Themed Mixtape Game

TB, you bitch too much. Like I bet you're the kind of person who would complain if you ordered a meal and they put your sauce on the side instead of on the entree.

No, but i would be pissed the fuck off if they put the sauce on the entree if it was supposed to be on the side. ... which is more in line with whatever it is you're trying to imply.
Well then take the damn song off the list then. I picked it. Jeez. I knew it was nonmetal but there were other things submitted that were sorta crossing it too, and most importantly it went with the theme.What a way to take the fun out of the game.
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1. Gehennah - Piss off I’m Drinking 8/10

No alcohol playlist would be complete without this essential track. If you don't like this, you're probably a sober poser and I want nothing to do with you. Piss off!

2. ZZ Top - Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers 5/10

I've never been into this band. They have a cool image and the theme is appropriate, but it does nothing for me musically. I feel like this was a risky song choice that might not do too well.

3. Kawir - Hail Bacchus 6/10

I quite like Kawir and I enjoyed the decadent atmosphere of this track. The clean vocals were very fitting. I think this track is a little bit overly long for such an upbeat black metal song.

4. Tankard - Need Money for Beer 7/10

Ah, Tankard! I had a feeling that these guys would be here. This is a fun song and it conveys a feeling that I hope everyone understands. If not, this playlist probably won't be fun for you.

5. Thin Lizzy - Got to Give it Up 8.5/10

This is a lovely song and as soulful as all of the best Thin Lizzy songs. I think that it's just great and totally appropriate for this theme.

6. Brocas Helm - Drink and Drive 7.5/10

This song rules. The dirty sound and crazy vocals are totally perfect for the delivery of such zany lyrics. I love these guys. The riff that appears at the beginning and end of the song is also ridiculous and makes me smile.

7. Alestorm - Drink 1/10

They should just change their name to Failstorm already because this is fucking garbage.

8. Faustcoven - Whisky Demon 8/10

This song is the ultimate tribute to the occult and demonic powers of booze!

9. Sarcofago - Alcoholic Coma 8.5/10

This song is insane in the best and most desperately alcoholic way possible. It's so filthy and fitting for this theme. It's definitely not music for the false.

10. Iron Void - Demon Drink 6.5/10

This is solid enough, but I found the more contemplative part and extended guitar segment near the end to be the main draw. The rest of it was pretty standard doom metal.

11. Cross Examination - Blackout 3/10

The music itself seemed generic but tolerable, but it was topped off with one of the most annoying vocalists that I've ever heard and he wouldn't shut the fuck up as much as I would like. No thanks.

12. Black Flag - Six Pack 8.5/10

This is a classic. I wasn't expecting it to be on this playlist, but I'm glad that it was. It's definitely one of my favorites this round.

13. Barbatos - Satanik Beer 5/10

Sadly, not a really good song. Barbatos has done better work. It still fits the theme.

14. Acid Bath - Cheap Vodka 4.5/10

This is weird and might be cooler if it wasn't so edgy. I've never really been able to get into Acid Bath, even though I think they're one of a kind.

15. Candlemass - Epistle No. 81 7.5/10

Carl Michael Bellman's work is largely about alcohol, even though it isn't obvious. This is a good song, and definitely not one that I was expecting. Well done!

16. Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar 1.5/10


17. Saint Vitus - Dying Inside 9/10

This is one of the best songs that I can think of about alcohol. It's dark, heavy and emotional and it's so memorable. It's a great way to end this theme.
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Only person that has a problem with that ZZ Top song is bitching because his song was turned down because there was already a Tankard song on the list.

Thankfully, we only have to listen to one Tankard song, tbh.

What a moron. I think i've made i clear why i'm bitching about that track ... in just about every one of my posts. Nothing would have been different on that part if my track made it. Don't mistake me for one of you little childish twats.
Take it off the playlist? What does that even mean? Like, you want me to not rate it? Dont worry, im done with this game anyway. Dont let me ruin anything for you.

So you're going to complain about ZZ Top not being metal and not Thin Lizzy? That doesn't make any sense.

Take it off the playlist means exactly that-- take it off the playlist. I didn't say "not to rate it." If I had meant that I would have said that. You're free to do whatever you want, but your complaints aren't consistent and it's a ridiculous thing to complain about given the topic chosen.

Have a beer and chillout, or don't rate, or ask for it to be removed, or do whatever, I don't care. Just stop complaining it's ruining the game.
:erk:Wow what a bad comparison. Are you serious? ZZ top are a full on rock band. Thin Lizzy have plenty of material that is metal. And that track is definitely metal.

You're the one that needs to chill out. Coming at me with all this bullshit just because it was your pick. Why the fuck are you getting so emotional? Should i have lashed out at the people who were talking shit about my previous picks? Or should Espada get all butthurt because everyone shitted on his track for "not belonging" here? Oh and is the game ruined because i happened to be complaining about YOUR track? Oh doze emotionz tho

Whatever man, im just going to go ahead and ban myself form this thread. Dont wanna hurt anyones feelings or make people "feel bad".
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Gehennah - Piss Off, I'm Drinking 8/10

What a fun track, the lyrics are just hilarious. Not something I'd listen to all the time but when I'm in the mood it's great (other than the puking sound which makes me feel ill). PISS OFF AND DIE YOU FUCKING BITCH.

