Themed Mixtape Game

Suprised that @Krow didn't go for Obsidian Gate - Invoke the Dragon-Constellation, would be perfect (both for this theme and the one before). I probably would if I hade the time to participate. It's maybe abit on the long side though.

Nice to see Dark Millennium represented too!
Let's go...

Earth - There is a Serpent Coming 3/10

Regardless of artist intent, I don't get the "Dragons" vibe here. This is just boring. The vocals were also annoying. The guitar sound was the only redeeming thing that I could find here. Sorry. Actually, I'm not sorry.

Omen - Dragon's Breath 8/10

This is a great song. You get the sense that these men are warriors singing a rousing tune as they prepare to die in a blaze of glory against a mighty dragon.

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon 7.5/10

More bands should attempt to channel the mysticism of "Beyond the Realms of Death" if you ask me. This one is thematically and atmospherically on point, but slightly longer than I wanted.

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves 7/10

This is my favorite Amon Amarth song. Their early music is fairly pleasing. It captures the feeling that you expect from the title as it strikes a balance between heaviness and majestic quality.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon 0.5/10


Bewitched - Dragonflight 8/10

I love this album. This is a perfect pick for the theme. I love the obvious spirit of the performances and the nods to Mercyful Fate.

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon 4/10

This just isn't for me. Points for making me think about dragons.

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye 4/10

Honestly, I found this annoying. This is not for me.

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time 9/10

This is the clear winner here for me. I thought about selecting this song. The atmosphere is perfect and it really makes you think that about the threat of a dragon attack.

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers 1/10

I hate to say this, but this has no real place here and comes off as some insincere parody of high fantasy rather than a song that captures the theme.

Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule 7.5/10

I really haven't listened to enough Crimson Glory and it is apparent to me that I should change that. All in all, this is a solid song. Midnight is very charismatic.

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair 8/10

This was the most exciting song on the playlist. I love everything about it. It makes me want to go out and fight a dragon.

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon) 7.5/10

I was thinking that this playlist needed more extreme metal. This song helps fill that void. I love Nocternity and the cold intensity and excellent pacing of this song really give it the appropriate atmosphere.

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas 5/10

I've never really been able to appreciate this particular sort of thing. The ridiculous symphonic parts kill the atmosphere.

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum 6/10

I thought that this was reasonably. The dragon here seems to be some sort of malicious entity. Not a standout track.

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon 6/10

I really thought that this song sounded a bit disjointed. I don't know that all of the parts really fit together for me. It had some good ideas but it could use a bit more cohesion.

Overall, this playlist was a mixed bag for me. I liked some of the songs quite a bit, but there were some that I found boring or even offensive to my musical sensibilities. I do think that I know who picked some of my favorites from this list. There were some great selections. :)
i'm super happy someone picked one of my backup picks. the other was hammers of misfortune though. vaguely surprised at the lack of manilla road or bruce dickinson!
That Black Dahlia song isn't even about dragons. I have nothing against it musically because commercial melodeath doesn't make me want to throw up but it has no place in this playlist.
Suprised that @Krow didn't go for Obsidian Gate - Invoke the Dragon-Constellation, would be perfect (both for this theme and the one before). I probably would if I hade the time to participate. It's maybe abit on the long side though.

Nice to see Dark Millennium represented too!

Tbh I was having a bit of a creativity block and flipping cd cases over checking track lists. I don't own a copy of that one so no luck there.

I wanted to participate though so I just contributed something knowing it was middle of the road. Better to be average than post something irrelevant to the game I guess. (I'm lookin at that TBDM song)
Earth - There is a Serpent Coming

I could hardly be anymore unenthusiastic about this. I imagine it is best suited to a particular mood and better experienced as a full album. Not for me, and not a particularly good way to start a playlist. 3/10

Omen - Dragon's Breath

Here we go! Dragons and barbarians and skeletal warriors with six foot spears through their spines. As metal as it gets. Absolutely had to be included. 9/10

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon

I haven't heard this Tyrant before. This is a cool song and the exact sort of thing I expected this playlist to be full of. 7/10

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves

I bought this album when I was 16 so there's a significant amount of nostalgia in hearing this again. It's also one of the better songs on the album. It also has nothing to do with dragons. 4/10

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon

No fucking dragons here, either. 2/10

Bewitched - Dragonflight

Glad to see this included! Powerful song, fits in flawlessly, even has a dragon on the cover burning the shit out of everything. This band rules. 9/10

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon

I have to award this points for actually being a song about hunting a dragon, but the music isn't for me. It's full of the cringe worthy brand of metal cheese that I can't stand. 5/10

