Themed Mixtape Game

I always wear earplugs to metal concerts. Oddly enough, the Amorphis and Swallow the Sun show I went to recently didn't seem loud enough to warrant them so I went bareback.
I've only been to two shows (Exodus/King Diamond and Armored Saint/Metal Church), didn't wear earplugs and didn't experience any ringing/pain, but when you only see a show once a year it probably doesn't matter as long as it's not Manowar or something.
I have tinnitus from a combination of listening to earbuds too loudly and machinery. I don't have it nearly as bad as Slayed Negroes but yeah it's there. I've learned to manage dealing with it by playing music out loud nowadays, instead of confining it to my brain.
I do, but only for my favorite albums. Helps to totally drown everything else out. I've been gradually moving the volume knob downwards otherwise.
i have permanent tinnitus in my right ear and it's not too bad, been at the same level for 8 years, always wear earplugs to shows and use headphones at sane volumes

when it first started it would stress me the fuck out especially at night trying to sleep though. now i always sleep with a fan on to drown out the noise even when it's cold
Didn't you work construction at one point? Big men drilling their bigger tools into the earth, etc.
It took me 26 minutes from start to finish. I began by watching a BLACKED video, then moved to some amatuer milf stuff, before finishing to a Ryan Smiles video. I brought the lotion out but ended up generating enough precum to get the job done without it. The ejaculation was a bit average, didn't go airborne but there was a decent volume (didn't masturbate the day before).
i'm not sure being airborne is necessarily a good thing. my ejaculations arc and splash away with great gusto if i just toss one off with little investment, but the true greats are characterised by a load of greater viscosity oozing over the sides with considerable volume like an erupting volcano. this presence of the lovers' lava indicates you've really sent the troops out in numbers.
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Opposite for me, I have to be really into it to actually shoot forth my syrup. Whenever I rub one out quickly like above, it always just oozes. If I spend the entire day horny and building an elaborate fantasy of meeting a chaste girl and holding her hand and asking her parents for permission in marriage and then finally get home to consummate it, there will be ropes of the stuff reaching my upper chest.
I genuinely feel bad for you guys with hearing issues.

Some years back I had an issue with my hearing (an outer ear drum infection or something, I forget) which caused me to be legally deaf for about 4 months. Everything sounded muffled, I couldn't even work because I couldn't appropriately hear forklifts and trucks, so it was dangerous and my job forced me to take leave.

That was utter hell. Unbearable, I couldn't hear people talking to me or hear music or movies, but I just remember the lead up to it getting really bad was what tinitus sufferers describe they feel.
I was actually significantly deaf as a child and it took until 3rd grade or so for people to realize that I had hearing issues and not (only) behavioral/autistic issues. Inflamed adenoids clogging the tubes, needed them removed. I don't explicitly remember some night and day change, but I don't think it was coincidence that I really started caring about music and began enjoying my dad's CDs around the same time. Sometimes I think the reason I don't know how to communicate well verbally is because I spent many years as a child not really talking to people because I didn't realize they were talking to me.
I remember when some woman randomly pulled me off of the black top one day and stuck me in this room to do a hearing test. She put the headphones on and I'd have to raise my hand when I could hear a tone. One time I raised my hand and I heard her say "I didn't signal any tone". When we got the results back I was pretty much deaf in most mid-range frequencies. For years I assumed there was this silent force of yard duties that randomly selected children for medical experiments and I just got really lucky, but in retrospect my mother probably asked the school to do it.