Themed Mixtape Game

Arg doesn't need to rate, we've got his numbers; a downrating of everything worth listening to and then give your trashy faggot pick a perfect score.

Tbh it's not a far cry from what some others do.

He jumped the gun and submitted a song before I even decided on the topic 100%.

I've got the first 11 voters tallied and the winner seems pretty obvious, but I'll give them a chance.
Essentially. I just give that little of a fuck about bands when they're that schmaltzy and unlistenable.
I hadn't listened to any of their music until that track arg submitted earlier and I was like, "Bruh...this is corny as fuck. And not in the good power metal way either."
I first ran into their dreck when I heard about them in a Blabbermouth article a few years back or whatever. It sounded according to the article like they fused classical instrumentalism with heavy/power metal. I thought, "Cool, this should be good.", googled them, had a listen, and closed my browser with a shrug and disappointed frown. One of the single least interesting bands I've subjected myself to.
Heavy metal? Where? That sounds like a description that would apply more to Domine, Blind Guardian or Symphony X. Not fucking Eluvietie.
Dio - Lock Up the Wolves - 4
great voice, boring song, some riffs were cool

Summoning - The Rotten Horse on the Deadly Ground - 1
ear-grating vocals over cheesy ass "majestic" instruments is a shitty combination

Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill - 3
ho hum

Virgin Steele - The Raven Song - 5
not bad

Helloween - Eagle Fly Free - 5

Forest of Harambe - I Am Harambe (0:00-4:48 of this video ONLY) - 1
this dishonors harambe's memory. he was a massive fucking gorilla not some pedo creep in a forest

King's Ransom - Caged Animals - 2
wow fucking stupid sounding wanted to smack him to shut the fuck up

Bathory - The Stallion - 4
not jumping out of my seat

Skepticism - The Gallant Crow - 2
waited a few minutes for something to happen then gave up

Exodus - Piranha - 8
finally something that made me nod my head a bit

Gaza - Mostly Hair and Bones Now - 3
needs a cock in his mouth

The Obsessed - Sodden Jackal - 3
makes my dick limp

Obliteration - Goat Skull Crown - 9
good...not a 9 on my death metal scale but a 9 on this godawful playlist

Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves - 10
if the humans turn into wolves then the song is about animals fucking dumbasses
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Reactions: Vegard Pompey
"if the humans turn into wolves then the song is about animals fucking dumbasses"


BTW Arg, are you going to go ahead and get rid of the lowest and highest ratings for each song? Might be interesting to see a side-by-side comparison just to see how they alter the ratings.