Themed Mixtape Game

i didnt post tbdm but a 0 for it is fucking stupid and genre-based prejudice
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I like TBDM, but it doesn't fit at all. I read the lyrics just to make sure, pretty sure it's referring to Vlad the Impaled being the son of Satan. No dragons involved. Get your fanny pack untwisted.
Earth – There is a Serpent Coming

I’ve never really bothered listening to Earth. This song *sounds* great, very nice guitar tone and all, but that’s about it. 4/10.

Omen – Dragon’s Breath

Average by the album’s standards, still a great song. Chorus is what makes it. 8/10.

Tyrant – Take it to the Dragon

Never heard of these guys before. Started like your typical early metal ballad, but the second half was strong. Probably too long, but still good overall. 6/10.

Amon Amarth – The Dragon’s Flight Across the Waves

This game is making me listen to all sorts of bands I don’t want to listen to, hooray! It was ok until 30 seconds when I could start to hear the Heartwork creeping in, and it went full-homo melodeath with the chorus. Never quite recovered either, I chuckled slightly at the ATTACK at the end. A case where being lazy might have been better than trying so hard. 2/10.

The Black Dahlia Murder – Vlad, Son of the Dragon

Kinda generic but at least it’s short. All those bends in the guitar solo were pretty humorous, and I don’t usually laugh at bad guitar solos. 4/10.

Bewitched – Dragonflight

What others have already said, it’s Mercyful Fate with more black metal thrown in and has a perfect trad/power marching glory to it. 8/10.

Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon

I have a feeling I wouldn’t like this song at all if I had to listen to it a few times, but on first impression it’s decent enough pop metal. Like wow, they don’t even wait to the end before raising the key in that chorus. 5/10.

Dark Millennium – Beyond the Dragon’s Eye

Ya’ll non-Americans is missing out. 10/10.

Saint Vitus – Dragon Time

Haven’t listened to Mournful Cries before (I downloaded it a while ago but my iPod is lame as fuck and 1 in 5 albums never play on it so yeah) and Saint Vitus sounds best to me in the car, so I could change my mind. However, on first impression I swear that this sounds exactly like a bunch of riffs already on their previous albums. I like the lyrics but the music isn’t conveying them at all to me. 5/10.

The Wizards – Dragon Slayers

Lol. I started to get bored by the last verse, but entertaining overall. 6/10.

Crimson Glory – Where Dragons Rule

Same case as Omen, can’t say much more about it. Great melodies, etc etc. 8/10.

Heir Apparent – Dragon’s Lair

Not one of my favorite songs on the album, feels halfway like a simple Ample Destruction-style rocker but they attempt to compensate for their lack of riffs with goofy harmonics and a singer that doesn’t have as much range as he thinks he does. Kinda like a mediocre butt metal song reappropriated as USPM. 5/10.

Nocternity – Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon)

Pretty good actually, I enjoyed the general intensity of it a lot and it was just dynamic enough to keep my attention. 7/10.

Therion – Ho Drakon Ho Megas

Oh wow I had actually been thinking on and off about revisiting early Therion, don’t think that will happen now. Even putting aside the obviously cheap keyboards, the groove riffs and drum machine make this sound like some kind of really shitty pseudo-industrial rock attempt. Hilarious. 3/10.

Maveth – Dragon of the Continuum

Found myself zoning out multiple times even though I enjoyed it. I think the blasting made this less engaging that it needed to be. Guitarwork seems like a nice compromise between more 90s death metal styles and all this “atmospheric”/dissonant shit that’s popular right now. Kind of a 6.5/10 but I’ll round down to 6/10.

Helcaraxe – Red Dragon

Metal-Archives and RYM think this is death metal? What a bunch of fucking idiots. I kind of like that’s disjointed, and the eight-and-a-half minutes weren’t as long as I was dreading them to be. Still a few too many cheesy melodies and melodeath influences though. 5/10.
Earth - There is a Serpent Coming 5/10

Not sure I get all the hate for this one. It's nothing special but it's far from horrible. Not my style. Also, didn't Kurt Cobain play with this band or something back in the day?

Omen - Dragon's Breath 8/10

What a fucking classic! It's been a while since I blasted any Omen. This is a great song on a great fucking album. My favorite track is still probably The Axeman because of dat riff but this is great too.

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon 8/10

There's too many fucking bands named Tyrant my GOD. Man, I really love the mixture of Dio's harsher side vocals and the more clean style. Definitely might have to check out this band. Excellent old school production and sweet fucking artwork on the compilation. This might be a hair too long for it's own good, but I love long songs so whatever.

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves 7/10

The only Amon Amarth I've heard was their 2009 "Twilight of the Thunder God" which is a guilty pleasure for me. Fuck, that album is too fucking fun but stupid. If I cared more I'd check out their earlier work since I've heard that it's pretty good, but I'd rather listen to Bathory or something. Anyway, this is fun and far less poppy than the former, but I fucking hate that stupid breakdown in the song, but the solo towards the end with the keys in the background are just great.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon 4/10

See, where Amon Amarth can pull of that bullshit cheesy viking death metal whatever and make it entertaining this band doesn't. "Melodic death metal" is already, generally, pretty lame and this is the same. Also, fuck that breakdown. I've heard worse though.

