Themed Mixtape Game

I dont think I could begin to interpret poetry of another language, but given the language of Candlemass's song, a metaphor for alcohol doesnt seem to be very appropriate. Id be interested in looking into this further if I didnt have to sleep.
The song is about a funeral for an alcoholic wife who drank herself to death. The original composer was also a drinker. The last verse not included in the Candlemass version ends something like "thirsty is she, and thirsty am I, we are thirsty everyone". :)

Will try to rate when I get to work soon, if I don't get too disturbed!
This has probably been my favorite "mixtape" so far. Ratings below...

Gehennah - Piss off I’m Drinking - 8.5/10
Fuck yeah this is what I'm talking about. What a great opener. Just dirty & fast metal that makes you want to headbang and mosh with guys spilling shitty beer on each other

ZZ Top - Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers - 5/10
Aaaand now for something completely different. Haha what an abrupt shift. I've always enjoyed ZZ Top, but this isn't really grabbing me

Kawir - Hail Bacchus - 6.5/10
Nice fuzzy guitar tone. eRRRRoooRraawrrheeeeyyyahhh. I feel like I should be stomping around with a horn full of wine. Once the double bass kicked in, that brought it up a notch. Is that Christopher Lee on vocals?

Tankard - Need Money for Beer - 6.5/10
Wouldn't be a list about alcohol without a song from Tankard. Better than what I was expecting but still not mindblowing. Good energy though

Thin Lizzy - Got to Give it Up - 5/10
I was actually expecting someone to submit Whiskey in the Jar, but we got the Metallica version. That being said, still groovy. Better than the ZZ Top track.

Brocas Helm - Drink and Drive - 6.5/10
I had actually considered submitting this one, but one reviewer on M-A put it rather eloquently stating something like, this is the height of dad metal. That being said, the demo version is far better than the full-length version released later

Alestorm - Drink - 4/10
Eugh. I think I saw Alestorm open for someone once...pretty sure it was Paganfest. No thanks. This is what high schoolers who want to be edgy and listen to metal listen to while ironically wearing a Jack Sparrow costume.

Faustcoven - Whiskey Demon - 7.5/10
Thank god. I'm actually surprised to see Faustcoven on here...haven't listened to them in a long time.

Sarcofago - Alcoholic Coma - 8/10
Unleashing the fury. I agree with others it is a couple of minutes longer than it probably needs to be, but it's still a great fucking track

Iron Void - Demon Drink - 7/10
Some good hard rockin doom metal with a great rhythm.

Cross Examination - Blackout - 5/10
Oh man. Until the vocals kicked in I could've sworn this was total early 90s crossover. These vocals would take some getting used to

Black Flag - Six Pack - 8/10
Classic. Love it.

Barbatos - Satanik Beer - 7/10
Slam some Sapporo and push each other around. I'm down for it. Interestingly, I almost submitted an Abigail song

Acid Bath - Cheap Vodka - 8/10
This was the song I was super close to submitting but didn't because I couldn't find a good video track for it. I love Acid Bath and Dax Riggs, so I'm biased. This album is gold. Total 90s nostalgia

Candlemass - Epistle No. 81 - 6.5/10
It's good. It's Candlemass, but god I can't get behind doom metal like half of this board. I'm really picky about it (see my Iron Void and Saint Vitus ratings)I can appreciate it, but give me some old school thrash or death metal

Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar - 5/10
Always a good time. I sing this a lot in the shower.

Saint Vitus - Dying Inside - 7/10
Nice comedown track. Good stuff
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I'm too drunk to do it myself. I'll just let someone who cares actually do the honors for me. We aren't close to being done or anything yet but ya, you know.

Also, aside from the Vitus my favorite track on here is "Hail Bacchus" by Kawir and "Got to Give it Up" by Thin Lizzy with Gehennah close at it's tail.
Gehennah - Piss of I'm Drinking 8/10
Cult classic metal anthem, for people living the metal life. More attitude than real quality but quality nontheless.

ZZ Top - Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers 5/10
I mean, they are good at what they do I guess, but I have this tipping point where there is too much rock n roll and too little metal in a song, this falls on the wrong side of that point for me.

Kawir - Hail Bacchus 8/10
Not bad at all, never heard those actually but Greek bm with some Nokturnal Mortum-style folk melodies works suprisingly well.

Tankard - Need Money for Beer 5/10
Kind of the same as the ZZ Top song, good riffs and all, but just does nothing for me. The lyrics makes the song worse imo, usually can't stand "fun" in my metal.

Thin Lizzy - Got to Give it Up 7/10
I thought I would not like this, but I was wrong. I thought it was quite atmospheric and groovy. Totally worked.

Brocas Helm - Drink and Drive - 6/10
I'm not as big of a Brocas Helm fan as some people here and this isn't their top game but it's ok.

Alestorm - Drink 2/10
This kind of sing along metal is the worst kind sorry, can't stand this shit.

Faustcoven - Whiskey Demon 7/10
Just super dark and miserable. Great song!

Sarcofago - Alcoholic Coma 7/10
Not their best song, but it's Sarcofago, what can go wrong?

Iron Void - Demon Drink 6,5/10
In theory this is really good, I mean I like stuff like this, but this is abit too much Saint Vitus (and the likes) worship for me, I rather just listen to 'Vitus. The melodic part in middle was really nice though and gives extra points.

Cross Examination - Blackout - 6/10
I don't know, this is something I would probably never put on myself but it could be worse. I thought the vocals were fine tho.

Black Flag - Six Pack - 8/10
This rules, This is how songs about alcohol should sound! In the league with Gehennah.

Barbatos - Satanik Beer 6/10
Kind of the same as the Iron Void song, I mean it is good and all, but why would I listen to this instead of the Gehennah or Sarcofago songs?

