Themed Mixtape Game

Sodom - Volcanic Slut 8/10

Sodom are fucking classic. In the Sign of Evil is their best work but I've always enjoyed this album as well. Fun as fuck song.

Mayhem - Whore 4/10

Ugh, this album fucking sucks. As does this song. Maniac sounds terrible. I will never get into Maniac-era Mayhem other than Deathcrush.

Belphegor - Lucifer, Take Her! 5/10

I don't think I've heard a single Belphegor song I liked. This is pretty lifeless stuff here.

Bulldozing Bastard - Black Metal Slut 9/10

Here we fucking go! This is how slut metal is supposed to sound like. Fucking dirty and poppy as hell. More like this please.

Cranium - Nymphomaniac Nuns 8/10

Nice find here. Really enjoy this trash/speed combo. It's fasty and trembly as fuck.

Sextrash - Genital Tumor 8/10

I love how downright sloppy these riffs are. It reminds me of early Hellhammer where Warrior and Martin and the crew could barely even play their instruments.

Fear of God - Emily 5/10

Holy pinch harmonics. I do not like this. There really isn't a single idea here that is interesting, and those vocals are pretty damn terrible.

Samson - Vice Versa 9/10

Holy shit. I've never heard of this before. This is some cult ass shit. I really enjoy this. Those vocals are fucking butter and the Priest-style riffings are wonderful. Especially those softer clean parts during the verses. Damn. Need more of this.

Black Sabbath - Dirty Women 7/10

I knew someone was going to pick this. Ozzy sounds absolutely ridiculous here, and I love it. I really should re-listen to this album. The song might be a bit too long for its own good though.

Hobbs' Angel of Death - Satan's Crusade 7/10

This is one of those bands that I've never really listened to despite hearing a ton of shit about them. I always sort of identified them with all those other samey late 80s thrash bands. This has some damn cool riffs but I don't see myself really listening to it ever again. Just not my shit I guess. Those lyrics are great though haha.

Lord Mantis - The Whip and the Body 6/10

Well, this wasn't as terrible as I was expecting. However, next.

Midnight - Endless Slut 10/10

Still my favorite Midnight song. This one always gets the crowd pumped when they rock it live. I remember having a drunken discussion with Addo about this song and whether the Endless Slut was just an endless amount of sluts or if the slut had an endless vagina. It was pretty philosophical. Black Rock n Roll or Vomit Queens or basically any other Midnight song would have been an equally fitting selection, but this one rules the hardest.

Septic Flesh - Succubus Priestess 4/10

I will never understand why people like this band.

Pungent Stench - Four F club 6/10

A Mentor's cover? Count me in! I never really got into Pungent Stench but this is a fun cover. Adorable album art too.

Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore 9/10

I fucking love Megiddo. Their newest album was one of the best black metal albums I've heard in years. "The Christwhore" would have been a better selection in my opinion as that fucking chorus destroys, but I'd be stupid to not love this song as well. This is just awesome old school thrashy black metal. No frills, just riffs.
Sodom - Volcanic Slut

Revolting unhinged classic. 8/10

Mayhem - Whore

This is the first time I've listened to Mayhem beyond Grand Declaration... it's about what I expected. 5/10

Belphegor - Lucifer, Take Her!

Awful clinical production for soulless modern extreme metal. I like Belphegor's early material but this sucks. 3/10

Bulldozing Bastard - Black Metal Slut

I appreciate the effort and the obvious hail to the filth of the 80s, but it falls pretty short of actually capturing that spirit. Can't see this having much replay value. 6/10

Cranium - Nymphomaniac Nuns

Cranium rules and Necro Nudist is one of the best pseudonyms ever. Tough to pull off this sort of absurd one-dimensional rubbish. Cranium do it well. 7/10

Sextrash - Genital Tumor

I've been listening to Sexual Carnage quite a bit over the last month. I fucking love inept South American extreme metal. Easily my favourite thing on this playlist. 9/10

Fear of God - Emily

First time hearing Fear of God. Some of the riffs are undeniable, while the vocals are all over the place and fairly annoying. I can see this having potential so I may check the album out properly at some stage. 5/10

Samson - Vice Versa

Sounds a bit weak and thin and lifeless but Bruce really shines here. 6.5/10

Black Sabbath - Dirty Women

This rules. I avoided Technical Ecstasy due to a general bad reputation. My mistake. 8/10

Hobbs' Angel of Death - Satan's Crusade

Blasphemy! "Abuse my body and fuck me hard, let me burn in hell. I am not a virgin, I am a slut!". Cheers Pete! 8/10

Lord Mantis - The Whip and the Body

Does nothing for me. Clearly not in-crowd enough. 4/10

Midnight - Endless Slut

Apparently I saw Midnight live a few years ago but I can't remember a single second of it. It's a shame 'cause I imagine this is much more fun live. 6/10

Septic Flesh - Succubus Priestess

One of my least favourite tracks from Esoptron and it does suffer a bit outside the album. Still, good stuff. 7/10

Pungent Stench - Four F Club

Worthless cover. 2/10

Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore

Anyone else remember how hyped this was around 03/04? Competent thrashy black metal, but perhaps not the modern classic people thought it was. 7/10
But there's always time for a shoop. I'll get to the others I've missed this weekend.

