Themed Mixtape Game

Artillery - Show Your Hate
Too archetypical to really appeal to me, and also not notably more hateful than most thrash. Uninspired pick.

Niden Div. 187 - Hate

Now this is better. I can feel the hatred oozing from every element of this song.

Sigh - Desolation

Completely giving yourself over to the abyss. Cold as ice. Why Mirai isn't popularly considered one of the best growlers on the planet I'll never know.

Necromass - Sadomatic Orgy of Hate

Wish the youtube wasn't so shit because this is really fucking great and fucking hateful too.

Emperor - Into the Infinity of Thoughts

Definitely feeling the hate. Docking one point since it's from an album that is solidly canonized, but only one since it's not exactly an obvious choice.

Jag Panzer - Generally Hostile

Maybe not as strongly hateful as the previous four songs, but I appreciate it flying the trad. metal flag in a playlist full of black/death/thrash. Best song on the album imo.

Anaal Nathrakh - When Humanity is Cancer

Anaal Nathrakh were the second band that came to mind when I saw the theme (S.Y.L. being the first). That's not to say they're any good. Some good riffs here but the vocals are pretty cringey.

Carnivore - Race War

My greatest regret in this game is not giving World Wars III & IV a 10/10 in the world destruction round. Love this band, glad to see them keep popping up in this game although this isn't as good as some of the previously submitted tracks.

Ratos de Porao - (All I Need Is) Hatred

Eh whatever. Facsimile of actually angry music.

Memento Mori - The Seeds of Hatred

You left Candlemass for this?!

Malevolent Creation - Slaughter of Innocence

Depressive Age - Hateful Pride

Too half-formed and disjointed but legitimately interesting, and I'm fond of the singer and his accent.

Sadistik Exekution - Fukking Death

Can't find the lyrics, not sure if thematic.

Witchfinder General - Invisible Hate
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Artillery - Show your Hate

Maybe it’s more about masochism above all, but one of the many things I love about early Artillery is how they had such a personal, street-scummy way of writing their lyrics, so when Ronsdorf chants LOOOOSER with that silly vibrato I can imagine the character being taunted and killing with that voice echoing in his mind. The music is filthy and groovy too, fucks are given but not wanted. 9/10.

Niden Div. 187 – Hate

Someone on this forum iirc told me about these guys, I liked the album at the time because it reminded me of what I like out of Mayhem. I still get those vibes but I don’t like this as much now. Some individually decent bits and it’s aggressive but it’s over too quick without much impact. Anticlimactic ending. No lyrics, I guess it feels hateful. 5/10.

Sigh – Desolation

I haven’t listened to much early Sigh. Weren’t they supposed to not play bullshit music this early? Because this is bullshit music. Boring ass doom metal with dumb keyboards everywhere. This is awful. 2/10.

Necromass Sadomatic Orgy of Hate

Pretty sloppy and indistinct but there was still something underneath it all that appealed. Yeah actually this is pretty cool, I’ve noticed the testicle cover art before but never bothered checking them out. No lyrics, but hateful vibes. Bonus point for making me curious. 7/10.

Emperor - Into The Infinity Of Thoughts

Indistinct and largely crap. One of the definitive examples of what I hate in black metal, non-existent riffing hidden by basic keyboard lines and muddy production stretched out forever. Uses the word “hate” a couple times but it’s not really remotely about hate, it’s about some edgy LARPing scumbag probably masturbating to elf rape fantasies. This is a 2/10 that I should divide in half to give a 1/10 but fuck this submission, 0/10.

Jag Panzer Generally Hostile

Good song but one of the less interesting ones on the album for me, and overall this is much more about swagger and aggression than actual hate. Half-points. 3/10.

Anaal Nathrakh - When Humanity Is Cancer
This was kind of cool, like black metal for a Spongebob episode or something, if you replaced the “motherfuckers” with dolphin chirps. No lyrics, sounds like Pantera or Fear Factory in many respects, feels more aggro than hateful, so half-points. 3/10.

Carnivore - Race War

Obvious but obligatory, Carnivore at their best. 9/10.

Ratos De Porao - (All I Need Is) Hatred

Pretty boring. Crossover bands trying pure thrash always fall fuck it up. Five minutes too? Ugh. Dude hates stuff though. 3/10.