Acid Bath Cheap Vodka 5/10
I've had several people try to get me into this band but it just doesn't do anything for me. Sludgy bands are just not my thing. This was not heavy enough or filthy enough, just a bland mix of both.

Candlemass - Epistle No. 81 7/10
The song certainly fits the theme, but the english translation isn't very good. Hamburgerboy have a point, Ancient Dreams is probably Candlemass worst album of the first four and it is kind of going on autopilot. Still Candlemass always works.

Metallica - Whisky in the Jar 2/10
Did not like it when it came out do not like it now, how does this do anything for anyone. Soulless as they come.

Saint Vitus - Dying Inside - 9/10
Saint Vitus is the ultimate band for this theme, and this song is just great. How Iron Void wants to sound! Slow, heavy and really depressing!
The song is about a funeral for an alcoholic wife who drank herself to death. The original composer was also a drinker. The last verse not included in the Candlemass version ends something like "thirsty is she, and thirsty am I, we are thirsty everyone". :)

Thanks for the clarification. I actually docked some points in my rating since it didnt seem relevant to the theme, but considering the context, I will have to fix that.
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1. Gehennah - Piss off I’m Drinking
5/10 I get that everyone slobbers over this band but I'm not really sure why. I like black thrash but this seems extremely standard.

2. ZZ Top - Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers
7/10 Far more badass than most of the metal on this list.

3. Kawir - Hail Bacchus
6/10 Cool song, my introduction to the band. Might have to dig a bit deeper here.

4. Tankard - Need Money for Beer
3/10 I don't like Tankard. This song didn't change that.

5. Thin Lizzy - Got to Give it Up
7/10 Solid song.

6. Brocas Helm - Drink and Drive
8/10 I love Brocas Helm and this song sounds loose and dangerous. Awesome.

7. Alestorm - Drink
5/10 I'm pretty sure if I listened to Alestorm too often it would give me cancer buuuut this is the only drinking song on the list so it gets points for that.

8. Faustcoven - Whiskey Demon
4/10 I like Faustcoven but this is a filler song and doesn't feel very alcoholic

9. Sarcofago - Alcoholic Coma
6/10 Good but runs a little long for a Sarcofago song.

10. Iron Void - Demon Drink
7/10 I have the full length but I've never heard this one. Solid stuff. Like the lyrical concept on this one a lot.

11. Cross Examination - Blackout
2/10 Would rather listen to Municipal Waste. Annnnd I would rather not listen to Municipal Waste.

12. Black Flag - Six Pack
6/10 fun song.

13. Barbatos - Satanik Beer
3/10 While Barbatos' engrish is sometimes comical, they're fairly shitty.

14. Acid Bath - Cheap Vodka
7/10 I knew a heavy chunk of the voters here wouldn't like this, but they have their legacy for a reason, I'll leave it at that.

15. Candlemass - Epistle No. 81
5/10 Yep, I'm sticking with At the Gallows End being the superior choice here.

16. Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar
4/10 I've heard this song so many times, if it comes on the radio I'll turn it at this point.

17. Saint Vitus - Dying Inside
8/10 I don't want being a Saint Vitus song a prerequisite to win... But.... Alcohol knows it's gonna win.

Yeah people saying that ZZ Top song isn't awesome? What is wrong with people?

I don't really have a problem with it, but it's a pretty average hard rock song by a pretty average hard rock band. There's not a lot to differentiate them from a lot of other bands of their era aside from having a cooler image than their contemporaries.

If someone isn't a fan of that style of music, they naturally won't elevate its rating to where you might.
I don't really have a problem with it, but it's a pretty average hard rock song by a pretty average hard rock band.

And it's still better than most of the stuff on this list.

Maybe my bad attitude towards a lot of the list came from me being sick with a fridge full of beer.
Gehennah - Legendary band, legendary album, great song. Nothing less, nothing more. 9/10

ZZ Top - I love ZZ Top but it's not their best song. Still a lovely album though. 7.5/10

Kawir - This was great. Haven't heard about this band earlier. Might be checking this out in the future. 8.5/10

Tankard - Not bad but I guess I'll never get into Tankard. I'm just not interested in that band. 7/10

Thin Lizzy - This track rocks. Good ol' Thin Lizzy. 8.5/10

Brocas Helm - Interesting, but not my cup of tea. 6/10

Alestorm - Hate that singalong part. Simply awful. 1.5/10

Faustcoven - Pretty dark one. Resembles me Swallowed. 6.5/10

Sarcofago - Ought to be shorter, but it's still Sarcofago. 7/10

Iron Void - I liked the vocals but nothing remarkable overall. 6/10

Cross Examination - Vocals were a bit whiny but I liked the song itself in fact. 6.5/10

Black Flag - Straightforward fucking hardcore punk. I love Black Flag. 8/10

Barbatos - Forgettable and the lyrics are shit. 3.5/10

Acid Bath - One of the bands I worship. Cheap Vodka, however, isn't my favorite from them. Still a solid listen everytime. 7/10

Candlemass - Obviously not their best material. Needs more variety but not bad after all. 6.5/10

Metallica - The amount of playtime it gets on the radio is awkward. I can't stand this track anymore 3/10

Saint Vitus - One of my fav from them. Also alcohol knows it's gonna win, again. 9.5/10
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let's just change the thread title to "The Saint Vitus fellation game" smh
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let's just change the thread title to "The Saint Vitus fellation game" smh

They're winning through legitimate voting process. Maybe if you picked something better than Alestorm or Eluveite, you might get better ratings.
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I hope anyone would do the same. I think they're amazing, but a theme that doesn't basically give them an automatic win would be nice. I knew that "Dragon Time" would win the last round and I knew "Dying Inside" would win this one, without seeing the playlist for either round.