Themed Mixtape Game

Its cool man, I do the same. It's clear at this point that classic doom has a huge advantage here, and in many cases I feel like they deserved the win, but id rather people actually pick what they want as opposed to what they thing will win over the majority taste of the community. Though tbh, this mixtape game is making me want to get more into doom; im more of a black and death metal listener and ive never really taken a liking to Sabbath, but I do have and love a couple Saint Vitus albums, and Candlemass and Reverend Bizarre (from earlier picks, I listen to more doom than this) are some of my favorite bands.

I'm not sure if this is actually true or not because, while I love doom, I still put it behind black and death metal on my favourite genres list. However, the doom in these playlists have been the best/among the best in each round imo. Death metal has been really poorly represented so far I think. Mortem, Arghoslent and Gorguts being the best so far if I remember. If people submitted some of the best death metal from the genre instead of shit like Hypocrisy and Behemoth, then a death metal song might actually win.
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doom sucks and is the "true metal" version of emo fag music
You mean sludge, and minus the "true metal" part (it's not).

I'm a big doom fan but it is kinda gay how many people jerk off to Vitus around here... Meanwhile hardly liking any other similar music. Fucking joke. Buncha followers.
Explain this please? I don't find this claim true at all...
Basically to win with a death metal song here it has to be sufficiently old school and win over the people who don't really love old school death in the first place. There's a very narrow list of shit that can win with the people playing this game as it currently is.

If you don't like seeing doom metal win every round and you aren't a normal player you have to VOTE to dethrone it. Doom metal is one of my favorite genres but the winner this round wasn't even a really good song and yet it beat out several easily superior songs.
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Arg, did you vote for Trump yet?

Also @EternalMetal that Griftegard song is hardly "classic doom." It's definitely from a more modern take on traditional doom metal. It's far slower, monotonous, and emotional than stuff like Trouble and Pentagram. I always like to look at trad doom branching out with the rise of Reverend Bizarre and Warning, especially with the European scene.
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I'm a big doom fan but it is kinda gay how many people jerk off to Vitus around here... Meanwhile hardly liking any other similar music. Fucking joke. Buncha followers.

This doesn't happen at all. People here like traditional doom quite a bit and there are a lot of bands that are routinely discussed. Revelation, Reverend Bizarre, Trouble, Candlemass, Warning and Solitude Aeturnus are just some doom metal bands that are quite popular here. It's not limited strictly to Saint Vitus by any means. I could name dozens more.

A lot of people do hate stoner doom metal.
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Yeah, I edited that out to avoid confusion. I wouldn't want all of the "doom followers" to waste their time looking for a band that doesn't exist.
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I was quite pleased by this pick. It seems very doom metal friendly too, as I would expect from someone with such a user title.
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Nice. I found some reincarnation-themed songs earlier today while looking for immortality-themed songs. Suppose I can use one of those.
Yeah, i was basically at the same point your at now, a couple months ago. Theres a section of doom that is all "happy, happy, happy" tunes that i don't really like. For me I went for the muddiest, sludgiest shit i could find. Then i stopped being a cunt and listened to it all. Just find what you like, i can send you some shit in a second if you want

Dont get me wrong, ive been listening to doom for years, but I usually neglect it for some good black, death, or heavy metal instead. Thanks for offering some recs, but im good for now.

I'm not sure if this is actually true or not because, while I love doom, I still put it behind black and death metal on my favourite genres list. However, the doom in these playlists have been the best/among the best in each round imo. Death metal has been really poorly represented so far I think. Mortem, Arghoslent and Gorguts being the best so far if I remember. If people submitted some of the best death metal from the genre instead of shit like Hypocrisy and Behemoth, then a death metal song might actually win.

I think it is just harder for death or black metal to completely nail a theme quite like doom has been doing. Sure it could be represented better, but doom's scope is just easier for this sort of game (and member preference) I think.

Also @EternalMetal that Griftegard song is hardly "classic doom." It's definitely from a more modern take on traditional doom metal. It's far slower, monotonous, and emotional than stuff like Trouble and Pentagram. I always like to look at trad doom branching out with the rise of Reverend Bizarre and Warning, especially with the European scene.

Admittedly I didnt even check out the previous playlist, and ive never heard of that band before.
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Yeah, I definitely agree that the themes haven't been the best for death metal, although this one should provide plenty of opportunity for it. Black metal has been represented quite well so far though I think, certainly better than death and thrash.

This part is the worst part of the game, it's the excitement of a new theme and then followed by the waiting to see the playlist after you have chosen a song!