Themed Mixtape Game

Round #1: Mountains
Round #2: Extraterrestrials
Round #3: Dragons
Round #4: Alcohol
Round #5: Nature
Round #6: Ancient History
Round #7: Prominent Guest Appearances
Round #8: Reincarnation
Round #9: Mental Illness
Round #10: H.P. Lovecraft
Round #11: Eponymous
Round #12: World Destruction Brought About By Mankind
Round #13: Cinema
Round #14: Corruption and Greed
Round #15: Love
Round #16: Whores and Sluts
Round #17: Ambition
Round #18: Dependence
Round #19: Literature
Round #20: Punishment
Round #21: Gods / Deities
Round #22: Michael Moorcock
Round #23: Buildings
Round #24: Celtic Mythology
Round #25: Metal
Round #26: Animals
Round #27: Samurai
Round #28: Major Weather Events / Natural Disasters
Round #29: Christianity
Round #30: Occultism
Round #31: The Sun and the Moon
Round #32: Body Horror
Round #33: Vampirism
Round #34: Hate
Round #35: Pretentiousness
Round #36: Coldness
Round #1: Mountains
Round #2: Extraterrestrials
Round #3: Dragons
Round #4: Alcohol
Round #5: Nature
Round #6: Ancient History
Round #7: Prominent Guest Appearances
Round #8: Reincarnation
Round #9: Mental Illness
Round #10: H.P. Lovecraft
Round #11: Eponymous
Round #12: World Destruction Brought About By Mankind
Round #13: Cinema
Round #14: Corruption and Greed
Round #15: Love
Round #16: Whores and Sluts
Round #17: Ambition
Round #18: Dependence
Round #19: Literature
Round #20: Punishment
Round #21: Gods / Deities
Round #22: Michael Moorcock
Round #23: Buildings
Round #24: Celtic Mythology
Round #25: Metal
Round #26: Animals
Round #27: Samurai
Round #28: Major Weather Events / Natural Disasters
Round #29: Christianity
Round #30: Occultism
Round #31: The Sun and the Moon
Round #32: Body Horror
Round #33: Vampirism
Round #34: Hate
Round #35: Pretentiousness
Round #36: Coldness

Best themes: Extraterrestrials, Ancient History, Mental Illness, H.P Lovecraft, Gods/Deities, Buildings, Celtic Mythology, Occultism, Body Horror, Vampirism.

Worst themes: Alcohol, Whores and Sluts, Metal, Samurai, Pretentiousness.

Not based on the playlists themselves, but the potential that the themes had.
Best themes imo: Ancient History, Prominent Guest Appearances, Eponymous, World Destruction, Moorcock, Coldness.

Pretentiousness was definitely the worst theme, nearly killed the game.
Round #1: Mountains
Round #2: Extraterrestrials
Round #3: Dragons
Round #4: Alcohol
Round #5: Nature
Round #6: Ancient History
Round #7: Prominent Guest Appearances
Round #8: Reincarnation
Round #9: Mental Illness
Round #10: H.P. Lovecraft
Round #11: Eponymous
Round #12: World Destruction Brought About By Mankind
Round #13: Cinema
Round #14: Corruption and Greed
Round #15: Love
Round #16: Whores and Sluts
Round #17: Ambition
Round #18: Dependence
Round #19: Literature
Round #20: Punishment
Round #21: Gods / Deities
Round #22: Michael Moorcock
Round #23: Buildings
Round #24: Celtic Mythology
Round #25: Metal
Round #26: Animals
Round #27: Samurai
Round #28: Major Weather Events / Natural Disasters
Round #29: Christianity
Round #30: Occultism
Round #31: The Sun and the Moon
Round #32: Body Horror
Round #33: Vampirism
Round #34: Hate
Round #35: Pretentiousness
Round #36: Coldness

@Vegard Pompey you're a champion mate. Mother of Mitra!
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Reactions: Vegard Pompey
I almost submitted that exact Obliveon song but just decided against it. I expected my Messiah pick to be taken tbh.