Themed Mixtape Game

I probably won't be quick enough to rate this round, just as I wasn't quick enough to get a song in, which sucks. We'll see if it's still going tomorrow night.
Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge 10/10

I don't have any choice but to give this song a perfect rating based on how much I love it. It's a beautiful and absolutely crushing classic. It's also a unique song that tells a complete story about reincarnation backfiring due to the hubris of the sorcerer. Flawless.

Carnivore - Jesus Hitler 7/10

This is pretty good. I've actually never heard this band until today. I like the energy of this song and it's definitely a unique take on the theme.

Seance - Reincarnage 8.5/10

This is awesome. I'm glad to see some really crushing death metal in this game for once. I wasn't expecting this song to be in, but I love it and it fits the theme perfectly.

Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead 9/10

This song is sinister and incredible. I think that it's totally appropriate for the theme and I almost wish that I had picked it. This song has some of my favorite lyrics in the entirety of music.

Slayer - Reborn 8/10

It's kind of weird to hear this out of context. I think that it's suiting to the theme and a very intense classic song. Reign in Blood isn't my favorite Slayer album, but it's great and so is this track.

Death - Zombie Ritual 7.5/10

I would agree that this is the best Death song on the best Death album. Zombies are not a direction that I expected this playlist to go in, but I can't deny that I'm more than okay with this concept.

Holy Terror - Distant Calling 8.5/10

Holy Terror is awesome and this song is no exception to that rule. I love the sound of the guitars on this album and I think that this song is amazing. I have no idea who picked this, but good job!

Demigod - Reincarnation (Unholy Domain version) 8.5/10

I love Demigod and this song kicks ass. I'm really happy about some good death metal finally coming into this game. This song is incredible.

Sacrifice - Re-animation 7/10

This was pretty good, but it fell short of greatness for me. I did enjoy the lyrics and I think this was a good pick for this theme.

Tormentor - Damned Grave 10/10

I have no choice but to give this a perfect rating because I love Tormentor and this song rules. Absolutely sinister music tons of energy and vocals that truly sound evil. It fits the theme too.

Yuri Gagarin - The New World Order 6/10

This wasn't bad, but I felt like the track length was mildly overlong. The interesting parts of the song were pretty cool. I didn't expect this.

A.M.S.G. - Reincarnation of the Sun 5/10

Maybe I'm missing something, but this sounds like pretty standard modern black metal. It got boring after a little while.

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth 9/10

I don't think that this is the best song by this band, but it's still amazing. Death metal had a strong showing in this playlist and thisis no exception. Lovely.

Target - Ultimate Unity 7/10

This was pretty good. I'm not really big on this style of thrash metal, but it was more than adequate and actually kind of cool. I'm pleased at the amount of thrash that made it in.

Burzum - Burzum 8.5/10

While it might be the most overrated Burzum track, this song is excellent for this theme. I love the lyrics and atmosphere. This was a great way to end this playlist.
Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge
best song ever. 10/10

Carnivore - Jesus Hitler
carnivore are the aural equivalent of a tank, they just inexorably roll over you and crush your bones to dust. they're also pretty much the masters of comedic metal (which is really hard to do right, btw), even moreso than one of their main inspirations venom. perfect pick for the round, kudos. 7/10

Seance - Reincarnage
i actually prefer this album to some more heralded swedish classics, but maybe i'm more partial to a lil floridian influence than a few others here (not to mention less partial to that stockholm groove). i dig how unstable this stuff is, how sometimes it'll just throw out a great melody on a single bar before collapsing into something else. that whirlwind approach can be a double-edged sword with some bands but the chaos here is fairly controlled to these ears. a worthy alternative to my backup pick (necrophobic's 'awakening...'). 8/10

Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead
astonishing to this day. ungol had probably the most distinct sound of any '80s metal band, or at least the only one i can think of where every instrument is instantly, unmistakably theirs. this song is probably the best they ever wrote; ecstatically beautiful from start to finish, note-for-note coherent tonally, a masterpiece in structure, timing, tempo, melody and everything else. i regret giving perfect scores so freely in past rounds because this is the best song we've had in the game so far. 10/10

Slayer - Reborn
REIGN IN BLOOD is one of the most perfect metal albums ever made (in composition, sequencing, production, you name it), call it a homogenous suite if you must but i'd prefer to say it's unified, honed and distilled almost beyond belief. certainly its goals are more modest than those of HELL AWAITS, but it more completely realises those goals so maybe it balances out. that said, i think most of these songs suffer a little when taken out of context, and realistically this may be the weakest of them. 8/10

Death - Zombie Ritual
when pushed i'm more of a '90s man because of the extra subtlety, conceptual range and tonal ingenuity, but this is pretty much the definitive '80s death metal anthem. it's a little rudimentary and goofy (particularly the chorus) but in a way that evokes the shambling of a braindead zombie in some badass b-movie, so all's good. 9/10

Holy Terror - Distant Calling
an intriguing idea to have picked this. it's one of the most achingly expressive metal songs ever, the soaring epic to end all soaring epics. divine. 10/10

Demigod - Reincarnation (Unholy Domain version)
the most dank, morbid, heavy fucking death metal you'll find anywhere, and with intimations toward the atmospheric grandeur of the subsequent full-length, though it's not quite that distinctive. play this to any new DM band starting out, it's pretty much the benchmark for what most of them are going for. 9/10

Sacrifice - Re-animation
thought this might be here. they have better songs but it's good, if a little repetitive and in need of a better vocalist. 7/10

Tormentor - Damned Grave
i get what hbb means about the destruction warbles being 'forced' (mainly because it sounds like something i'd say), but i don't think it detracts in this case. tormentor have this kind of jerky thing going on in general, sounding unnatural and alien is part of their M.O.. granted, i'm biased because i fucking love destruction and their influence is sort of inherently a good thing to my ears, but i dig pretty much everything about this song, a rollercoaster through hell that escalates into a fervor only matched by the likes of satan's host. 9/10

Yuri Gagarin - The New World Order
pretty immersive, consistently enjoyable, kinda safe and one-note. 6/10

A.M.S.G. - Reincarnation of the Sun
pretty authentic ritualistic stuff with cool production and some pretty off kilter melodic lines. reminded me a little of wolfnacht and even eucharist (i'm sure there are more accurate reference points but w/e), both of which are good things. i didn't get the impression there was much of a relationship between the various distinct passages of this song though. 7/10

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth
basically death metal for space rock fans, which is fine. i mean, it's really just the chasm jamming comfortably within their established sound, but it's elevated by an absolute masterpiece of a production job. i miss the incredible originality and intensity of their finest work (nothing comes close to DEATHCULT overall for me, although every album has its transcendent spells including this one, just not on this song), and it's just generally a little repetitive and unsurprising and honestly approaching background music a la the yuri gagarin above, but i can't overstate how cool it sounds. 7/10

Target - Ultimate Unity
i've never heard this before. it owns. i'm not writing anymore because fuck you i need to sleep. 8/10

Burzum - Dunkelheit
this is the second most iconic burzum song for a reason, even if it wouldn't make my personal top five. perfect lyrics, my dad owns a t-shirt with them on the back. 8/10
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Holy Terror - Distant Calling
an intriguing idea to have picked this. it's one of the most achingly expressive metal songs ever, the soaring epic to end all soaring epics. divine. 10/10
I haven't submitted any song and don't have any plans to review this round but this made me listen to this song. I've never listened to Holy Terror before. I've written them off as some generic thrash act that I would find extremely boring, and not bothered. I must say that this sounds really really promising though. Great vocals!