Themed Mixtape Game

Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
i've actually never heard this album despite it's massive cult reputation. i always had the impression it was like carnivore with more atmosphere and some extra pain driving it, and yeah it kind of is that, but this one's a little too silly and all over the place tonally for me. maybe i'd get it more in context. the whole idea of peter steele doing 'crossover gothic doom' or w/e appeals to me anyways and i will be checking the rest out. 6/10

Titan Force - Lord of Desire

this is one of my favourite songs of the eighties, and in my opinion one of the most original. i'm not aware of another metal song that maintains this level of coiled tension for its entire runtime, preferring to weave a hypnotic trance and then fade out without the usual cathartic resolution. it's a totally different, more haunting and spellbinding and seductive kind of structure, and it's also pretty unique melodically and rhythmically. additionally it helps that you've got the mighty tyrant offering a particularly campy, overenunciated, uber-charismatic performance on vocals, and those soft bass ripples, and leads which soar only to come spiralling back down into darker tones, no escape. the guitar tone is great too even if it reminds of the red hot chili peppers at the start. rarely does a song do such justice to its lyrics. this is a fucking classic cut which sends shivers down my spine every damn time. 10/10

Ava Inferi - The Living End

the way the female vocals blend against the music is really satisfying except for that one note she intentionally keeps not quite hitting urrggghhhh that's so irritating, there's singing in the cracks and then there's just sounding out of tune. male vocals are terrible, production is CGId to all hell and yeah it's all very heavy-handed teen goth girl nonsense, but there's at least a consistent mood to it and some superficial pleasures. 4/10

Savatage - Out On The Streets

just an ok ballad that never steps outside the established tradition or shows any ambition/creativity whatsoever. neat cover art tho. 5/10

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea

holy contrast, batman. this is one of the weirdest ballads of them all. it sounds the product of mental illness in the best way possible, all ready to crumble or go full psycho at any moment. the way he says "insane" is one of my favourite vocal moments ever. loses a half-point for the "with your love" part that's just too clumsy in its transitions even in this context, but for the most part i adore this, feels so much more real and desperate and fragile than other ballads. 9.5/10

Slayer - Necrophiliac

i'm not downrating this for theme or obviousness, because i have a sense of humour. i'm taking a point off mainly because i think there are other songs on that album which are more amazing, but DOWN.... TO THE FIERY PITS OF HEEYYTGTAHGA?HFGKHFL?KHFGHL means i can't settle for 9 either. 9.5/10

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol

this song rules but i can't help but feel we already went there and got the beer-drenched t-shirt. 6/10

Secrecy - A New Beginning

this is amazing, i'm sure there are closer comparison points but it's kinda like a proggier, thrashier version of siren. i think i listened to some of this album once before but i might be confusing it with another band hbb pimped. need to listen more anyhow, i might even be underrating this. 9/10

Converge - Heaven in her Arms

yeah, sign me up as someone who always expected to get into this band but never could. it's taut and focused and everything, i think it's just too one-dimensional dynamically for me, and a little too teen angst. 5/10

Amon Goeth - In Love With Satan

not massively into this song, or the album iirc. too drawn out and too dependent on basic chugging for my tastes, i prefer more weirdness, melody, emotion etc, or at least some more nuanced layering. 5/10

Motorhead - Love Me Like a Reptile

'love me like a reptile' sounds cooler when it steps out of the shadow of that iconic metal monolith 'ace of spades', a song it simply could never live up to. it's still not one of their best, but motorhead are always reliable; there's no frills, every song oozes an understanding of exactly what it is and who it's for and where it's gonna go. the secret is that they ooze class exactly as much as power. i am a bit tired of seeing them crop up though. 6/10

Danzig - Girl

this song is so danzig it hurts, but that's not really a bad thing, even if it doesn't hold a candle to early misfits or anythin'. spanking production job here means that his typically dominant vocal performance doesn't drown the music, and the overall impression is kinda like a heavier version of one of the doors' sleazier cuts, which is fine with me. wouldn't really call it metal though. 6.5/10

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl)
these lyrics are amazing and give me an erection. miasma used to be one of the most renowned DM bands around here, in fact i can barely think of another that's fallen so far from the GMD limelight - maybe nobody gives a shit about austrians? i'd like to see a bit of a resurgence so everyone should check out CHANGES promptly, one of the more atmospheric DM records of '92 which is saying something. 7/10

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes

well, this brings the weirdness, melody and emotion i was asking for above, so thx. this is surprisingly good for late '90s USBM, i love the part with the female vocals. 8/10

Thin Lizzy - Wild One

still has some of that maudlin over-emoting i'm not fond of, but the guitars are so outrageously good it doesn't really matter. best lizzy pick so far. 8/10
Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
Didn't realize Type O Negative was basically Carnivore. Although I liked most of the previously submitted Carnivore songs I thought this was boring and stupid and overlong and full of jarring un-transitions.