Sodom - Volcanic Slut – 4/10

One of the weakest on the album.

Mayhem – Whore – 7/10

I like tech-black Mayhem a lot.

Belphegor - Lucifer, Take Her! – 6/10

This was kind of neat for chuggy pinch-harmonic stuffs, abrupt ending tho.

Bulldozing Bastard - Black Metal Slut – 6/10

Pretty decent definitely-not-black metal.

Cranium - Nymphomaniac Nuns – 9/10

Holy shit, I swear I’ve listened to Speed Metal Slaughter before, and even though that was a decade ago, I don’t remember them having a singer THIS awesome, I already love this guy. The riffs are legitimately good too, not the usual kind of black/thrash, a little more elaborate in an early Destruction way. The sex samples sound like they were probably taken from vintage Swedish porn, so big plus there. If I hadn’t just masturbated 30 minutes ago I’d probably pause after the song’s end and rub one out to some hot 90s Europorn right now.

Sextrash - Genital Tumor – 7/10

Never got into them too much, but enjoying this right now.

Fear of God – Emily – 8/10

A song about whores when they aren’t being violated by arg. Not their best, but still great, just about the only gothic metal I really enjoy.

Samson - Vice Versa – 7/10

I mostly listen to Shock Tactics over this album, but Bruce still sounds amazing, and the song itself is good.

Black Sabbath - Dirty Women – 5/10

Not bad, but I think people praise this one more because of the album it’s on. Always sounded uninspired for me even if the extended leads sound nice.

Hobbs' Angel of Death - Satan's Crusade – 2/10

No one praises this album like they used to a decade ago. Basically what could have been a poor Slayer leftover circa 1984. That thrash break in the middle might be the most contrived I’ve ever heard. I’m tempted to rate it slightly higher because the sound is still OK, but then the other side of me feels that if it can be so displeasing in spite of that, it doesn’t deserve any more.

Lord Mantis - The Whip and the Body – 0/10

The first three minutes are like a blackened Rammstein or something. Every riff repeats itself probably twice as many times as it needs to. Sorry, five minutes in and this is completely intolerable, I’m skipping this.

Midnight - Endless Slut – 4/10

Eh. Tolerable.

Septic Flesh - Succubus Priestess – 1/10

Lmao, non-existent riffs and shittons of melodrama.

Pungent Stench - Four F club – 2/10

Had promise at first, but five minutes? Nope, unnecessary and dumb.

Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore – 3/10

Hurts this song coming immediately after the previous with that same kind of triplet rhythm and otherwise vaguely in the similar style. The drum production is some of the worst I’ve ever heard. Sounds pretty unoriginal even putting that aside.
I was going to say the band, but reading the lyrics I suppose that isn't the case. So I'll just blame M-A like usual.

Sodom - Volcanic Slut 9/10

I get fuzzy feelings from that drum intro. This is probably my favourite Sodom album too.

Mayhem - Whore 6.5/10
Damn this was brutal, musical equivalent of being gorilla-fucked I guess.

Belphegor - Lucifer, Take Her! 2/10
Even though I'm in a very generous mood, this did nothing for me.

Bulldozing Bastard - Black Metal Slut 9/10
The kind of metal I love, dirty and sleazy. "Your pushed up tits under a Darkthrone shirt."

Cranium - Nymphomaniac Nuns 9/10
Damn, this is Swedish!? I thought it was Brazillian or something, it fucking rips and has audio sex samples!

Sextrash - Genital Tumor 9/10
This is so primitive and sloppy, definitely one of my favourite albums in this style. That was a good trio of filth.

Fear Of God - Emily 8/10
I would totally fuck Dawn Crosby, R.I.P. you sexy bitch.

Samson - Vice Versa 8/10
Hahaha! This song is so sleazy and hilarious, I used to listen to this so much back when I was younger. Fuck yeah.

Black Sabbath - Dirty Women 7.5/10
I actually haven't given this album much attention, if the rest of the songs are as good as this that needs to change. I hope this song isn't about Sharon though because that would be a total mental cock-block.

Hobbs' Angel Of Death - Satan's Crusade 9/10
"Fill my mouth with Satan's sperm, the Virgin Mary cried" possibly the greatest opening lyric of all time.

Lord Mantis - The Whip and the Body 4.5/10
Had this CD and gave it away, so already not a good start. Not terrible.

Midnight - Endless Slut 9/10
I wonder how many sleazy bitches have stripped for their boyfriends and girlfriends while this band plays on their system.

Septic Flesh - Succubus Priestess 5.5/10
Instrumentally this was really interesting to me, but the vocals ruined it's appeal. Especially the clean/growling vocal combination a bit later on, should have just used the clean the whole time. Not terrible though.

Pungent Stench - Four 'F' club 7/10
I love The Mentors and I love Pungent Stench, but there is a reason they put their covers on this weirdo EP release. It's just okay compared with their original material. Sleazy as fuck though.

Megiddo - The Devil And The Whore 5.5/10
I was considering getting into this band and I guess I should thank whoever submitted this for stopping me from wasting my time and cash, it's not shit by any means, but definitely not something that appeals much to me.
The rest of Technical Ecstasy isn't quite as good as Dirty Women, but there are other definite standouts like Rock 'N' Roll Doctor and Back Street Kids. And no, Dirty Women doesn't have anything to do with Sharon.