The Whining and Bitching Thread

That's fine because you're not a girl so you don't walk in groups of two or three all next to each other so there is no way in hell I can get by you. ARRRGHGGH

I hate it when I'm walking behind a girl slow walker, and I end up getting real close behind them, it makes me feel like a rapist or some creepy stalker.
Apparently my walking pace is the brisk jogging pace of most people. Either that or everyone at my school is a fucking sloth. Needless to say, I can sympathize with the above bullshit.
Apparently my walking pace is the brisk jogging pace of most people. Either that or everyone at my school is a fucking sloth. Needless to say, I can sympathize with the above bullshit.

No, you just never wait for my fatass to get out of the car before walking into Steak n Shake. I open the car door and you are already at the restaurant door.

*lol spelled restaurant wrong at first
It's the worse when you have to walk with a female. I have to make sure I'm walking EXACTLY in perfect step with my girlfriend or I risk either "why are you following me?" or "why are you running away?"

That and I have a proclivity to picking up my pace when I'm approaching a destination. Drives her batty.
I had this problem for years that I can't fucking walk a straight line. When I was like fifteen I was going out w/ some fella to smoke and have beers (he always threw up afterwards) and he was the first one to tell me that I'm fucking impossible to walk with. Now I'm twenty and my girl tells me the same fucking thing and that it's fucking annoying when she doesn't know the destination where we're going because sometimes it looks like I'm going elsewhere and she tries to go next to me.

She also gives me the shit that Zeph said. She either complains about me pushing her in front of me or running away from her to some illogical place. Also she want to give me blowjobs on public, for reason that I have to study yet, but I certainly am a little pussy to just pull of my wiener on the street and then see someone walk by and be like "you want some too?".

Also, when I'm drunk I really care about where I'm going and I can sort my thoughts out to concentrate on not getting raped or ran over. I'm not the type of guy who falls asleep on bus and then wakes up in middle of nowhere. That has happened to me like two times, and I wasn't really drunk, I was just lethargic to where I am at the moment.

This has completely left me after I started going to uni, because it's like an hour away and I realized that it's not fun to travel this distance more or less sober every other day and that I do actually care where I am. Even with laptop and money.
Some more whining: I saw a disgusting girl like a week ago and she was fucking annoying to just look at. She's like 19 or something and her "boyfriend" is like 50 and I would describe him as a redneck for you americans, a czech version of redneck, most probably fucking stupid and glad to have a young stupid bitch. So apparently this bitch has like three other guys and they don't care that she's absolutely retarded and annoying. I mean, guys, wake up. I would rather be alone for eternity, having my own mind and piece.
I had this problem for years that I can't fucking walk a straight line. When I was like fifteen I was going out w/ some fella to smoke and have beers (he always threw up afterwards) and he was the first one to tell me that I'm fucking impossible to walk with. Now I'm twenty and my girl tells me the same fucking thing and that it's fucking annoying when she doesn't know the destination where we're going because sometimes it looks like I'm going elsewhere and she tries to go next to me.

She also gives me the shit that Zeph said. She either complains about me pushing her in front of me or running away from her to some illogical place. Also she want to give me blowjobs on public, for reason that I have to study yet, but I certainly am a little pussy to just pull of my wiener on the street and then see someone walk by and be like "you want some too?".
Also, when I'm drunk I really care about where I'm going and I can sort my thoughts out to concentrate on not getting raped or ran over. I'm not the type of guy who falls asleep on bus and then wakes up in middle of nowhere. That has happened to me like two times, and I wasn't really drunk, I was just lethargic to where I am at the moment.

This has completely left me after I started going to uni, because it's like an hour away and I realized that it's not fun to travel this distance more or less sober every other day and that I do actually care where I am. Even with laptop and money.

Why did you enlarge the part that I'm ashamed of? It was hidden in the middle for reason (to outldr at least some of the readers).
Slow walkers suck. Japanese people are the absolute worst. You have your average J-bird who is 5'1 and 95 lbs wearing stiletto heels that don't fit quite right since fucking shoes here come in three sizes (S, M, L) typing on her phone walking three abreast with her friends.

Too-fast walkers also suck. The worst fight MP and I ever had was when we went to the opera together and he wouldn't slow the fuck down and I had run after him in my cocktail gown and heels.
I FUCKIN HATE dating websites. I hate the people who designed them and the concept. I fuckin wish I could just go to the head office where they operate these fuckin scams and fuckin kill them all. I would shoot every one of them in the fucking head with a Ruger Mini 14 30 clip mag. Spill blood everywhere.
Fuckin spewing! I just went about bought $100 worth of synthetic weed yesterday after not smoking for 4 months only to findout today that they can actually test for synthetic cannbinoids now!!I was looking forward to a few cones, God Damnit!!