Mostly from other people I've spoken to about the band. A lot of them didn't like their stuff.
Speak to other people.
Dio - Lock up the Wolves
Dio is a top 10, maybe even top 5 vocalist for me but god I wish he was a better songwriter/would attach himself to better songwriters (I don't know if Dio or his band is to blame here). Kinda with HBB on this one, this is just really sluggish and dull.
Summoning - The Rotten Horse on the Deadly Ground
Amazing band, amazing lyrics, amazing song. (Shit youtube)
Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill
Love all of these youtube commenters that seemingly got here from some "worst metal bands" list. Amazing song, perfect for the theme.
Virgin Steele - The Raven Song
Great song from a band I need to check out. The jarring return to the chorus at the end was maybe not the best way to bring it home but it's a nitpick really. What does that ominous synth bit remind me of?
Helloween - Eagle Fly Free
The prototype for one billion cheesy euro-PM anthems. Immortal song.
Actually listenable youtube:
Forest of Harambe - I Am Harambe
Really drives home the sadness of Harambe's passing.
King's Ransom - Caged Animals
OK song I guess. Probably won't remember it 10 minutes from now. The animal cries are annoying.
Bathory - The Stallion
Haven't heard this, or much from this era of Bathory. Embarrasing blind spot, really. This is cool. Quorthon's voice sounds wimpy one moment and powerful the next. In ways, this sounds more like someone's first album than their... ninth. I guess that's part of the charm.
Skepticism - The Gallant Crow
Haven't heard this either. I imagine this works better in context. Nontheless I'm going to say it's pretty great. But I always did have a thing for unrestrained use of shitty synths.
Exodus - Piranha
I'm not that into thrash so something like Exodus is too quintessentially thrash for me. But it's good I suppose, and blatantly on theme.
Gaza - Mostly Hair and Bones Now
Don't have an inherent problem with -core but this isn't doing anything for me.
The Obsessed - Sodden Jackal
So this is where Wino got his start? Cool stuff.
Obliteration - Goat Skull Crown
This fucking obliterates in every way.
Deströyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves
Quoth the Krow; "songs that are just giving a human the qualities of an animal are being lazy." Great song, obviously.