Themed Mixtape Game

Dio - Lock Up the Wolves - 10
Summoning - The Rotten Horse on the Deadly Ground - 7
Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill - 4
Virgin Steele - The Raven Song - 8
Helloween - Eagle Fly Free - 6
Forest of Harambe - I Am Harambe - 8
King's Ransom - Caged Animals - 4
Bathory - The Stallion - 5
Skepticism - The Gallant Crow - 6
Exodus - Piranha - 8
Gaza - Mostly Hair and Bones Now - 2
The Obsessed - Sodden Jackal - 1
Obliteration - Goat Skull Crown - 7
Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves - 6
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Dio - Lock Up the Wolves
oh hey it's basically just a middling manowar song and the people who shit on manowar are praising it how surprising 5/10

Summoning - The Rotten Horse on the Deadly Ground

it's hard to explain why i like some summoning songs a lot more than others, but i guess it's 'cause they straddle the line between bedroom casio cheeseball nerdage and evocative, gorgeously textured soundscapes i can get lost in. this one's kind of in the middle for me - it's definitely a bad youtube but the mixing on that album is weird anyway, kinda more suited to industrial metal. i prefer more meat to the guitars with this band (hence my being a DOL GULDUR fanboy) 6/10

Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill

i first heard this album on the same day i first heard METAL FROM HELL, TITAN FORCE and MASTER CONTROL, that was a good day i can tell you. this one's messy as hell but ecstatic in its best moments and it sucks you into its weird ass narrative, so a typical xstroyes song basically. 8/10

Virgin Steele - The Raven Song

this double concept album is only occasionally spectacular, but the fact that it manages to stay reasonably consistent despite being extremely long and multi-faceted is admirable. how many times do such ventures veer into disjointedness and pomposity? these guys avoid those pitfalls, and they have just the right combination of earnest emotion, propulsive force and compositional savvy to go down nicely. i haven't heard anything beyond this two-parter though, should i? 7/10

Helloween - Eagle Fly Free

this makes me happy. 8/10

Forest of Harambe - I Am Harambe

united apean evil. 6/10

King's Ransom - Caged Animals

might normally be a bit pantomime for me but there's a unity of theme and sound here i enjoy. also it's super weird and anxious in that way only bargain bin '80s prog metal can be. 7.5/10

Bathory - The Stallion

a shame this album wasn't released when it was recorded, doesn't get nearly enough love. 7.5/10

Skepticism - The Gallant Crow

grand, aching music; a sound sculpted from earth, oak and sky. food for the soul. 10/10

Exodus - Piranha

i don't get why people paint them as being purely meatheaded anthemic fare when their sound is so fucking alien and menacing. 'tis gleeful b-movie fun too, of course. 10/10

Gaza - Mostly Hair and Bones Now

The Obsessed - Sodden Jackal

almost an icecross vibe to this one, along with sabbath 'n early pentagram obviously. all over the place with an annoyingly trebly sound but still very cool. 7/10

Obliteration - Goat Skull Crown

obliteration rules. 8/10

Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves

whatever i won't bother downrating this as i'm sure it won't win. tbh i haven't paid that much attention to what was or wasn't on theme this round but most of it seemed fine? 8/10

fun list. for once i have no idea what's gonna win this round offhand.
yeah but if i recall the reason it wasn't completed is he was worried about the change in direction alienating his fanbase or w/e. shouldda just rolled with it! i'm not sure exactly which parts were written when though.
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I don't think that he made new recordings. I'm pretty sure that he just finished editing it and remastered the existing recordings to make sure that they sounded up to par. It's a great album.
I looked it up and he apparently did some new recordings in 1995. It's unclear how much was new though. I would imagine that the original recordings probably weren't taken care of well since it was originally scrapped, so that makes a lot of sense.

Now that we hear about all kinds of new remasteded reissues of old music, the quality of the old master tapes is often why some albums remain out of print. Sometimes they're just too damaged for the endeavor to be successful.

We're almost fully in the digital recording age now, so I'd imagine that will become less of an issue when reissues of much newer albums are in demand.