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye

The video isn't available in my country. Maybe find a different version. I'm familiar with the album though. This is my least liked song on Ashore the Celestial Burden and I often used to skip it. I feel like it fits well, however, and it's not devoid of great moments, mostly in the last half (Bright light, darkened night, reign of immortalityaaaaah!) 7/10

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time

This is awesome. I don't dislike Wino at all I just can't help but wish Reagers never left whenever I listen to his albums. 8/10

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers

Joke submission? Good one. 0/10

Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule

Man, I WISH this was Dragon Lady. I guess this fits better. Still, it's cool - I just never got into it like the debut. 7/10

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair

Yeah, I definitely need to buy this album. Everything I love about USPM right here. 8/10

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon)

Great song. The playlist needed something like this, too. Those who know me know I worship Onyx. 9/10

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas

I've barely listened to Therion after Beyond Sanctorum. Can't see that changing any time soon. 3/10

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum

Solid Finnish death metal. It would've been better placed around the middle of the playlist. Sounds like a million dollars after that Therion track. 7/10

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon

Never heard this band before. Already I wish they'd stop abusing leads. I'm going to echo Omni and say that this suffers from a lack of coherency. Or maybe it's just not very good. It probably needs more solos. 5/10

Good playlist. I think the next game master needs to check the songs to determine whether or not they fit the theme. Amon Amarth, The Black Dahlia Murder and The Wizards should have all been rejected.
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Earth - There is a Serpent Coming 5/10

Works well enough as a playlist intro.

Omen - Dragon's Breath 5.8/10

Filler from a great band, but filler nonetheless.

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon 8.13/10

Really glad someone picked this, the Tyrant anthology needs more love.

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves 4.87763/10

once sent from the burning cock

(I actually like this song a lot, but it's not about dragons)

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon π/10

Again, not about dragons.

Bewitched - Dragonflight 4.999999999.../10

Undeniably creative but it's not doing anything for me, sorry guys. Might be a grower but I don't have that time to give it right now.

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon Se7en/10

Solid anthemic cheese. Basically exactly what I think when I think dragon metal.

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye N/A

Video not available in my country.

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time 6.066/10

I'm more of a Reagers guy.

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers 0/10


Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule 9.02531/10

Well this is just amazing, now I regret not having heard the second Crimson Glory album because then this would've been my submission.

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair 7.9800000043549999555/10

This is A-grade USPM. Idk what else to say.

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon) 6.10045/10

Not a fan of this kind of blast beat-soundwall BM, and also I'm rooting against Dany. That midsection is pretty sweet though.

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas 2.732210745/10

I like some Therion, but this is really dumb.

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum 6.255410047/10

It's ok.

Helcaraxë - Red Dragon 7.20579503 * 10^0/10

This is really messy and the vocalist is pretty generic, but at parts I love how it marries death metal with trad metal sensibilities. Can't say I've heard anything like it, not that I listen to a lot of DM. On closer examination it's more like traditional metal with some random shitty growls on top. Some great riffs though.
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Being a maths teacher, I appreciate your use of Pi and 10^0 (where is your e though? I guess the Therion rating is kinda close) but I think you should change them before some people get really annoyed.
Yeah, I don't think I would take kindly to those sorts of ratings if I was hosting.
Earth - There is a Serpent Coming = 6/10
I'm actually quite surprised that I enjoy this so much. I'm not usually into droney or proggish stuff or this kind of american shit, but I feel the atmosphere here. The guitars sound nice and doomy and I don't think the vocals are all that annoying. This is not the first time I'm hearing Earth tbh, I think I have listened to some of their early albums and I thought they were more boring than this. I remember they had a show in a theatre like 10 minute walk from my home and there were some druggies collapsing and shit. I don't think this is a band UM is gonna rate highly.

Omen - Dragon's Breath = 8/10
Classic old heavy metals, not much more to say here.

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon = 7/10
First time hearing this band I think. I usually find obscure NWOBHM bands boring after a while, or sometimes straight away, but this is very solid old metals, obviously. Still not much more to say about it though.

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves = 4/10
I used to listen to Amon Amarth when I was a kid and this is early Amon Amarth too, before their choruses turned really silly. I have problems taking Amon Amarth seriously anymore, even though this still sounds kinda heavy and it's not bad really imho. They certainly have their own sound and to me it just brings back some memories from when I was a teenager.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon = 2/10
Not my kind of thing. It's probably executed well, but I wouldn't know.

