The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I left out the details because I doubt anyone on here gives a shit, but yeah, it is rough right now.

Kudos to you for almost getting a rise out of me, though. You're getting closer sweetie. <3

haha ok, but what makes you think I'm trying to get a rise out of you? You do know when I talk about that I'm talking about chicks right? are you a chick? gay maybe?
Got yoga school this week. Early days and late nights...Especially because Ive been having to work before and after my school hours, its fucking ridiculous...Cant wait for April 15th, fuck.

That's a fuckload. But it's in just a few short days! I'll tell everyone I know in LA to go to your school.
I got drunk as shit yesterday. Don't remember much but I think there was a lo of weed and beer. Unfortunately I still can't sleep because of my allergy. So I'm trashed, sleep deprived, and listening to czech pop. TIRED OF LIFE.
So I got drunk yesterday and shat myself a little. Switched boxers and went to bed.
I did the same thing a few days ago, except I shit a bit on the sofa and a little on the bathroom floor. Fucking lowlifes, we are.

Dude no problem about the shitting myself part. Mama will clean those. But I got so trashed that I was hitting on some ugly chick who's also married. We were kissing and shit, BLEH. Terrible things. :cry:

These are the things I regret.
A couple of years ago I got drunk with some friends in a bar, and ended up shitting myself via squeezing too hard for a fart, and ended up with more than I bargained for. I went downstairs to the bathroom and wiped thoroughly and threw my underwear (my favorite pair too) in the trashcan and went commando with my jeans. When I went back upstairs I kept asking my friends what that "weird smell" was to see if they noticed anything. Luckily I had done a good job, but I was still so paranoid that they'd find out so I called it early that night and took the train home soon after. It was horrible, but I learned an invaluable lesson that night: don't try to fart when you got the squirts.
I'm so glad I've never browntrousered. Some full on bitch, the worst woman i've had the mistfortune of meeting, who was a colleague, made up a story that I had though, as an artful addition to a true story of me getting wrecked on a bottle of rum and ending up wandering around naked in some properties the company had rented.