Memento Mori - The seeds of hatred

Funny, I actually forgot that Messiah was in this, I first checked them out as a continuation of Mike Wead’s Hexenhaus, it’s been seven years since I’ve last listened apparently. Much better than the post-Nightfall albums tbqh. Almost more about fighting hateful urges than hate itself but it works. 7/10.

Malevolent Creation - Slaughter of Innocence

Pretty good. 6/10.

Depressive Age - Hateful Pride

Love the little story it tells with the double-bass building as the dude gets closer to his revenge. 9/10.

Sadistik Exekution - Fukking Death

Pretty sure I’ve only heard The Magus, and certainly nothing like this. I’m not completely sure that I enjoy this, but I’m definitely impressed. Will listen to this album soon. 7/10.

Witchfinder General - Invisible Hate

I guess my tolerance to this band is increasing but I still didn’t really like it. Decent riffs, bad Ozzy-wannabe singer. Seems to be more a metaphor for depression than actual hate anyways. Half-points, 3/10.
Emperor - Into The Infinity Of Thoughts

Indistinct and largely crap. One of the definitive examples of what I hate in black metal, non-existent riffing hidden by basic keyboard lines and muddy production stretched out forever. Uses the word “hate” a couple times but it’s not really remotely about hate, it’s about some edgy LARPing scumbag probably masturbating to elf rape fantasies. This is a 2/10 that I should divide in half to give a 1/10 but fuck this submission, 0/10.

Muddy production is the only legitimate point in this diatribe.
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I'm of half a mind to just make my future ratings the exact inverse of HBB's ratings, thereby sacrificing my own opinion to cancel out his mental retardation.
You have to be retarded if you think that Emperor song is more thematic than the Artillery song.

Likewise for Jag Panzer tbh, you in-crowd scumbags need to be taken down for just submitting your favorites over more relevant choices.
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Artillery - Show Your Hate 10/10
Savage as a rabies infested wolverine! How you could hear something like this and then look down on thrash is beyond me. Fucking queerbaits.

Niden Div. 187 - Hate 8/10

This was fucking mental. The musicians probably need psychiatric help.

Sigh - Desolation 8/10
Good change of atmosphere from what I assume is going to be a pretty aggressive playlist. The sounds of slowly carving out the heart of your neighbour for leaving junk on their front lawn that slightly sits on your side of the fence too.

Necromass - Sadomatic Orgy of Hate 7/10

Colder than your wife's shoulder!

Emperor - Into the Infinity of Thoughts 7.5/10

Cool album, it reminds me of Elven homos getting into a slap-fight over who gets to wear the frilly faggot armour.

Jag Panzer - Generally Hostile 8/10

Gutsy big-bollocked USPM always slays. Classic song too.

Anaal Nathrakh - When Humanity is Cancer 7/10

Over-the-top as fuck band 100% forever 666 cuts to my dick! The sounds of edgy suburban kids who got grounded way too many times and grew an affinity for Jeffrey Dahmer documentaries. Basically ImpNaz wannabes which is cool with me.

Carnivore - Race War 7/10

Fine enough band but isn't this like the 75th time they were submitted? Drum sound on this album STINKS. Sounds like Peter Steele is tapping his dick piercing against a kettle.

Ratos De Porao - (All I Need is) Hatred 7.5/10

Underrated band! Haven't listened to them in years, this rules. :kickass:

Memento Mori - The Seeds of Hatred 8/10

Fuck the haters, Memento Mori kicks ass! Drums always sounded a little gutless but fuck it whatever.

Malevolent Creation - Slaughter of Innocence 7.5/10

Classic death metal, I do prefer The Ten Commandments by quite a margin but this still rips! That growl at around 01:13 sounds like he's taking a giant dump and always makes me laugh.

Depressive Age - Hateful Pride 5/10

Vocalist reminded me too much of that fucking dipshit from System of a Down to truly enjoy this.

Sadistik Exekution - Fukking Death 10/10

Pure psychopathic hatred, basically the musical equivalent of Danny's (sloughfegkiller) periodic rants. Perfect. Probably the exact sound going through every serial killer's head during a violent rampage.

Primal hatred doesn't need many words for expression.

Witchfinder General - Invisible Hate 9/10

"I've fought my hate now here comes joy,
How I fought it I don't know oh boy.
Some say God, some say faith,
I say sex, drugs, rock and beer."

No more needs to be said. Hate this and you're a fucking joke.


Good playlist, gonna go murder some beers now.
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