The Whining and Bitching Thread

Would you be upset if you came home and the apt management had deposited a hideous (but new/clean) couch in your apt? You now will lose time disposing of it, and a sense of security in your abode diminished or destroyed.

In a rare twist of fate, I agree with Dak.
Would you be upset if you came home and the apt management had deposited a hideous (but new/clean) couch in your apt? You now will lose time disposing of it, and a sense of security in your abode diminished or destroyed.

Yes, I would. But that's a couch. We're talking about *gasp!* a digital album that doesn't even require you to handle a compact disc.

You'll probably say something like: "Well, different in degree but same in kind." No, it's not the same in kind. It's part of the agreement and risk of sharing information in a global, technological, digital age. Apartment contracts are part of a set of entirely different historical conditions. The participation in the exchange of digital information entails an entirely new set of conditions and contractual expectations, which are seriously far more convenient and far less intrusive and time-consuming than the weight of a couch.

They don't have to ask your permission. This is part of the contract of living in the digital age. Like Dak said, vote with your wallet. Peace out, or shut the fuck up about it.

And please desist from pointless analogies about landlords leaving new furniture in rented apartments.
They do have to ask you. You paid money for a phone, they should not be wasting your phone memory on data that (chances are) you don't want. They should not be having to make you perform an additional step (deleting the album) just to revert your phone to the state it was before.
To be honest, it sounds like pretty melodramatic bickering (no offense STN). Hell, I don't see it as intrusive at all; if iTunes keeps sending free music to my device, that's great. If you don't like it, then just delete it. I don't care if it's Justin fucking Bieber.

It seems as though it's a gut reaction among folks to perceive corporate intrusion as a basic violation of their privacy rights. I think that's absurd. You say it's a "bonehead move" as though they violated some sort of basic principle; but they didn't, and I bet that a lot of people don't give a flying fuck that a U2 album popped up in their music feeds.

I was of course being melodramatic. If it had been the new Radiohead album I probably wouldn't have whinged at all. But that said, I really don't like the idea of having music forced upon me in this way and I hope it doesn't open the floodgates for this sort of thing. Advertising and commercial radio is one thing, but actually shoving the latest bland yawn-rock down my throat is another.
I have an opportunity for a tattooist internship, but its unpaid and I need to make money ��

Another dream put on the backburner.
I have an opportunity for a tattooist internship, but its unpaid and I need to make money ��

Another dream put on the backburner.
I'd be willing to take the unpaid tattoo artist internship

But I really really love tattoos and I'm acclimated to being broke
Okay, so my roommate is a traveling engineer for lack of a better term and he's currently in north bumfuck Alberta province until next Wednesday (If you're in Canada, he's at the oil sands up there).

I text him today to make sure he's doing alright and he says he's fine. All is well in the world.

Fast forward to 2 hours later and I get a text:

Him: Could you do me a favor and get two spare keys made to the apartment?
Me: Sure, no problem. A spare one for me?
Him: Three, then. Two for the both of us and one for Jackie so she can do laundry

1) Why can't she do laundry on her own?
2) Seriously?

Me: Okay, I'll get 4 made (one for my parents in case they need to check on something while he and I are not there) but when you get back we're going to talk about this.

What the fuck? How inconsiderate do you have to be to not ask my opinion about this? He and I barely know her (in fact, I barely know him but he's a decent guy and somewhat trustworthy so it's working out so far) so what makes him think I'm going to be okay with someone I barely know having unfettered access to my apartment when there are no locks on the bedroom doors? He is minimalistic and doesn't have many possessions (probably because he travels so much and can't really enjoy them like he wants to) but I have everything I own in this apartment and I'll be fucking goddamned if I give what amounts to a stranger access to all of that.

First it's laundry, then it's something else. How far is he willing to let it escalate? Once something gets stolen? Once I come home from work one day and she's here eating my food and sitting on my furniture without even telling me she's going to drop by?

My roommate went through a nasty divorce about 8 months ago and he's kinda given fuck all about anything since then. This girl is playing mind games with him. I did trust her when I first met her, but now I'm getting a bad vibe from her. She was living with her boyfriend and then he moved back to Tennessee so I don't even know if they are together anymore. I don't want to ask since that's really awkward.

He's looking for satisfaction and she wants to see how far he'll go for her.

Did he not put himself in my shoes? Why did he think it was going to be 'okay' for her to have such free access?

Next Wednesday is going to be loads of fun.
Long story short, gonna be mega hungover for a wedding I gotta bridesmaid in tomorrow and didn't wanna be a bridesmaid in the first place.
So I was supposed to go to my cottage with my girlfriend but the heating system there fucked up. Well, to be correct, my cousin was there last weekend and forgot to turn the water pump on so the heater blew up. This is my only free weekend in like 3 months and I was really looking forward to spending it there just the two of us. But no. Fuck this shit.

Yesterday I had fucking 13 beers or so and now I'm just lying in bed.
Most weddings are fucking awful.

They're even worse than funerals. And funerals are fucking tedious. A relative of my neighbour died the other day, and the family is all Greek Cypriot and everyone was in black and there was some wailing and Jesus fucking Christ.