Themed Mixtape Game

IIRC, I said the song has to speak about an actual animal in the lyrics, not specifically be about an animal... But I'm not sure what youre referring to and I'd actually say let people interpret as they like.
songs that are just giving a human the qualities of an animal are being lazy.

The ones that I'm talking about do this in specific. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not familiar with every song on the list so I can't say if any others do the same.

People can ignore it if they want, but I think taking this into account will be a part of how I rate these songs. As I said earlier, I really like both of the songs anyway.
IIRC, I said the song has to speak about an actual animal in the lyrics, not specifically be about an animal... But I'm not sure what youre referring to and I'd actually say let people interpret as they like.

You have to remember that Elric is literal as fuck with no sense of humor.
I wanted to submit this, but I thought the audio was potato quality (and it's the better out of the two available):

And then there was this, but from the translated lyrics it only faintly alluded to bears, which was disappointing to learn:

Dio - Lock Up the Wolves

Haven’t listened to this album in a long time; the song isn’t even familiar to me anymore. Not a fan of this stripped-down, dry period of Dio. Even the cover art is so ugly, like the mouths of those wolves I mean damn. Spiritually this is like the anti-80s Dio. The song is kind of neat in a way, kind of doomy but not really oppressive, just empty. It’s weird how a Dio album of all things gets me anxious and annoyed. If the song seemed to mean anything it might have come together and worked in some kind of flawed forgotten gem way. As is, I still don’t want to listen to the album. It’s probably supposed to be about priests or something anyways. 0/10.

Summoning - The Rotten Horse on the Deadly Ground

Can’t believe people waste energy hating Children of Bodom yet have no problem with this flowery shit. Keyboards are embarrassing, the riffs are weak (albeit still metal for this particular Summoning song), almost nothing here interesting. Had to start skipping ahead after three minutes, apparently the song basically just keeps repeating itself until an obligatory heavy fade-out. 0/10.

Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill

I never read the lyrics to this album until kinda recently and was actually surprised at how good they were; from the occasional comprehensible “I LOVE ONLY YOUUUU” and “SHE’S A WICKED BITCH” I always assumed they were garbage and avoided paying attention. Excellent song. 9/10.

Virgin Steele - The Raven Song

Woah, this Virgin Steele song actually has energy and riffs. Pretty good actually, don’t remember this one. Damn, nice bridge too. I might actually give this album another listen. 7/10.

Helloween - Eagle Fly Free

A Euro-power classic for good reason. One of the most uplifting metal songs in existence. The eagle is metaphorical here, so minus one point for that, but at least it’s described. 9/10.

Forest of Harambe - I Am Harambe (0:00-4:48 of this video ONLY)

Fairly soothing. 5/10.

King's Ransom - Caged Animals

Fuck yeah animal noise samples all over the place. The goofy hyper-coy vocals fit the circus presenter vibe well. Giving me strong Psychotic Waltz vibes now that I think about it, and this was a year before their first album. Riffy too, old-school prog/power is the best prog/power. 8/10.

Bathory - The Stallion

Vocal melodies give me a Blood of my Enemies vibe. Lmao @ the cucks that can’t acknowledge Manowar’s eternal superiority to this hack. Real men play on ten. Oh and here are the “Woah-oh-ohs” and the Manowar drum fills. Not bad, aside from the drum mixing the sound is pretty nice and Quorthon had a good voice by this point, but whatever. Pretty repetitive. You’re a fucking idiot if you think Viking metal is a real thing. 4/10.

Skepticism - The Gallant Crow

For a brief time I honestly enjoyed Skepticism but I just can’t get into them anymore. Just so muffled and shit sounding, doesn’t even feel heavy to me. Uber cheesy synths. 3/10.

Exodus – Piranha

Lol, I had considered submitting Strike of the Beast and somehow didn’t even think of this one. Perfect thrash metal. Hail Baloff, hail riffs. 10/10.

Gaza - Mostly Hair and Bones Now

Wasn’t there a brief period where these guys were accepted by the metal community as a token good metalcore band? If I’m not confusing them with another band, I don’t see why these guys got all that hype. About two-thirds in it gets pretty jumpdafuckup. 4/10.

The Obsessed - Sodden Jackal

Damn, never listened to their early demo stuff, this is pretty fucking intense. 8/10.

Obliteration - Goat Skull Crown

Used to see this fucking album everywhere when it came out. Probably should have given it a shot, these vocals are great, song is pretty good too. Neat solo, kinda old-school. Can’t find any lyrics though, and the title appears to refer to a portion of an animal repurposed into clothing, not an animal itself, so minus one point there. 6/10.

Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves

Werewolves are people, you fucking racist. Boring intro, boring hardcore punk chord progressions, aimless solos, ten minutes of this bullshit. That riff five minutes in was good though. Please stop submitting this shit band. 0/10.
I assume that he submitted the King's Ransom song since it's about people too but it escaped his 0/0 annihilation like the others. Very cool song though.
I only removed one point for songs being off topic. Summoning was on-topic and got a 0 for being garbage. The King's Ransom song is about things that happen to animals by humans.
The song is an analogy that compares the human condition and how people treat animals, but I'll give it up that there are actual descriptions of animals in the song. I guess that makes it relevant.
I may try out my drop a lowest score and a highest score idea when I count this up, if we're going to be faggots right out of the gate.
Dio - Lock Up the Wolves


Not the best Dio.

Summoning - The Rotten Horse on the Deadly Ground


The wrong way to do a song about a horse.

Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill


Amazing and emotive song.

Virgin Steele - The Raven Song


I haven't listened to this band until now.

Helloween - Eagle Fly Free


I have respect for Helloween but I mainly like the debut album.

Forest of Harambe - I Am Harambe (0:00-4:48 of this video ONLY)


No thank you.

King's Ransom - Caged Animals


Great song that I guess works for this list.

Bathory - The Stallion


The right way to make a song about a horse.

Skepticism - The Gallant Crow


I'm not really into this.

Exodus - Piranha


Baloff rules forever.

Gaza - Mostly Hair and Bones Now


Not for me.

The Obsessed - Sodden Jackal



Obliteration - Goat Skull Crown


It's okay.

Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves


I love the song but white Europeans aren't really wolves.
I may try out my drop a lowest score and a highest score idea when I count this up, if we're going to be faggots right out of the gate.

Fuck that, especially coming from you. I genuinely hate all three songs. Lock up the Wolves has always been my least favorite Dio album, and Summoning and Destroyer 666 get posted over and over. I've given at least one Destroyer 666 song a decent rating, but this one sucks. If I was going to be a faggot right out of the gate I'd have down-rated the Virgin Steele for hating the band in spite of enjoying that particular song. Kill yourself.
Fuck that, especially coming from you. I genuinely hate all three songs. Lock up the Wolves has always been my least favorite Dio album, and Summoning and Destroyer 666 get posted over and over. I've given at least one Destroyer 666 song a decent rating, but that one sucks.

I'll confirm that you rated mine highly and it helped me win the Gods and Deities round.