there homeless shelters/homeles "services" in your area

he might be eating okay and he might have a huge wardrobe from "clothing closets" already
Krig, hit that shit up. Indian Buffets are where its at. I could eat Naan, rice, and dahl all day every day. Dont even get me started on their sweets like Lassis and Keer. Shit never fucks up my stomach. Not even when I was living in India for almost a year it didnt affect me.

However, I know some people that eat one bite and shit their brains out for a week. Sucks for them.

haha, it doesnt affect me much at all.
I love it, absolutely love it. Friend of mine turned me on to it about 4 years ago.
It tastes like each dish is perfect, hard to explain, but that place rocks!
Expensive for dinner, but the lunch buffet is perfect.

oh ya, and I just shot my AR for the first time. Fun. I did ok, may post pics. But im sure the faggots will rip me.
are there homeless shelters/homeles "services" in your area

he might be eating okay and he might have a huge wardrobe from "clothing closets" already

I don't know man, I think he might have gone to rehab but I'm not sure. Need to ask around a little more. But honestly I'm too pissed off to even care at this point.
Wait, the Hezbollah? Do you live in Lebanon or something? I have a lot of Lebanese friends too...

Yes, i live in that shithole.

Have you ever thought about immigrating somewhere? You could probably get into the US if you wanted to.

It is very difficult, nearly impossible for a Lebanese to get a US visa. But i'm getting my Armenian passport in about a year.
Yes, i live in that shithole

It is very difficult, nearly impossible for a Lebanese to get a US visa. But i'm getting my Armenian passport in about a year.

Are you aware of the large Lebanese community in the Boston area? The town I grew up in had a large amount of Lebanese immigrants. Most of them were really awesome people... hardworking, looking to make a better life for themselves. I can't think of one that I didn't like.
Okay, had an interesting conversation with my dad tonight. After consuming many alcoholic beverages, of course.

"What, you expected us to pay for your college?" (despite us being really rich AT THE TIME)
"Sometimes I Just wanna punch your mother in the mouth"
"WHY do you like metal so much?" (once i told him, i think he got it.)
"You think I care about all this stuff your mother makes me spend money on?"

Quite a few more things... I think we need to have a further discussion...

Additionally I caught up with an old friend... which really meant a whole lot to me.
What about Malta? It seems to be the kind of place where an Armenian would fit in but it's way richer. I might be being simplistic.
He lives in Lebanon. But isn't Malta a wicked small island or something? I mean, I might be the ugly American and wanting everyone to come to my country to live the American dream (which we all know is utter bullshit) but several of my Lebanese classmates would talk about going to their Lebanese summer houses, which were like mansions... I don't think they had to deal with the half of the stuff that Sevag has to deal with...