Bewitched - Dragonflight = 2/10
I find this pretty annoying actually, especially the vocals.

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon = 2/10
Cheesy modern metal. These overproduced new bands usually fail to achieve the dark atmosphere of old classic acts and that's what I'm into really. I'm allergic to a lot of the quirks of singers like this. The sound is gay overall. Just no. I just can't get over how silly this song is. It's almost pedophile music but really, if Bewitched was annoying then this is too, but also silly.

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time = 7/10
I like Saint Vitus. It's a first band on the list so far that I somewhat regularly listen to. This song doesn't have the energy or ideas of some of the best ones in their discography though.

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers = 0/10
I don't know why I should listen to this tbh. Sometimes I enjoy good comedy but not this.

Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule = 6/10
Interesting I suppose.

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair = 6/10
Okay I suppose.

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel = 9/10
I know this album. Cold as fuck and proper black metals. Quite magical, really, once you let it flow through you. I haven't listened to it in a while and now I regret it. Also, saying "this kind of blast beat-soundwall BM" is really underestimating it. I believe that once you get into it, and if you like black metal, you realize that this album is one of a kind. My favorite song in this playlist.

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas = 2/10
Holy shit what is happening here. Bands doing this kind of shit are a real wtf for me.

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum = 6/10
It's okay but nothing special really. I've heard a shitload of dark death metal albums from around this time and I guess I expect something more from the genre at this point.

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon = 4/10
Annoys me. Sounds like it's comprised of generic vocals that are too high in the mix and melodic guitar leads. There's really no need for such music imo.
EDIT: It gets kinda riffier after a while but still no.

Ufff. Too many dragons for one Onder.
Also, saying "this kind of blast beat-soundwall BM" is really underestimating it. I believe that once you get into it, and if you like black metal, you realize that this album is one of a kind.

I'm not really into black metal, I mostly just like primitive first wave or first wave-influenced stuff.
your ratings are totally gonna get discounted but i lold anyway

i didn't do the youtube playlist this time but i just looked and there's no alternative for that dark millennium. it is on spotify though for those who have it. otherwise, i recommend in the future people check their song is on youtube before picking it.
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there is a serpent coming - 1
the fuck is this garbage

dragon's breath - 8
cool galloping tune

take it to the dragon - 4
good effort but no thanks

the dragon's flight across the waves - 9
this is what the fuck i'm talking about! their riffs had more of an aura of badassery before they got too melodic

vlad, son of dragon - 8
i enjoyed this. the guy shouldve used his lows more than his screams

bewitched - 1
this was fucking irritating

chasing the dragon - 9
great production, rich chunky instruments, high-pitched vocals that retain their masculinity, upbeat and uplifting not in an annoying happy way, but a chivalrous fist-pumping way. gj whoever picked this

beyond the dragon's eye - 4
long and boring. what are they trying to achieve with this

dragon time - 4
why do you guys like these kinds of songs

dragon slayers - 0
fuck off

where dragons rule - 5
not terrible, needs manlier vocals

dragon's lair - 5
see above

valyrian steel - 6
needs to be shorter, with more discernible riffs and more catchy

ho drakon ho megas - 2

dragon of the continuum - 8
awesome, fuck yeah

red dragon - 8
pretty rad
Earth - There is a Serpent Coming

3/10. Boring as Earth usually is. No magical feeling here.

Omen - Dragon's Breath

6/10. Not Omen's best song. Standard old school heavy metal in every way annnnd I really like Omen.

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon

7/10. Never heard this before. Pretty magical stuff IMO.

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves

7/10. Early AA is high class melodic death.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon

0/10. This song doesn't belong here, plain and simple, hence the zero.

Bewitched - Dragonflight

8/10. Goddamnit I need to buy this album.

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon

4/10. Standard in every way

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye

6/10. Cool but eh, whatever.

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time

10/10. Yep, I'm giving a 10. This IS the song I think of when I think heavy metal and dragons.

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers

6/10. I gotta admit, I got a kick outta this. You guys are wound too tight. WHERE YOU AT DRAGON?

Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule

7/10. A little too much cheese but still fun.

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair

5/10 production and vocalist are fairly bad.

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon)

5/10. This song doesn't seem very dragony to me. Sounds like a black metal song that happens to have the word dragon in it. Rating is because I feel it doesn't fit the theme all that well.

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas

7/10. I'm a big fan of this album and quite frankly this song is a lot more magical than many on this list.

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum

4/10. Find a death metal song with the word dragon in it.

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon
6/10. Attempts to be epic but falls a bit short, still interesting.
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