Titan Force - Lord of Desire
I agree with H.P. "Use Fucking Line Breaks Already" Lovecraft that it felt very static, but I guess that's what no country perceives as "maintaining a level of coiled tension". I'm not sure if I'd call the abrubt fadeout a point in its favor either. I'm not really complaning about the song so much as explaining why I'm not giving it a 9 or 10.

Ava Inferi - The Living End
Song's ok. This video though. What the fuck is this video. This is the worst music video I've ever seen.

Savatage - Out on the Streets
There's just something so warm and comforting about this sound, I just can't hate this song even though it's uninspired and doesn't go anywhere.

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea
No words.

Slayer - Necrophiliac
This is potentially my favorite Slayer song, but I can't get behind it as a pick for this theme. It's not even a particularly loving song about necrophilia, it's about hatefully fucking defiling a corpse. If you want to win my points with a necrophilia theme it better be about passionately making love to a corpse.

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol
Yeah yeah whatever. I didn't participate in the alcohol round for a reason.

Secrecy - A New Beginning
Can we give HBB a fucking win already?

Converge - Heaven in Her Arms

Amon Goeth - In Love with Satan
Took way too long to get to the point but once it did it turned into just my kind of simplistic first-wavey black metal riff fest. Far too repetitive and way longer than it needs to be but I love this sound so it's not a huge issue to me.

Motörhead - Love Me Like a Reptile

Danzig - Girl

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Little Girl)
Musically not really my thing but great lyrics. I want to believe that this song was written about an ex.

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes

I may have groaned when I saw this was 7½ minutes long but it ended up doing a lot more to justify its length than the previous four too-fucking-long songs in this playlist.

Thin Lizzy - Wild One

+1 point for being so incredibly overwhelmingly metal
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I'm not sure if you're agreeing or highlighting the double meaning but the double meaning was unintentional so I guess it was a poor word choice on my part.
Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
I'm not familiar with this band apart from whatever videos I've seen so I was surprised this was so raw sounding. 12 fucking minutes though.. There was some ok stuff in here but it's not for me. 5/10

Titan Force - Lord of Desire
Well executed but as mentioned it feels like it needs to take off at some point but never does. The drummer is largely to blame. 6/10

Ava Inferi - The Living End
All sorts of gay 3/10

Savatage - Out On The Streets
Sounds like Skid Row at their worst. 3/10

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea
The guitars need to be louder. Good vocalist. Not my thing at all though. 5/10

Slayer - Necrophiliac
SSSSSSSSLLLLLAAAYYYYYYYERRRRRR. One of my faves off Hell Awaits. 8/10

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol
I'd chug a beer at a pub or party to this but that's about it. 5.5/10

Secrecy - A New Beginning
Fucking riffs! Liked this a lot. The chorus is ridiculous. Will check out more. 8/10

Converge - Heaven in her Arms
Very fucking angry. Not my fave Converge, but it fits the theme well. 8/10

Amon Goeth - In Love With Satan
Oh God this fucking intro is not filling me with hope. Aaaannnd finally it kicks in, and meh. 2/10

Motorhead - Love Me Like a Reptile
Could only get a live version to play but I know it well anyway. Great song. 8.5/10

Danzig - Girl
I haven't heard II in forever, I always throw on the debut when I want to listen to some Danzig. This is cool though. 7/10

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl)
What a mess. Somehow there's some cool parts in among this overlong pile of shit. 5/10

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes
Horrible. 1/10

Thin Lizzy - Wild One
Ah that's better. Good song. This really isn't metal though. 6.5/10
Ava Inferi - The Living End
the way the female vocals blend against the music is really satisfying except for that one note she intentionally keeps not quite hitting urrggghhhh that's so irritating, there's singing in the cracks and then there's just sounding out of tune. male vocals are terrible, production is CGId to all hell and yeah it's all very heavy-handed teen goth girl nonsense, but there's at least a consistent mood to it and some superficial pleasures. 4/10

Whether you like them or not, Ava Inferi are/were not "teen goth girl nonsense." That designation would be more aptly applied to Within Temptation, post-An Elixir for Existence Sirenia, and other false shit. However, this song doesn't really encapsulate their overall metalness.

Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
Didn't realize Type O Negative was basically Carnivore. Although I liked most of the previously submitted Carnivore songs I thought this was boring and stupid and overlong and full of jarring un-transitions.

Their first album certainly does retain a lot more of their earlier crossover thrash sound from their Carnivore days.
Type O Negatives - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity 6/10

I'm really just not into Peter Steele's musical output. Thankfully, this is from the best Type O Negative album. Unfortunately, I think this isn't a good interpretation of the theme in comparison with other songs by them.

Titan Force - Lord of Desire 8/10

Titan Force rules, but I agree with the others that this song is a bit static. I like the quick ending though. Harry Conklin rules.

Ava Inferi - The Living End 4/10

This is lame.

Savatage - Out on the Streets 6.5/10

Not bad.

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea 9/10

I hope that @HamburgerBoy didn't submit this because I think that it could win and I don't want to deal with his theme selection and management of the game. No offense.

Slayer - Necrophiliac 9/10

This is a good spin on the theme. I gave points for making me laugh at the idea of its inclusion and because the song is awesome.

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol 7/10

We've already had a Gehennah song about alcohol or I would have rated this higher.

Secrecy - A New Beginning 6/10

This was decent enough.

Converge - Heaven in her Arms 4/10

Thanks for the angst.

Amon Goeth - In Love with Satan 10/10

I love Amon Goeth and I don't think there is another song about this type of love out there. Based on that, I have no choice but to rate 10/10.

Motörhead - Love Me Like a Reptile 6/10

This isn't one of their best songs. I think that they had other songs that fit the theme that are better than this one.

Danzig - Girl 5/10

I've always preferred The Misfits and Samhain.

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl) 10/10

This is it. This is the song that made me want someone to use this theme in the metal mixtape game. Miasma rules and I am proud to own their album and EP on CD.

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes 7.5/10

An underrated USBM act with King Diamond influences.

Thin Lizzy - Wild One 8/10

Thin Lizzy rules. This song is awesome.

Sorry for spending more time writing about certain songs than others. I'm at work.
My theme is going to be much better than your themes tbh.

The potential quality of your theme is not at all a part of my (mostly joking) desire to not have you win, although it's nice to know that you care enough to take a competitive stance. You probably have some decent ideas.
It will probably actually be "metal that isn't in-crowd" if you want to be realistic. He would probably pick a theme that has enough songs for a playlist.
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Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity 5/10

I ended up kinda liking this more than I expected, but it just doesn't warrant its 12 minute length imo. The moan and groans were hilarious.

Titan Force - Lord of Desire 8.5/10

This rules and Cronklin's vocals are amazing.

Ava Inferi - The Living End 5.5/10

This was weird, at times it really annoyed me but other times I found it to be decent. Interesting pick, though.

Savatage - Out on the Streets 6.5/10

Bit cheesy but enjoyable nonetheless.

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea 8.5/10

This is a much better ballad than the previous song and comes across as far more sincere. Love pretty much everything about this.

Slayer - Necrophiliac 10/10
It's a song off fucking Hell Awaits, I can't not give this a 10. I've never heard a thrash album as atmospheric as this one. It's just so hellish and violent, probably Araya's best vocal performance too.

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol 7/10

Fun as fuck.

Secrecy - A New Beginning 9/10

Never heard this before but this was amazing. Rifftastic with some nice vocals. Will definitely be looking more into this band.

Converge - Heaven in Her Arms 2.5/10

I was looking forward to this because I've never heard anything by this band but have seen them praised in various places. Well fuck that, this is offensive to my senses, especially these vocals. It literally gave me a headache. I can almost sympathies with people who think a lot of extreme music is just noise after experiencing this shitfest.

Amon Goeth - In Love with Satan 8/10

I agree that this is a bit too long, but it's still awesome. Love the mid-paced riffing.

Motörhead - Love Me Like a Reptile 7.5/10

Not one of the best Motorhead songs I've heard, but still pretty good.

Danzig - Girl 4/10

Kinda boring.

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Little Girl) 9/10

This rules. I don't quite like it as much as the best songs from Changes, but it's still great and the lyrics are amazing.

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes 9/10

I'm a big fan of both full lengths released by this underrated band.

Thin Lizzy - Wild One 8/10

I sometimes forget what a good band this is until I stumble across songs of theirs.