The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I know where he lives. I just know Malta is hot and has an Armenian diaspora, plus a way, way higher GDP per capita, decent security and EU membership. I think Armenia is a bit screwed because of the closed border with Turkey and the rivalry and potential for conflict with Azerbaijan. They also don't have a country that is very defensible against Turkey and are very reliant on Russia, but Russia only supports them because keeping two sides competitive in a rivalry means both keep buying arms from you. That's what I think anyway, there are other political things, like keeping a load of armed forces close to Turkey as a fingers up to NATO.
Well, Lebanese may be similar to Armenians, so maybe that would work. I don't want to be the guy that says "LAWLZ GO TO AMERICA THE STREETS ARE PAVED WITH GOLD", because as a citizen, I do know it's bullshit, but there are plenty of places here where there are immigrant communities that I think are supportive.

And I was unaware of the Armenian community of Malta? The only Armenian people I know are the Kardashians (if that doesn't say ugly American, I don't know what does)
I don't think you're very observant in general. To be honest though, the only Armenians other than her annoying family that I know are Artem Mikoyan from MiG aircraft and Ana on TYT news.
I don't think you're very observant in general. To be honest though, the only Armenians other than her annoying family that I know are Artem Mikoyan from MiG aircraft and Ana on TYT news.

I was being facetious, FYI. I'm far more observant than you appear to presume.

Immigration is a serious issue, though... I was just mentioning the Lebanese community in my own area. I have a lot of Lebanese acquaintances in my area and I can't think of a single one that I don't like. Not sure of any other Lebanese-American communities other than the Boston area, but I'm sure there are many in the U.S, or perhaps beyond.

Sevag, unless we were placed in that position, I don't know how we'd go about it. As an American citizen. I'll admit I've never really thought about having to leave my OWN country. But I'm well aware of the situation as an American and have sympathy. Hoping for nothing but the best for you.
Maybe when i graduate and start my career, i'll look for jobs outside of Lebanon, maybe in another Arab country just like my brother.
I don't know man, I think he might have gone to rehab but I'm not sure. Need to ask around a little more. But honestly I'm too pissed off to even care at this point.

at least check with the local morgues/jails to see if he's dead/incarcerated, and maybe check to see if he's sleeping in (or even just getting food/clothes from) the local homeless shelters
at jake the dog concerning signature

quote someone in your sig

3 different people have quotes from me in their sigs and quite a few other people have sigs containing quotes from other people
Yesterday I went out running (jogging as you americans say) for the first time ever. Today I will repeat it and hopefully it will feel as good as yesterday. Maybe I should run further too, not like a woman.
Just went to a family party last night. My cousin and his family and some of their friends are staying at our beach house. He has three kids, who all love me. I'm going back there today.

...and my aunts were silently judging us because we drank too much. Guess that's not something you do in front of the kids...
Ugh, I didn't get to go back to the beach house because my dad's a lazy ass and I don't have a license (thus making me a lazy ass, too.)

On the plus side, my cousin on my other side is coming over and randomly making us cheesecake. Which I've never had before. My cheesecake cherry will be popped tonight...