The Whining and Bitching Thread

Dude asked me to cover his shift literally 15 hours before his shift would've began. Messages me at 10:00pm last night, when a, I have plans with my superintendent today, and b, 10 is when I was thinking of going to sleep. I ended up sleeping in until 2:30, now I gotta meet my superintendent so fuck him.

Everybody asks me to cover their shifts when I have important plans, plans more important than theirs (I think making sure I don't get mistakenly evicted is more important than a silly acting class). Fuck them.
Why does that piss you off so much? They are just asking for a shiftcover. It's a simple yes-or-no deal.
Its not really a piss-off, more of a slight annoyance, but people only seem to ask me to cover after I've made important plans for that day; and they only ask me about half a day before the shift. Kinda short notice, no?
It's probably gonna be a pretty damn good FPS/MOBA hybrid tbh. I have absolutely no interest in that, but Blizzard don't half-ass things.
"Overwatch" is a terrible name for a game, as it only references one particular aspect, or function within a squad, or may be the whole squad/multiple squads. The idea is that you pretty much aren't in the action unless necessary. May as well make a squad based fps called "Sniper" or "Engineer" etc. And I'm going to need to figure something else out for a handle here so as not to be associated with that. And btw, Blizzard products are generally crap. A mere general lack of bugs is not the only standard for judging a publisher or game.
Blizzard arguably made the best RTS, RPG and MMO of recent times. And DOTA spawned into something else entirely. Not sure there is any gaming company out there that can compare their credentials to Blizzard at all.
The only way it is "best" is in terms of not needing constant bug fixing. While that is important, the fucking totally derivative and uninspiring worlds and gameplay makes Blizzard generally crap. I will leave Starcraft out of that statement since I haven't played that series, but I've tried the other stuff and it's just LCD pandering bs.
What didn't you like about WC? It's a fun RTS, not groundbreaking like SC but I mean it's good.

When did you play WoW? It was pretty amazing back in the 04-08 years, wasted a lot of my life on it.

Not liking D1 or D2 is weird, especially with how it is basically the foundation for most RPG's
I played it in 07. I played right around when Burning Crusade came out. Absolute shit. I played through to level 70, believing the promises of the people I knew that played, waiting that "the real game" lay just around the corner. It didn't. It was just LCD shit the whole way through. LCD = lowest common denominator.

The same for Diablo and WC. it's just bullshit for the LCD. click that kill this.big whoop.

Edit: Hipster? I don't follow.
Blizzard arguably made the best RTS, RPG and MMO of recent times. And DOTA spawned into something else entirely. Not sure there is any gaming company out there that can compare their credentials to Blizzard at all.

They didn't make DOTA, their customers did, and after over a decade of sitting on the free labor of their userbase, people started to realize that they could do better outside of the increasingly greedy hands of Blizzard. And Diablo 2 the best RPG, lol. I was a fan starting in 1st grade with Warcraft 2, but really, fuck anything they've done starting with and beyond World of Warcraft.
They didn't make DOTA, their customers did, and after over a decade of sitting on the free labor of their userbase, people started to realize that they could do better outside of the increasingly greedy hands of Blizzard. And Diablo 2 the best RPG, lol. I was a fan starting in 1st grade with Warcraft 2, but really, fuck anything they've done starting with and beyond World of Warcraft.

Still created the platform for DOTA, nothing else was capable at the time. UMS maps on SC are still awesome because of it.

D2 was huge when it came out. The whole gear farming aspect of RPG's wasn't really shit until then.

I played it in 07. I played right around when Burning Crusade came out. Absolute shit. I played through to level 70, believing the promises of the people I knew that played, waiting that "the real game" lay just around the corner. It didn't. It was just LCD shit the whole way through. LCD = lowest common denominator.

The same for Diablo and WC. it's just bullshit for the LCD. click that kill this.big whoop.

Well the arena aspect was pretty awesome, but with only 4 months you couldn't have done much. LCD, well yeah the game wasn't tailored like that at all pre70, but you gave up on it too early. Arena was still pretty skill favored and when they introduced resilience that really signified the change between PVE and PVP gear and all that.

When you say move here, take this quest to find/kill something, then every game is incredibly simplistic.

What do you actually play? Hard to understand your taste for games here, especially if you're getting excited for a shooter when the last good one came out in ~2003
Basically, Blizzard's ultimate claim to fame was widespread online presence and extremely streamlined grinding-based gameplay suitable for said online play. I don't think anyone could deny their success or influence, but they're still shit games.

EDIT: Last good shooter came out in ~2003? Holy shit you are an online gamer pleb.