Themed Mixtape Game

I was surprised by your high rating of the Burzum track, Pompey. Since you've said you're not much into second wave black metal. Is Burzum an exception?
1) It kind of is, I like Hvis lyset tar oss more than most (all?) 2nd wave BM I've heard though I don't love it like a true 2nd wave zealot would
2) this song felt a bit first-wavey.
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Satan – Break Free
Dat solo.

Defeated Sanity – Arousal Through Punishment
And punishment through monotony, it seems.

Dying Fetus – Killing on Adrenaline
It has more interesting riffing than the previous song, at least.

Seventh Angel – Locked Up in Chains
Disjointed, but in a good way.

Blind Guardian – Banished from Sanctuary

Exodus – The Ballad of Leonard and Charles
The intro sounded like maybe it really would be ballad. It started out decently, but it just kept going. Not terrible, though. Good bits in the solo, at least.

The Chasm – Storm of Revelations
I should look into The Chasm again. Those bass drums really do sound like a typewriter, though.

Burzum – Key to the Gate
That dissonant intro riff really sets things up.

Dread Sovereign – We Wield the Spear of Longinus
This owes a great debt to Nemtheanga's singing.

Iced Earth – Dante’s Inferno
This makes eternal damnation come to life more than most black and death metal songs. It progresses ever deeper ito Hell until reaching a climax with the 9th and final circle where Satan dwells.

Thunder Rider – Electric Chair

Slayer - Payback
I enjoyed this - when I was 16. Now I just find it rather risible, although it can't top the lulz factor of "I keep the Bible in a pool of blood so that none of its lies can effect me!"

Starlight Ritual - Seal the Light
Slam Death Metal definitely is lowest common denominator music made for the same kind of rhythm/groove focused listener that thinks Emure rocks because they cut away the riffs and melody and other extraneous bullshit and get straight down to the chugging.

But Brutal Death Metal when done right is a much more cerebral listen.
Cool opinion, we will throw it right in the pile with the ten trillion other times it's been said.

You sound butthurt. I can't imagine why else you would feel the need to repost my words from another topic out of context if that weren't the case.

EDIT: Oops. I followed an alert here from the controversial opinions topic and forgot this was a different thread. My bad.

Either way, you do sound pretty butthurt since you pretty much said you were going to stop playing the game if people didn't stop disliking this type of music.
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You sound butthurt. I can't imagine why else you would feel the need to repost my words from another topic out of context if that weren't the case.

I'm curious, where do you draw the line at Brutal Death Metal? If you're just missing out on stuff like Disgorge, that's a shame but not too big a deal. But not to listen to bands like Nile or Hour of Penance because they contain BDM elements would be a real loss.
Elric has already said he's not much of an extreme metal guy so I can't see him appreciating brutal death metal anytime soon. I'm not very familiar with Hour of Penance, but Nile is the definition of mediocrity imo (although they have a few good moments/songs scattered throughout their discography).
The last thing Nile is is mediocre. Even if you don't like them, you have to appreciate the fact that they've got a sound that's distinctively their own in a genre cluttered with clones. There aren't many BDM bands that you could identify from a single riff, whereas I could with Nile.
Yeah, Suffocation's recent material is awesome too, particularly Blood Oath. Not even sure if you'd call it BDM anymore, it's almost avant-garde.

Used to love early Cryptopsy, but it's been a while since I last listened to them.
lol, avant-garde? whatinthefuck. I don't even wanna ask how you came up with that one.

They're basically tech/brutal death metal nowadays. You should def. check out Pinnacle to Bedlam, i think its a little better than Blood Oath.

Avant-Garde in the same way a band like Gorguts is. They're not at quite that level, but they're by no means a straight forward brutal death band any more, and technical doesn't really describe what they do either.

I've listened to Pinnacle - it's good, but not quite as memorable as Blood Oath imo.
Avant-Garde in the same way a band like Gorguts is. They're not at quite that level, but they're by no means a straight forward brutal death band any more, and technical doesn't really describe what they do either.

You must be out of your mind. honestly. They are a brutal/tech death band. Nothing more and nothing less. And how the fuck does technicality not describe what they do, when they were also one of granddaddies of that subgenre? They have always been considered highly technical, and the only Gorguts albums that sound somewhat similar to their work are Considered Dead and The Erosion of Sanity .... but that's where their comparison just about completely stops. And i wont even bother linking you to MA, RYM and all the other places that will have TECHNICAL DEATH METAL right next to their names. And I dunno maybe you think technical death metal is just the new school tech-death bands of today?

Avant garde should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as Suffocation. What Suffo album, or song even sounds anything like Obscura, FWTH or Colored Sands(which are still technical death metal albums btw)???

This is quite honestly the worst post i've read form you.

edit: "Suffocation are avant-garde like Gorguts" :lol: i swear this is so funny that it's sig worthy.
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Why do people misuse the term avant-garde so often? I don't think that I've really heard it used properly in regards to metal music.