ZZ Top - Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers7.5/10

I'm a fan of this. Don't have much to say other than it's a good song with some nice leads and fitting for this theme.

Kawir - Hail Bacchus 8/10

Totally not something I was expecting in a playlist of this theme so props for that. I'm a fan of early Kawir but I've not heard anything from this album. This is pretty epic and uplifting and some of the vocals are quite bizarre, it's just a bit too long imo.

Tankard - Need Money For Beer 6/10

A fun song that doesn't leave much of a lasting impression, which is an issue I have with a lot of thrash but it's decent for what it is.

Thin Lizzy - Got to Give It Up 8/10

Love this intro and the vocals. A band I've not listened to for years and I need to change that because this is pretty great.

Brocas Helm - Drink and Drive 8/10

I've actually never heard this as I'm only familiar with Black Death. This is really energetic and all over the place. It's great though and I obviously need to look more into this band. Love the production on this.

Alestorm - Drink 1/10

There seems to be always one track on these playlists that is just absolutely abhorrent and this is the one for this theme. Absolutely abysmal. 1 point for that somewhat catchy melodic line.

Faustcoven - Whisky Demon 7.5/10

Dismal and oppressive. I prefer The Halo of Burning Wings to this album, but I can't say this is bad.

Sarcofago - Alcholic Coma 8/10

I actually had a 6.5/7 in mind when I first listened to this, but on a relisten it kicked my ass! It's a bit more restrained than I.N.R.I but it's still fucking vicious.

Iron Void - Demon Drink 7.5/10

This was quite a surprise , just as I was starting to get a bit bored that slower section hit me hard. This is like the musical equivalent of a heavy drinking session, followed by a come down period and then more drinking to get over that.

Cross Examination - Blackout 2.5/10

I hate this, this vocalist is just absolutely awful. There are 2 headbanging riffs in there so points for that but I won't be listening to this again and that outro is one of the worst things I've ever heard, what were they even thinking?

Black Flag - Six Pack 7/10

I ended up enjoying this quite a bit on my second listen, fun song with some nice riffing.

Barbatos - Satanik Beer 4.5/10

I've heard Barbatos before and I don't remember them being this annoying. The vocals suck and the music isn't much better.

Acid Bath - Cheap Vodka 4/10

This is dumb and I don't really like it.

Candlemass - Epistle No. 81 8.5/10

I fucking love Candlemass and this song is pretty great. Soul crushing. Like with Kawir, I wasn't expecting anything like this on the playlist!

Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar 2.5/10

Haha! Blast from the past. I remember hearing this when I was like 13/14 and I hated it then and still hate it now.

Saint Vitus - Dying Inside 9.5/10

Just amazing. So powerful, introspective and cathartic. I'm sure a lot of people here can relate to these lyrics. I always get lost in this song. I'm certain this will win and deservedly so.

An extremely mixed bag this time with this theme. I think I've preferred the other 2 themes' playlists on the whole but this was still fun.

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if Saint Vitus keeps winning, im out

joke game

I don't think it's important which song or poster wins. The fun thing is being exposed to stuff that maybe you haven't heard before, writing your thoughts on the songs and reading what other people have written. This thread promotes discussion and I think this forum needs more threads like it.
:erk:Wow what a bad comparison. Are you serious? ZZ top are a full on rock band. Thin Lizzy have plenty of material that is metal. And that track is definitely metal.

You're the one that needs to chill out. Coming at me with all this bullshit just because it was your pick. Why the fuck are you getting so emotional? Should i have lashed out at the people who were talking shit about my previous picks? Or should Espada get all butthurt because everyone shitted on his track for "not belonging" here? Oh and is the game ruined because i happened to be complaining about YOUR track? Oh doze emotionz tho

Whatever man, im just going to go ahead and ban myself form this thread. Dont wanna hurt anyones feelings or make people "feel bad".

I'm not going to ruin this thread with what's metal and what's not -- because that's not the point. If telling you to take the bitching somewhere else is "being emotional" then you don't understand what "being emotional" is (which is what you were doing in the first place).You were making a HUGE fucking deal about something nobody else gave a fuck about. Then kept saying "I'm not playing anymore!" like my preadolescent 8th graders who can't handle when they're wrong. Also, people actually LISTENED to the songs (i.e. the ENTIRE playlist before making whatever judgment) you've listed previously before saying anything about it, and not initially attacking it before the game even began.

There's nothing you can say or do to make me "feel bad." It's my song choice, and people are free to rate it whatever they want because that's the point of the game. If you want to poke fun at me THAT way (calling me emotional and whatever stupid bullshit attacks you try to use that have nothing to do with anything), you're PMSing WAY harder than I've ever had.

Anyways, I'm done arguing with you. I'll be listening to that playlist and rating. And drinking, naturally.
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