Themed Mixtape Game

Leviticus - the more l hear this, yeah this is cool. l could have this on while doing the dishes (my dishwasher broke) or whilst working on my guitars, in other words like any other time l get to listen to music. cool trad metal with a shitty solo..7/10

Stormwitch - the only thing this song has going for it is the initial minor key change. its perfectly passable old school gallop heavy metal but it doesn't do a great deal for me 5/10

Revocation - You could pick the shit out of this for every DM cliche but l like that geetar tone and lm a sucker for a pinch harmonic. some shitty riffs tho 6/10

Triptykon - Melana Chasmata' a cool album from a legend. This rules 8/10

Ahad - zzzz at the intro then a nice long zzzzzzz waiting, waiting zzzzzzzz l could easily see a mood id really be into this but it ain't now 3/10

Fates Warning - ive only ever owned Parallels on tape so this is a bit of an education. l can see where they came from more through this tho and Fates should have been huge. sweet 8/10

Sabbat - A better version would do it justice as Walkers vocals all over this album are genius. His delivery and lyrics are some of the finest in metal l reckon. Bell, book and Candle, Candle Book Bell fuck yeah 10/10

Summoning - Ah l know l own 2 Summoning discs but l haven't given them any attention yet...judging by this it may still take a while til l bother....this is boring BM And then change! ...more keyboards...more beehive.. lame drums...drum machine?...oh yeah this is a bloke sitting in his room with a geetar a keyboard and a drum program. nothing wrong with that but...3/10

Eternal Champion - See l wouldn't buy this but id never say turn it off. Its unoffensive non challenging well executed metal. 6/10

Jag Panzer - One of those clean intros that l actually (l hate using that word) like. Heard of this band for years but never really heard them...this sounds pretty good, strong vocal and decent geetar sound/mix l would probably want to adventure more but the riffs aint exactly going places....ah yeah l knew the geetarist would be hot you can tell this guy can shred when he wants...l like that snare as well...oh yeah more shred! 7/10

Blind Guardian - Another band lve never spent time with...this is ok....not a great version by the sounds of it...lm sure this should sound a better mix no? geetars sound buried under a muddy mix or was it mixed like that? l can see some cool instrumentation. pros 7/10

Iron Maiden - l consider this one of my fav Maiden songs. But lm not a HUGE fan of the band. l like Maiden a lot and own 7-8 vinyls but l dont often put them on. Still, if they come on or somebody suggests them l never object....a band to rely on 8/10

Long may these games continue! Another good trip down memory lane and beyond cheers folks
Without a doubt, if anyone has it's them. Zeppelin probably could have too had they invested more effort into it, but they didn't quite get around to it.
1. Leviticus - Deborah and Barack 7.510
Very cool high energy heavy metals to start this playlist. Love the riffs and guitar tone. Vocals are serviceable but hardly a highlight for me.

2. Stormwitch - Jonathan's Diary 8/10
For whatever reason, I thought Walpurgis Night was the only worthy material from this band. Well, I'll have to check out this album now because this is good. The last quarter or so is nuts.

3. Revocation - Opus Madness 4.5/10

I'm immediately turned by the production on this one and the stop start chugging is annoying. The clean break was probably the best part of the song for me, and some of the riffs are okay. There actually is some sense of atmosphere in the slower sections.

4. Triptykon - In the Sleep of Death 7.5/10
Genuine sense of foreboding here created by the crushing riffing. It would benefit from a grittier production I think, and I could so without some of the whinier vocals, but I appreciate the dynamics of this song.

5. Ahab - The Hunt 6.5/10

Haunting and harrowing intro before the heavy riffing. I think the ridiculously guttural vocals fit this very well, even if I'm typically not a big fan of them. The keyboards add an extra layer of intrigue to this piece which would otherwise be quite monotonous. Perhaps a shade too long.

6. Fates Warning - Giant's Lore 9/10
Man, early Fates Warning is so fucking good. I can see why Arch's vocals wouldn't appeal to everyone, but I've always liked them. Expert riffcraft and songwriting on display here. I still do prefer their previous record.

7. Sabbat - A Cautionary Tale 8/10
I'm only really familiar with Dreamweaver from this band. This is some pretty great headbanging thrash with a totally fucking awesome vocal delivery. I actually never majorly got into Dreamweaver but this sounds more to my liking so I'll have to look into this record.

8. Summoning - Mirkwood 10/10

The first 3 minutes or so are indescribably beautiful. Chills every time the part at 1:54 comes in. The atmosphere and textures of this piece completely envelop me and I am lost in my own thoughts. Epic in every sense of the word. The vocals rule, too.

9. Eternal Champion - Retaliator 8/10

Pretty much everything about this rules. Great vocals and riffs. This playlist has been good for trad metal.

10. Jag Panzer - Tragedy of Macbeth 6.5/10

I love Ample Destruction, but I've never heard anything else by them. The vocals are, of course, amazing. Really liked the intro. Some of the individual parts are interesting, although overall I find this a bit overly dramatic. Maybe it will grow on me if I listen to it within the context of the album.

11. Blind Guardian - Imaginations of the Other Side 7/10
This is quite ambitious and epic. I don't love it, but it's pretty good.

12. Iron Maiden - To Tame a Land 8.5/10
One of the best Iron Maiden albums imo. Not much to say about this, it's obviously great.

Phew, this playlist was exhausting. I'm expecting to see "riffless" from HamburgerBoy at least 3 times in his reviews.