The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Okay, so some good news - spent time on a lengthy job application that I think I might have a semi-decent chance at getting. Pray to God (or Satan) that I get this job, it would literally solve all the problems in my life. Well... a large amount of them at least.
You should probably get a licence too, depending on where you live. were aware that I didn't have a license? Haha, I always forget what I share with people on here...

Anyway, had a great night talking to girls on OkCupid. Wishing that I could get to know them more. Hopefully they won't be turned off my my broke-ass-ness...
First day of Graduate Assistantship Training finished. Fuck, I'm tired. Making a shitty frozen pizza and watching Peep Show before I sit down and do my lame ass homework already. Fuck school, I just want to get drunk and eat chicken tenders.
What are you going to grad school for? I had hoped to do that, but i kinda screwed up my undergrad, not really an option anymore...
Still dealing with tooth issues

Something happened after I got my permanent crown put on that lead to it being incredibly painful when chewing on that side and INTENSELY sensitive to cold

Thankfully I go in Wednesday so I should hopefully get this shit figured out, because I cannot continue to eat fucking noodles and pudding every day