Bewitched - Dragonflight 8/10

Shit, this is weirdly awesome. With the intro I was expecting some really cheesy KeyDragon-esque stuff but then that riff kicks in. It might be a tad too weedley-weedley at times but I can get down to this shit. I love those vocals. Reminds me of Quicksand Dream and my own shitty vocals. He's fucking trying and it's not quite there but nobody really gives a fuck either because it rules too hard. Wait, @V.V.V.V.V. this reminds me of your vocals on the first Olórin demo.

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon 7/10

Another new band for me. I convulsed in my chair and started headbanging as soon as this song started. This is the type of cheese that I can get down to. Honestly, this sounds a lot like Visigoth, whom I dig pretty damn hard. It's nothing special here, but some pretty fucking fun headbanging jams.

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye 6/10

Either I own this album or had a digital copy of it at one point. I bet I fucking loved it back in 2007, but now the mixture of the doom and the death metal sounds forced. They should just stick with the clean vocals, then it would be some really cool Solitude Aeturnus stuff. Bands that try to blend the genres have to make that synthesis seamless, or just be a slow death metal band or something. But still, not offensive but I wouldn't listen to it again.

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time 10/10

Do I have to fucking say it? This band can do no fucking wrong in my book. Also, the addition of Wino on guitars during the chorus and the solos adds a different layer to the Vitus sound that was not found previously (or since, as far as I know). There is live evidence of this too. It's a small change, but it changes the mood and dynamic of the band. Not that they really needed it, but given that this is a song about a dragon (or probably a metaphor for something) instead of their usual themes it gives the song it's own distinct sound.

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers 3/10

Already well versed with The Wizards. It's a comedic rap group. Some of their lines are fucking fire, but this song is definitely not one of their best.

Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule 7/10

RIP Midnight. Amazing fucking vocalist. I think I like their first album more than Transcendence but I'd be lying if I didn't love this record as well. His voice is so fucking ridiculous it's awesome. This whole song is ridiculous and awesome. Not much sure what else I can say about it. The appeal is all in the vocals for me.

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair 8/10

I've heard this name dropped a lot but never checked em out. This is totally up my fucking alley. My only complaint is that the song is too short for my tastes.

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon) 9/10

I never realized that this song was about the Targaryens until now. A classic Greek BM album that stands tall and proud next to the greatest from that country. Reminds me that I need to listen to their new album again. I fucking love those kind of subtle strings that play in the background. I'm a sucker for that shit in black metal and stuff.

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas 4/10

I'm with Slayed Necros on this one. Only the first 2 are real. This kinda fucking sucks. Too much industrial drumming and stupid folkish stuff from a band that I recognize as some great death metal. No thanks.

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum 7/10

I've heard about this band. Dark Descent puts out nothing but respectable and great acts, but I just can't put myself to really listen to them. I'm a big fan of the old Finnish cavernous-sounding DM bands like Demigod and Rippikoulu but I feel like this is just another run of the mill band of that style. Nothing that docks them, but I'd rather put on Dead Congregation.

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon 5/10

Hell yeah! A fucking Hobbit themed band! Unfortunately, that's the only thing I like about this song. Too much technical string-skipping stuff for me to stay interested for over 8 minutes. I skipped around a little and didn't hear anything that would change my mind.
Earth - There is a Serpent Coming
the sleazy hard rock vocals set against stoned, contemplative post-rock soundscape is almost endearingly weird enough to offset the ridiculousness of it, but not quite. i quite like the chord progressions in this, but it doesn't go anywhere. fine as an intro, particularly the perfect title. 5/10

Omen - Dragon's Breath
a fairly typical omen song, which is to say it rules. never really moves me like their very best stuff but it's a perfect mixture of menace and magic, fluidly written and played, what's not to like? 8/10

Tyrant - Take it to the Dragon
this song gives me shivers that the omen song does not, but it also plods a little and the second half is slightly disappointing, if only because it promises a higher tempo explosion into the stratosphere that never arrives. i hope this will lead people to check out their most 'famous' song, widely and justly regarded as one of the all-time great NWOBHM singles by those who've heard it. 8/10

Amon Amarth - The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves
amon amarth were still pretty cool at this point. they're a dumb, crude band and i can always do without the chugging and glossy guitar sound, but this is understated and haunted enough to work better than basically any of their contemporaries across the melodeath and viking genres, and the vocals are satisfyingly impassioned. as for the content, dragons, dragon ships, who gives a fuck, it's in a fitting enough spirit. 7/10

The Black Dahlia Murder - Vlad, Son of the Dragon
juvenile, soulless music with the occasional superficial pleasure in the melodies. the flashy soloing is absolutely vile. knocked an extra point off 'cause it doesn't fit the topic. 2/10

