Themed Mixtape Game

I honestly think you have something mixed up. You cant quite possibly be talking about the album below when saying "influenced by Deicide" right?


This album is imprinted on my mind(one of my all time favs). And if you think it's inspired by or sound like deicide in any possible way than you honestly need to get your head/ears checked.
I actually like some of Deicides stuff and own their first two albums, Serpents and Stench. But i'm just not going to bother anymore since you're not just clearly ignorant, but pretty heard-headed as well. I don't think there is a single person on this fucking planet that is going to agree, or even not laugh at any of your last 10 or so posts. So i;ll just go ahead and let you continue to embarrass yourself.
The irony is that we were trying to convince Elric of the merits of DM when TB went off on one of his moronic rampages. Exactly the same thing happened in the cannabis discussion - TB's grammatically challenged multi-post rant derailed the whole discussion and obscured the topic we were actually discussing, which was something we damned well agreed on (i.e. death metal = good, cannabis = good).
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Reactions: Satanstoenail
1 - Newer Suffocation are avant garde
2 - Gorguts arent technical death metal
3 - Obscura was influenced by Legion
4 - Ulcerate arent technical death metal
5 - If it doesnt sound like Necrophagist, than its not technical death metal.

And just like the other time, you're once again arguing about things you clearly seem to know nothing about.

Your faggot ass cant stop yourself from responding to any of my posts, but yeah im the one pushing i, right? Just accept the fact that you know jack shit when it comes to technical death metal and lets move on.
I don't think 'avant garde' is anywhere near the right descriptor for Gorguts but they're definitely not bog standard tech death.
I hear more nu metal than Deicide in Obscura (the album) tbh.

So what you're saying is you actually hear some Deicide in that album? o_O

edit: And i had to correct one of my earlier posts where i said they were my 2nd favorite band. They're my fav DM band(along with Death, depending on which day :)) ... and they go right under my favorite thrash metal bands.
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Reactions: Baroque
Satan – Break Free - 7.5
What is there not to like here? NWOBHM at its finest.

Defeated Sanity – Arousal Through Punishment - 6.5
One of the weaker tracks form this beast of an album

Dying Fetus – Killing on Adrenaline - 4/10
rarely do shitty vox and lyrics stop me from enjoying good music, but i just cant stand this shit. Otherwise as mentioned, there's some solid riffage here.

Seventh Angel – Locked Up in Chains - 8.5
Awesome, how have i not heard of these guys before? Ima give it an extra .5 because this is the track i wanna see win ... which is not going to happen but whatever.

Blind Guardian – Banished from Sanctuary - 8
One of the best songs from the album.

Exodus – The Ballad of Leonard and Charles - 6.5
Average, generic ho-hum thrash metal. And i still cant stand Dukes

The Chasm – Storm of Revelations - 6
a little too disjointed, but still a good track. Going to downvote this from a 7 to a 6 because of the ridiculous amount of rabid Chasm fanbois we have here.

Burzum – Key to the Gate - 7
Not a fan of Vargs vox here, but the rest of the track is solid. Pretty much what i think of the album on the whole.

Dread Sovereign – We Wield the Spear of Longinus - 5
meh, much rather spend 11+ minutes listening to something else...

Iced Earth – Dante’s Inferno - 7.5
... like this. EPIC!

Thunder Rider – Electric Chair - 6
It was okay.

Slayer - Payback - 7
Being a little generous here

Starlight Ritual - Seal the Light - 7.5
Another nice surprise.
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The irony is that we were trying to convince Elric of the merits of DM when TB went off on one of his moronic rampages. Exactly the same thing happened in the cannabis discussion - TB's grammatically challenged multi-post rant derailed the whole discussion and obscured the topic we were actually discussing, which was something we damned well agreed on (i.e. death metal = good, cannabis = good).

The irony is that you defended TB against me, saying that you agree that I'm the reactionary (overreactive) one that has strops every ten minutes.

I have no sympathy hahaha, you brought this on yourself.
Satan – Break Free 8
As everyone was saying, there are better Satan tracks, but still. It's fucking Satan.

Defeated Sanity – Arousal Through Punishment - 5
When this album came out I thought it was far below their first album, which is definitely one of the best brutal/slam albums. This song does very little for me. Also, wasn't bondage/SM shit not allowed? Shouldn't this get a 1 on principal?

Dying Fetus – Killing on Adrenaline - 4
I used to adore this album, but then I turned 16. I will gladly leave a show before Dying Fetus if there's a better band playing, but the type of bands playing with Dying Fetus don't hold my interest anyways. God, these lyrics are fucking stupid.

Seventh Angel – Locked Up in Chains - 7
I'm getting huge Dream Death vibes with this. This is fucking interesting stuff but not exactly my thing.

Blind Guardian – Banished from Sanctuary - 8.5
BG's best album? Maybe. This song fucking rules. Back when they were actually speedy as fuck and fucking ballsy. Their newer stuff is just too tame for me these days. Still better than fucking Sonata Arctica or something. Not sure why it keeps cutting out but I know how it goes. That fucking chorus!

Exodus – The Ballad of Leonard and Charles - 3
This is the epitome of fucking boring.

The Chasm – Storm of Revelations - 9
Man, I haven't listened to this Chasm album in ages. This definitely contains everything that makes them such a legendary band. Deliciously melodic riffs, tons of variation but constructed in a way that feels far more natural than most bands that just lump a bunch of fucking riffs together. I can only imagine the fucking headache that it would be to remember every single riff in this. Love it.

Burzum – Key to the Gate - 9
Varg begins his sophomore album with that fucking dissonant as fuck riff as a "fuck you" to everyone, but as the song progresses, especially towards the end, it comes together to some of Varg's greatest work. The "anti-solo" solo is just wonderful and that final riff is absolutely beautiful. Especially that riff at about 4:00. This is Romanticism.

Dread Sovereign – We Wield the Spear of Longinus - 9
This album was such a fucking surprise when it dropped. Extremely emotive and wickedly catchy. Alan's vocals are definitely a highlight, but the way this song progresses echoes the likes of Reverend Bizarre. Sure, it may be a tad bit too long, but I've never found the length to detract from the song, and the ambient outro works much better in context with the rest of the album and the song that follows this one. It's the little touches like the harmony guitar at about 2:50 and the wonderful bass slides that truly make this song. Scourging Iron would have been a good replacement given it's shorter length, but I'm not sure if it fits the theme as well.

Iced Earth – Dante’s Inferno - 7
Whoever was the savaged that placed these back to back is an asshole. This song definitely rules, but I still can't really get behind Iced Earth for whatever reason. Mad props though for writing a song of this length.

Thunder Rider – Electric Chair - 8
What in the fuck? This is some unheard of awesomeness. Holy shit. I definitely need to check out the other songs by these guys. Thanks, No Country or whoever submitted this one.

Slayer - Payback - 1
Literally the worst fucking Slayer album. This is fucking garbage. This makes that Dying Fetus song sound like Mozart. God, I fucking hate Slayer after Seasons. It's like they knew that their fanbase turned into white trash Pantera tough guys and were just trying to capitalize on that. In that case, well, they did good. This is fucking worse than Panera's (sic) worst song.

Starlight Ritual - Seal the Light - 7.5
This started off really weird and far too psychedelic for my taste, but it turned pretty damn cool real quick. Parts of it are still a little too weird for me, but those riffs towards the middle are great. Fuck it, giving this a .5 higher because of it.