Themed Mixtape Game

Amon Amarth and Dream Evil shit all over everything this round, one of them should be the winner

i would be ok with Omen or Maveth winning
What song do you guys think that I picked?

The rap song, obviously.

Also since there seems to be butthurt a-stirring, I won't give any more zeros even if the song has nothing to do with the current round of the game. So regardless of topic just hit me with a song I like and I'll bounce an 8 or higher off ya, fam.
Also my butt is sore I missed out on Dragon Time and settled for my third rate choice.

I might actually upload and post that Skullview song tonight if I get off work before dark.
Earth - There is a Serpent Coming 4.5/10

I also don't get the hate for this, the guitar tone and general production are quite appealing. The main problem with it is it that I felt I'd been listening for 10 minutes by the end because it doesn't really go anywhere and just plods along. Ok as an intro.

Omen - Dragon's Breath 7/10

Glad someone posted this, been meaning to revisit Battle Cry for a while now. Fun song that fits the theme perfectly.

Tyrant - Take It to the Dragon 7.5/10

Never heard this before and it's really interesting and I like it a lot. Would have rated it higher if the vocals during the quieter sections were better. Definitely need to look into this band.

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves 6.5/10

Pretty cool. I could do without some of the riffs in here, but the melodies are nice. If only their later output sounded more like this they'd be a decent band.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of Dragon 3/10

Overproduced and soulless. I feel like the more I listen to this the more annoying it would become and my rating would lower. That breakdown is definitely the worst part.

Bewitched - Dragonflight 8.5/10

This is really great. I can see why some people might find the vocals to be grating, but these riffs and melodies cannot be denied. Like Omni said, there's an obvious energy and passion from these band members, like they were really excited to record these songs. It's not my favourite on the album but it still rules.

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon 5/10

I don't hate this. It's super cheesy and too clean sounding but I find it enjoyable in this playlist. Don't see myself ever listening to it again though so that's why the rating is lowish.

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye NA/10

Wish I could rate this from memory but I can't. Going to try and find it somewhere and then I'll update this if I do.

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time 8/10

It's Saint Vitus so obviously it rules. Never actually heard any songs from this particular album though. Really enjoy this.

The Wizards - Purple Magic 3/10

Mildly entertaining for the first minute before becoming annoying and it doesn't really belong here.

Crimson Glory 8/10

What the Hell, this thing kicked my ass. The vocals are amazing. If what some other people are saying about their first album is true then I look forward to listening to it.

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair 8.5/10

I love this, one of my favourites from this playlist. Needed to turn it way up to properly hear it but other than that I think the production is very fitting. Strong riffs, great melodies and nice vocals.

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragons) 9/10

Just when I was craving some black metal in this playlist this comes along. Used to be big into Nocternity a few years back so thanks for reminding me about this album to whoever submitted it. Emotional stuff here and my favourite on this playlist.

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas 4/10

Points mainly for the intro before it just becomes too weird. Beyond Sanctorum this is not.

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum 7/10

I feel like I might be overrating this because it is rather standard but I just really like the production and general sound of this. It's maybe a touch too long but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon 3/10

My this is disjointed. It's just not very good.

Solid playlist overall, I enjoyed a lot of it.
I thought that Slayed Necros submitted the Nocternity song. I also thought that CIG didn't submit anything because he said he has a busy schedule at the minute.
oh yeah i forgot about david lol. i forgot about bewitched too, i guess omni picked that. and yeah fair enough re: CiG, i think i misinterpreted one of his posts.
I like TBDM, but it doesn't fit at all. I read the lyrics just to make sure, pretty sure it's referring to Vlad the Impaled being the son of Satan. No dragons involved. Get your fanny pack untwisted.

Aren't you the guy who gave a song about boats a 7 (Amon Amarth)? Don't get me wrong, I think you were right to do so, because I think different takes on the dragon idea is fine.

I'm not even playing though so I'm going to shut up now and mind my own business.
Maybe I was harsh on the Amon Amarth. It is pretty dragony in spirit even if it's about boat-dragons. I didn't even realize it wasn't about literal dragons until Necros pointed it out.
Everything on this playlist is pretty dragony except the Black Dahlia. Not sure about Earth, and the Maveth dragon may be a metaphor for time or something but I'm ok with it. Overall the thematic adherence is pretty good in these picks.
Damn, I would have participated if it werent for me losing power for a couple days. I guess ill add some numbers to the vote though.

1. Earth - 5/10 - Would be a nice song to set the theme if it wasnt so long and actually built up some tension.

2. Omen - 8/10 - Obvious choice, but for good reason.

3. Tyrant - 7.5/10 - Nice NWOBHM classic that ive never heard of before. Loses points since it's ballady, but I still like it quite a bit.

4. Amon Amarth - 6/10 - Not bad for melodeth standards; decent atmosphere, but too much chugging for me.

5. The Black Dahlia Murder - 3/10 - Too polished and generic, bit of a boring song.

6. Bewitched - 8.5/10 - Weird vocals (terrible harmonies) that are a bit thin, but the music slays. Great energy here and very fitting of the theme.

7. Dream Evil - 5/10 - Mercy points because it fits the theme so well, but this is the type of musical cheese that I would rather live without.

8. Dark Millennium - 7/10 - Feels a bit long, but the atmosphere on this is fantastic and dark.

9. Saint Vitus - 9/10 - Great doomy song about an invasion by dragons, good stuff.

10. The Wizards - 3/10 - No, this doesnt work, metal and dragons is serious business. Plus I dont really care for hip-hop.

11. Crimson Glory - 8.5/10 - cheesy in just the right way, the vocals really are impressive. Overall the song drags on a bit though, so docked a point for that.

12. Heir Apparent - 9.5/10 - Havent listened this this in years, I should definitely change that! This song has it all, riffs, leads, soaring vocals, and fits the theme flawlessly. Probably my choice pick on the list.

13. Nocternity - 9.5/10 - When I thought of this theme, my mind immediately went to USPM and heavy metal, and I didnt even think of Nocternity tbh. Absolutely love this album, and im not sure there is a more fitting BM track for this list. Very dark and fantastic, this song has impact.

14. Therion - 3/10 - Lame keyboards and stupid industrial beat, definitely a no go for me.

15. Maveth - 7/10 - Solid, but nothing special. Haunting more in a dark way than to do with fantasy as far as im concerned. Like others have said, it seems to drag on a bit long as well.

16. Helcaraxë - 4/10 - I dont like this at all. Too long, too disjointed, and sterile.