How so?H.P. and Talos prove this game is in crowd as fuck
>Going to talk about a pick you had
>Talk about how the pick is badass
>Some other post about said pick
>Some other circle jerk post about said shitty pick
That's actually just the normal discussion that happens when you enjoy good music and meet another person who also likes the same good music. Now that I think about it, I can see why this would be foreign to you.
The problem with the Deströyer 666 song is that the werewolves are obviously a metaphor and not literal. Kind of like how "Lone Wolf Winter" is not about literal wolves.
I like good music, you're just too dense to realize it. Not my fault you don't like to have fun.
@The Ozzman Besides, it's hardly a circlejerk to agree upon the fact that Eluveitie blows ass.
Well, yeah...I did. Which is what led me to the conclusion that their music is extraordinarily bland and uninteresting.I thought this 3 years ago and then I listened to it after one of these threads and it wasn't bad. You should try it sometime.
It really hasn't been that long. I'm not sure why some people are chomping at the bit about the amount of time that's gone by.
Well, all you have to do is become the God of Hellfire and bring us some goddamn fire.I just want.... I just want a little fire.
Everyone started to get a bit apathetic.