Bewitched - Dragonflight
first time hearing this. slightly amateurish in composition is all i can say against it; 'tis pretty all over the place, but in a way i find super strange and appealing right from that bizarre intro. great moody sound, love these layered vocals and wish more bands would do it (especially the mixture of clean and harsh!), and it's just a really enticing mixture of styles. fond of this. 9/10

Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon
stubbornly generic meat and potatoes stuff that i can't bring myself to care about at all. fine for the playlist. 4/10

Dark Millennium - Beyond the Dragon's Eye
been aware of this for a while but i don't think i've ever heard it. i'm guessing most of you don't have it but i listened to this on spotify. these guys sure know how to create an unusual atmosphere, i dig this level of melodic discord (as opposed to the churning atonality of a lot of modern bands). dude has a fine growl when he's going full pelt, and damn, those riffs are fucking MIGHTY - literally made me say 'fuckkk' out loud on two occasions. some of the verses verge on being too campy for me, like they're from a metal musical or something, and there is a sense that they're just kind of throwing ideas at you at random times and seeing what sticks--maybe more listens would change that perception. i actually really like the anti-climactic, full-circle way it ends though. not totally sold, but i want to explore further. if baroque's only tabulating averages rather than totals, it shouldn't matter that this has less ratings, although we should probably discount anything that has less than, say, 10 ratings or something. 7/10

Saint Vitus - Dragon Time
tempted to dock a mark for the minute of slightly pointless jamming, but..... nah. okay maybe half. 9.5/10

The Wizards - Dragon Slayers
sample vaguely reminds me of the sandy badlands theme in ffvii. 5/10

Crimson Glory - Where Dragons Rule
i tend to think of this album as being like their PAINKILLER to the debut's SAD WINGS or w/e, complete with annoyingly overemphasised drums, but nah it's better than that. this tune is really cool at its best, even if it's clearly the wrong crimson glory dragon song (go here) and again i could take or leave that middle section from 2:40-4:10ish. midnight is fucking godly, he nails a more heightened, dramatic register than basically anyone else ever. 7/10

Heir Apparent - Dragon's Lair
contains one of the absolute greatest verses of all time, complete with one of the greatest riffs, some wonderfully wild bass playing, a perfectly fitting vocal line with an ace scream in preparation, etc--i even like the fuzz rock squeal in there, sounds like something from high tide. in between, you have a brief priest nod and a load of gorgeous leadwork that sounds like prime di anno-era maiden. first tier shit for me, and probably not even my favourite song on there. 10/10

Nocternity - Valyrian Steel (Blood of the Dragon)
haven't listened to this in ages. it's powerful stuff, the kinda music that stirs something deep down. love the little things it does, like the sudden pounding snare in the chorus and the final bar of said chorus having no vocals, allowing the emotion to sink in. but fire.... fire cannot ever kill a dragon.... may sound dumb on the page but in context it might be my favourite line of the playlist. 'kin intense and epic. 9/10

Therion - Ho Drakon Ho Megas
lol i never liked this album but this sounds particularly fucking dumb after nocternity. i could do better than this using only my casio. actually i do like the bouncy keyboard bit, it's like a sillier version of something nokturnal mortum might try, but overall this is just too much bombast and random nonsense. 3/10

Maveth - Dragon of the Continuum
obviously in need of better drumming (although i like the blasting on the verses where the chords are being left to hang there, has an eye-of-the-storm lucidity to it) and, more than anything, some kind of distinctive voice... but it's fine. goes on a bit long for no good reason. i'm already having premonitions of phylactery giving me shit for rating this less than amon amarth. 6/10

Helcaraxe - Red Dragon
methinks yall are being kind, it's an endless clusterfuck of mostly shitty ideas. 3/10
This forum is hilarious. The aggression coming through with the 0 scores and pooh-poohing of song choices (let alone the songs themselves). The Black Dahlia dragon isn't the type of dragon it should be! Y u post wrong dragon?!!1one
personally id reserve 0/10 for something more hideous than anything ive encountered so far. i dont see a problem with downrating stuff for not fitting a theme though, tis kind of the name of the game.
Haha! The Amon Amarth song is nowhere near as dull as that Hypocrisy song and the Maveth song is nowhere near as interesting as the Mortem so I'll let you off this time. I'll probably post my ratings on these later today, need to give the playlist another listen. I'm annoyed that Dark Millennium song isn't available though, I used to really like that album a few years ago but I could never find it on CD.
I think the biggest difference between my ratings and others is the Bewitched song that I downrated a lot. Others give it ~9/10 and talk about some Mercyful Fate influence or something, I don't really care about Mercyful Fate anyway tbh so yeah. That's how I'm losing my kvlt credit even when people here claim I only listen to the most kvlt stuff. ;)
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I'm such a big Mercyful Fate fan that it was my account name for a short spell.