Themed Mixtape Game

I, for one, really love Burzum's second album. I think it's better than their debut but obviously HLTO is his crowning achievement. Filosofem is good but I never finish it.
The first album probably has the greatest number of quality individual tracks, but it feels more like a demo compilation than an album written as a cohesive whole. Filosofem feels maturer and more like something intended to be listened to from start to finish. Probably the first BM album I really "understood", so holds a nostalgic appeal for that reason.
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Yep, Filosofem is my favorite. The whole atmosphere on it pretty much just consumes me anytime I listen to it. Also, @Internally Deformed I can agree with that. The first one has some really catchy tracks but as an album there's no flow/cohesiveness.
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Nah Varg is awesome. His music has turned to shit in recent years, but his youtube posts are always fun. Here he is explaining why D&D nerds are going to be the last ones standing after the breakdown of society:

Sounds plausible. Has anyone here actually tried MYFAROG btw?
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Fans of metal who dislike Burzum are plebs. There... I said it.

Also rating tonight. You have my word. Smoked my brains out last night, got too high, and passed out.
The first album probably has the greatest number of quality individual tracks, but it feels more like a demo compilation than an album written as a cohesive whole. Filosofem feels maturer and more like something intended to be listened to from start to finish. Probably the first BM album I really "understood", so holds a nostalgic appeal for that reason.

Same here, Dunkelheit was my first black metal song so it was some kind of a gateway for me thus it holds a significant value in my heart.
My favourite Burzum album is Dauði Baldrs these days.

Don't understand the hate for this album in some quarters. Given the limited equipment Varg had to work with, it's incredibly impressive. Most dark ambient albums are a total snoozefest, and that's with all sorts of effects added to make them sound more deep and evil. Varg created something immeasurably better with what sounds like a single octave fisher price keyboard.
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Satan – Break Free 9/10
This album rules. High energy, great riffs and awesome vocals. Love the high picthed wails he throws in throughout the album. Well above most other NWOBHM for me.

Defeated Sanity – Arousal Through Punishment 4/10
Eugh those vocals are horrible. Musically it's not completely abhorrent but not really my thing either.

Dying Fetus – Killing on Adrenaline 4.5/10
Dying Fetus is shit. The odd decent riff in here but as a full song I don't like it. To use a HamburgerBoy phrase, brutal death metal was a mistake. I actually love blasting sections usually but this song makes them boring. The lyrics are laughable, too.

Seventh Angel – Locked Up in Chains 7/10
Never heard this, it was cool. Really like the guitar tone and the vocals are suitably deranged.

Blind Guardian – Banished from Sanctuary 7.5/10

High energy power metal with some good melodies. Vocals could definitely be better. Needs to be replaced with a different YouTube vid because it keeps cutting out.

Exodus – The Ballad of Leonard and Charles 4.5/10

Obviously this hasn't got shit on Bonded by Blood but I don't think it was completely terrible. Not big on the production and it's a bit long for what it is. Intro was the best part.

The Chasm – Storm of Revelations 10/10

Lol, the difference between this song and the other 2 death metal songs on this list is like night and day. Sophisticated composition (notice how they return to and expand on the intro melody towards the end of the song), and actual use of melody and dynamics puts this way ahead. One of the more Deathcultish-like songs on this typically far more aggressive album. "The revelations I have conjured are the cursed and heretic words of our cult..."

Burzum – Key to the Gate 8.5/10

I've never been huge on the start of this song, but everything else about it is fantastic. The last half is undeniably beautiful. Doesn't reach the heights of Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, or the best songs on the debut and Filosofem for me. Still fucking great, though.

Dread Sovereign – We Wield the Spear of Longinus 8/10

Wow, crushingly emotional piece. Neamthanga sounds quite different here to on the Primordial albums I'm familiar with, still amazingly passionate of course. Nice pick.

Iced Earth – Dante’s Inferno 5.5/10

I've actually never listened to this song, or much Iced Earth for that matter, despite seeing them being quite highly rated in various places over the years. Decent moments scattered throughout. Far too long and didn't keep my interest for the full duration, though.

Thunder Rider – Electric Chair 7/10

This was cool, if a bit basic at times. Awesome production and I really like the vocals. Will look into the full album.

Slayer - Payback 3/10

Lmao, this is completely fucking awful. "You've got a fucking catheter in your brain, pissing your common sense away". Best line ever. Can't believe some people actually listen to this. I'm going to have to spin Hell Awaits to cleanse this filth.

Starlight Ritual - Seal the Light 7.5/10

Awesome vocals and some killer riffs featured here. Has the potential to grow on me.
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