Themed Mixtape Game

Artillery - Show your Hate - 6
muddy production and there seems to be a strange echo effect. nice and thrashy though

Niden Div. 187 - Hate - 3
undeniably hateful sounding but not enjoyable to listen to

Sigh - Desolation - 2
tryhard to be epic but fails. keyboards suck

Necromass Sadomatic Orgy of Hate - 5
cool riffs, wish vocals were better and there's that lame echo effect again

Emperor - Into The Infinity Of Thoughts - 6
this succeeds at being epic and the keyboards are good. not my type of music tho

Jag Panzer Generally Hostile - 4
punky and bouncy and upbeat. yech

Anaal Nathrakh - When Humanity Is Cancer - 6
was about to downrate the shitty tortured vocals but luckily they stopped and the riffs were badass

Carnivore - Race War - 4
shouty and punk and sludge(maybe? i dunno) influenced, whatever it is dont like it

Ratos De Porao - (All I Need Is) Hatred - 7
pretty cool no real complaints

Memento Mori - The seeds of hatred - 5
good for what it is would uprate if i liked this type of metal but alas

Malevolent Creation - Slaughter of Innocence - 10
osdm perfection holy crap this belongs up there with altars, effigy etc

Depressive Age - Hateful Pride - 4
hmm zzz

Sadistik Exekution - Fukking Death - 5
lots of hate alright but an incoherent mess

Witchfinder General - Invisible Hate - 4
yeeeaa nah
Didn't expect Artillery to win, glad to see it. That round may have been the lowest average and standard deviation of any so far.

Depressive Age - Hateful Pride

This man cannot falsetto, but he’s trying. He is not using his natural voice, I feel. And this is really gay. The music was bad and he was bad and having the word hate in the track title isn’t evidence of being thematic, read the fucking lyrics, you did a bad job.

I demand an explanation on this one. I've always read it as being a story about a guy murdering his local drug dealer due to his anger over a loved one's addiction, is that not topical?
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Because I'm not sure how to tackle this theme. Submitted songs are usually based and judged on lyrical themes, but for this theme I feel it's easier to show musical pretension.
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