Themed Mixtape Game

I just like reading about it alot, as I see educating myself as well as possible on as many important academical things as possible to be a strong imperative of mine. To be candid, I'm not that great with it, I'm probably the worst numerical equation solver you'll ever meet, but I do find it all intriguing and essential knowledge.
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Math is racist. Meth > math.

It depends on what you mean by "we". I think it's possible - if not likely - that a small number of individuals may reside on Mars for a short while in the nearish future, exciting as that sounds.

He's not disagreeing with you about Mars. He works for NASA, he's blatantly affirming that Mars will meet humans.
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Actually, the ones old enough to have jobs tell me that they don't need their maths qualification because they already have a job. Generally working part-time at McDonald's or in some supermarket *sigh* and that job didn't require them to have it they say.
Actually, the ones old enough to have jobs tell me that they don't need their maths qualification because they already have a job. Generally working part-time at McDonald's or in some supermarket *sigh*.
Thus why the qualifying phrase I used was "high-paying", those troglodytic dolts are still blissfully unaware of the fact that they can't support a comfortable or enjoyable life on a burger flipper's salary and that you need to work harder, particularly in school, if you're gonna get anywhere meaningful in this world. You want a good engineering, science, or business degree? Get your math credits, faggot.
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Eugh, has this "math" business invaded Australia?! It's maths damnit. Filthy Americans taking our language and butchering it.
Don't you bitch at us, we speak English with more authenticity than you ever will. You invented the language and then abandoned a good deal of its traditional conventions, including the accent, and inserting those awful fucking "u"'s after your o's so you can sound more like those subhuman French asshats.
Whatever bitch, you took our language and because you're so egotistical you decided that you can't just leave it the same and instead have to make changes. I lost all respect when I found out "gotten" was correct in American English. Sounds fucking stupid.
Our changes made linguistic and synactic sense and didn't surrender our sense of dignity to the French. Blow me, or rather, go monge on the Eiffel Tower's railings, seeing as you love those surrender monkey fruitcakes so much.
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