Demolition Hammer
Cataclysm 83 @arg
Chugs along nicely and aggressive as fuck. I dig these guyz. 8/10.
Tornado 80.5 @HamburgerBoy
Raging tune that actually sounds chaotic like a tornado. 9/10.
Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss 72 @Phylactery
Great song, but does better in the context of the album. Not really on theme. 7/10.
Division Speed
Freezing Cold 68 @CASSETTEISGOD
Who the fuck told this band they could be so good? Ugh, whatever. Thematically impotent tho. 8/10.
Tied with:
Destroy Tsunamis Power 68 @Master_Yoda77
Fun, simple, forceful tune. 7/10.
Alerted State
Winter Warlock 65.5 @mutantllama
So this was all kinds of bad in the beginning. There was a marginal improvement. 5/10.
Fueled by Fire
Catastrophe 64 @Baroque
I dunno it packs a punch and all but feels a bit too predictable. Not bad though. 6/10.
Manilla Road
The Deluge 63 @Elric of Melniboné
There's a guitar solo. Not for me thanks. 4/10.
Atlantis Ascendant 56.5 @Vegard Pompey
I dunno, a little too trebly? These guys are a bit too over the top, even for me. Still, I do enjoy listening to them. 6/10.
Smoke on the Hills 53.5 @no country for old wainds
This is fucking awesome. There's a cathchiness that I welcome. Great musicianship. 8/10.
Cephalic Carnage
The Isle of California 51 @Sirjack
That shit was tight and intense and most def on theme. 8/10.
Fimbul Winter 50.5 @Serjeant Grumbles
What a groovy little tune. Nice contrast with them cleans. 7/10.
Tornado of Souls 43 @The Ozzman
I don't know why y'all are giving this song a hard time for being off theme. Seems to me there are other tracks here which are way more off the mark. Anyhoo, cool tune. 7/10.
OK everybody, you've chosen arg as your winner. Da fuck is wrong with ya'll???